Politics and Religion

Following in the footsteps of 5 Deferment Cheney Chickenshit Mitt-bot Rallies VFW
JeffEng16 22 Reviews 2286 reads

with the usual empty suit jingos.

Obama ashamed of America
Obama apologizes
Obama can't keep secrets
Obama gutting military

Put the "resolve in our might" by running away to Paris from service
5 Brave Mitt-Bott Sons run away from service.

This is exactly what 5 Deferment Cheney a friend of fake knee deferment Saxbutt Chambliss did.
Chambliss of the knee to weak to serve runs all over Beltway/and Va. golfcourses several times a week.

Mitt-Bott's tag-along who also spoke and railed against "Obama WH leaks" is Eric Edelman involved in the Scootsie Libby National Security Leeks that compromised CIA agent Valerie Plame and got Libby convicted and disbarred. Scootsie would be rotting in prison, but W gave him a partial pardon that kept his weak little ass from going to jail.

Meanwhile, the Boston Globe has reported that Mitt-Bott after promising complete transparency in the St. Lake Olympics, destroyed every last document connected to them.
Mitt-Bot also had all records from Massachusetts destroyed and spent an extra $100 doing it.

-- Modified on 7/25/2012 11:17:15 PM

lack of military service? Don't think I've seen any photos of him in uniform. He was still underage when Nixon ended the draft, but he could have joined up, and served when he was older. But, like Clinton, guess he was too chickenshit, huh?

Wonder how many months it took for Romney to destroy all those SLC Olympics documents by himself? He must have gone through a few shredders destroying all that paper.

Oh, and Valerie Plame was a CIA analyst, not a covert agent. She was riding a desk in Langley. One of the three Clinton appointed lawyers in the DOJ that wrote the CIA Agent Outing law said it didn't apply to Plame's position in the company. Libby was convicted for lying to the FBI, not for outing Plame.

can get a chance to do their firing in Afghanistan.  Take your rounds to Afghanistan.  The only problem is the GOP posse here long past the age where they can be drafted. But a draft is the way to go; fuck this bumper sticker patriot bullshit where "We support the troops as long as we aren't the troops."

I expect you will be first in line to be drafted and inducted, right? Gotta do your duty for the country, and not be a chickenshit.

and her life was endagered as well as people who worked for her by the reckless chickenshit leaking of Rove, Libby,  and Eric Edelman, Principal Deputy Assistant to the Vice President who worked for Libby. Edelman ended his work in Cheney's office under Libby in July of 2003.

Plame Leakers included Edelman, Romney's assistant now, who was Libby's assistant  and facilitated the Plame leak, who had the chutpah to get up yesterday and complain about  leaks in the WH :D :D,  5 Deferment Dick Cheneym, and Rove who pissed in his pants 5 times a day while he sweated being indicted.  Rove is the perfect profile for somoene's bitch in the BOP.

According to General Michael Hayden appointed by George W. Bush,  who was Director of the CIA during the Plame leak, and during the investigation of Libby, Valerie Plame was a covert agent, during the time her status was revealed by Bob Novak. That's the kind of GOP dismissal like the WSJ who refused to spill a drop of ink covering the Libby trial.
Rep. Henry Waxman read a prepared statement with the express approval of the head of the CIA and reviewed therewith — that substantiated the fact that Valerie Plame Wilson was a covert CIA officer, working on classified WMD issues for the CIA and the national security fo the United States.

Plame most definitely supervised WMD covert operations and frequently travelled in the field to dangerous venues. This is well established, but somehow GOPsters get some kind of congenital exemption from reading and often writing that stays with them for life. Her travels as a covert agent were confirmed by Michael Hayden who was a Bush appointee as Director of the CIA.

Plame also testified before Congress that she was a covert agent, not some desk riding clerical worker as JS intimates.

VALERIE PLAME: Congressional Testimony 3.16.06 Testimony Before Committee on  Government Oversite and Reform House of Representatives United States of America

John Bates, the D.C. district court judge who dismissed the Wilson's civil suit acknowledged that Plame was a covert operative as did the head of the  CIA. The suit was dismissed on a very common ground that the Wilson's hadn't exhausted admin remedies. The D.C. Circuit upheld the dismissal in a 2-1 opinion. The S.Ct. denied cert. to their appeal.

Libby was sentenced to 30 months in prison on 4 counts, a fine of $250 grand, and 2 years of supervised release.  He no longer practices law, and while he was spared entry into the  BOP, he remains convicted.

-- Modified on 7/26/2012 9:13:27 AM

Wrong, wrong, maybe, not lately, wrong, lied?, right, and right.

Does the name Richard Armitage ring a bell? If you have the time, when not treating patients, you might take a look at Executive Order 12958, 17 April, 1995, signed by William Jefferson Clinton. As I said before, one of the writers of that order from the DOJ said that Plame's employment with the CIA, at the time Novak got his info from Armitage, was not covered by the E.O. she indeed, was an NOC operative on two occasions, but that time frame had long since passed the limitations established by E.O.12958. I believe it was limited to 7 years, but not 100% about that. The disclosure documents I signed were always limited to 7 years.

-- Modified on 7/26/2012 7:08:18 AM

support for your wild and crazy knee-jerk Right Wing assertion. Gotta hand it to ya JF, you're consistent. And then when you post no documentation but your wild opinions, and someone disagrees with you and proves it they are a LIAR--Ga. Gamblypoo style. Great form, professional, and full of the comity that you learned from Gamblypoo that WillyWonk wants so badly.

Gamblypoo's bullshit assertion is interesting. Gamblypoo didn't care whether what was posted was correct. From Gamblypoo came this assertion that anyone but him was an idiot if they supported one part or another.  That "I never criticized the Dems" which could not be further from the truth.

Neither Obusha (particularly Obusha) when it comes to Afghanstian and blowing billions on the killing and maiming of 10,000 Americans with next to nothing to show for it, and billions per month which could be used for so many domestic purposes to strengthen the economy or Mitt-Bot dares to do anything to control the pandemic of guns into the hands of a pandemic of morons.

Also let me know when you go to Superior  Court wherever the fuck you are NJ or Philly and change the suffix of your name to -"poo"?  How 'bout your Right Wing posse--same thing? :D

-- Modified on 7/26/2012 10:43:22 AM

WTH, are you taking some of your own self-prescribed drugs? You on uppers or downers today? That reply made no sense whatsoever, especially considering the posting line.

In testimony before Congress, Michael  Hayden, then CIA director appointed by then President George W. Bush testified that Valerie Plame was a covert agent, often travelling to foreign destinations under cover as a manager of WMD at CIA.  I guess you don't watch "Covert Affairs" on USA with the  lovely and talented Piper Parabo as the agent, but Plame did travel  covertly as a CIA agent, was not riveted to a desk as JF asserted, and further both the D.C. district court, Judge John Bates, and the D.C. Circuit that handled the Wilson's civil suit agreed that she was a covert agent. Her suit was not dismissed because she wasn't a covert agent; it was dismissed on techincal grounds in a 2:1 vote (only a 3 judge panel in the D.C. Circuit) that used the usual bullshit about not exhausting her administrative remedies when in fact there were no administrative remedies.

Does your wife or your girlfriend or your boyfriend ever tell you you're getting boring?
How many times are you going to use
a) so and so lis a liar because they don't agree with ME
b) so and so is an idiot because they don't agree with ME
c) so and so is (very sophisticated here) on lol "uppers and downers" because they don't agree with me and tried to make it simple for me to  understand by using the analogy of the TV  show on the CIA "Covert Affairs." Check it out--USA Cable.

Covert Affairs starring Piper Parabo

Plame was a covert agent, and you can't find any evidence she wasn't except your wild and crazy delusions and your cues from Limbaugh, Levin, and Savage as well as of course the lovable moronic lamebrains on "Fox and Friends."

-- Modified on 7/26/2012 10:44:51 AM

posting online, or is this just your FOT? Later dude, you're beyond help.

-- Modified on 7/26/2012 7:49:24 AM

the time of her outing by Mr. Novak because this issue was commonly discussed without context.

        For purposes of our national securities laws which make it a crime to knowingly identify a “covert agent” under some circumstances, the agent’s identity must not only be classified information but the agent must serve outside the US or have served outside the US within the past five years:

(4) The term "covert agent" means — (A) a present or retired officer or employee of an intelligence agency or a present or retired member of the Armed Forces assigned to duty with an intelligence agency — (i) whose identity as such an officer, employee, or member is classified information, and (ii) who is serving outside the United States or has within the last five years served outside the United States;

       When Ms. Plame was initially outed by Novak, many concluded she was not a statutory covert agent because she was working in the US. Nonetheless, the US Attorney subsequently filed court papers acknowledging that she had taken trips outside the US during the past 5 years and was covert for this reason.

      Apparently he did  not prosecute Scooter for this crime because he did not think he could prove the scienter requirements under the statute. Disclosure of a covert agent’s identity is a crime only if done “knowing that the information disclosed so identifies such covert agent and that the United States is taking affirmative measures to conceal such covert agent's intelligence relationship to the United States.”

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