Politics and Religion

Fed. judge finds GOP hero Sheriff Joe Arpaio racially profiled...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1797 reads

...Latinos.  That judge is probably some knee-jerkoff liberal Obama appointee you're thinking, right?  Well, you're wrong - U.S. Dist. Judge G. Murray Snow was nominated by George W. Bush.

followme375 reads

That is NOT what I thought, NOT at all.

However you by your own words.....

..."It's very easy to throw out accusations when you are anonymous.  You can say anything you want.  But after a while, when you see a poster who makes claims without proof, you dismiss his posts because he lacks any credibility."  

.....prove you have no credibility, in addition to no honor or integrity and we all know why that is.

also if Joe did wrongly profile them he needs to be taken to task for doing so, and the fact that the judge was nominated by Bush it proves that Bush nominated judges that are FAIR and  

You're Welcome
For God and Country

-- Modified on 5/24/2013 10:39:12 PM

Panthera12320 reads

You must have a lot of guilt on your mind. Were your ancestors slave buyers/traders?

It's really funny that you do more racial profiling then anyone else here, like your disdain of Korean's and Asians.

is that President Bush worked across party lines.

By the comments though,  I think "the people"  (of course what does our government care about what the people say)  have spoken,  and they agree,  that if the Federal Government can't take care of our borders,  then local government should.  I certainly don't agree with everything Sheriff Arpaio stands for,  but when it comes to protecting the borders of Arizona,  then he should do what he needs to do.  


I particularly like the last comment in this link by Larry Vian:

Immigration is in the minds of the progressive as a way to dilute the texture of the United States and make the constitution malleable to be molded into a more irrelevent document. The move then will be to transform the nation into a more marxist state where by God and Country becomes a MOOT endeavor. It isn't about protection it is about transitioning. Arizona needs to stand firm and other states need to back them up. Draw the line in the sand or lose it. We cannot afford to be lukewarm about our country any longer or the masses will be to large to do anything about it.

The masses are our country. What does it say on the Statue of Liberty:  

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

― "quote onthe Statue of Liberty"

You sound very elitist! What are you, a member of the National  Society Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims?  ;)

The majority of petty crimes are committed by poor people...

Keep it up, you'll have xfean posting Tim Wise videos.

-- Modified on 5/25/2013 10:43:51 AM

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