Politics and Religion

fair enough pwilley
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1556 reads

...but I still don't see any "fees" being enacted either. Maybe I'm just ignorant of the facts, but as far as I know, the only tax they've added is on people with "cadillac" health plans, and that isn't even passed yet. Hardly much to get into a tizzy about. A grumble, sure. But a tizzy?

John_the_Fairy_Kerry4104 reads

They won't admit that the race is a referendum on Obama, and his fuckin socialist agenda, and that even liberal freaks in Massachusetts can't swallow the taxing & spending!

Dems are already saying Coakley is a bad candidate who ran a bad campaign. They don't have the balls to look in the mirror & say America doesn't want big government, more spending, big brother, more taxes, and socialism !

Up until the last 6 months, the Dems could have run Bin Laden in Mass, and won. THAT'S how bad the Dems & Obama have fucked the country up. But they will blame Coakley for losing !   :-)

Well, I won't count the chickens until the votes are in, buy I'm praying he wins... The dems can't say anthing but blame the candidate, they are still caught in their politics as usual crap, but the tea leaves certainly point to a rude awakening... What's not so sure is whether the repubs have learned any lessons from all this.  I hope so...

What the last several election cycles have demonstrated more than anything is not "elect Democrats" or "elect Republicans", it's "Out with the old, and in with the new".

When it comes to this Mass Senate seat, then getting a Republican in there would certainly be new.

I would certainly say that Coakley is a bad candidate. About as inspiring as a 6 hour PBS documentary on the flatuence habits of sperm whales. Dems lost the governor's chair in VA for the same reason. The candidate was too boring to bother to look up on wikipedia. If your most redeming quality is that "when you're in my presence you'll pass out faster than if you downed a bottle of NyQuil", then maybe you shouldn't try to win a popularity contest.

I don't think the Dems are fucking this country up. In fact, I don't think the country has changed very much at all in the last year. Can you point to anything tangible in your own life that's changed because Obama is president? I mean really?

As best as I can tell the only thing the Dems have managed to do is slow the job loss rate, and do a whole lot of nothing.

John_the_Fairy_Kerry1205 reads

Polls now have Brown up from 5% -10% in the most liberal state in the country.

Obama's policies of taxing three generations into bankruptcy, and making us European style Socialists don't even fly in Taxachusetts !

Top marginal income taxes under REAGAN was 50% for most of his presidency. Obama isn't even pushing very hard to raise it from 35% to 39.5%.

Reagan LOWERED the tax rates down from 50% !  WTF planet are you on???

Obama's agenda CANNOT be enacted without a huge tax increase on virtually EVERYONE with a job !

Nothing that comes out of your mouth is even close to accurate.

...then you would know that I've cited Reagan lowering top marginal income tax rates from 70% to 50% and then to 25%. However, it was 50% for the majority of his presidency.

We've spent a trillion dollars on the Iraq war, and cut taxes at the same time. So, yes, Obama can very easily enact his "agenda" without raising taxes. Criticise him when he actually has, or has even proposed to raise taxes on everyone with a job.

Well, let's be careful in our use of the term "tax".  While OB has not yet proposed raising income tax rates for most, he and his advocates in Congress have certainly proposed other forms of "tax" on virtually everyone but they have done so under the cloak of calling them "fees".  Look at energy, healthcare, or whatever debate you choose... they all embrace new "fees or taxes" depending on what term you want to use.  Reminds me of Clinton's claim that a bj is not sex, end result is still the same...

My theory is that if it is money that I now must spend as part of some new or modified legislation, then its a damn tax.. short and sweet.

...but I still don't see any "fees" being enacted either. Maybe I'm just ignorant of the facts, but as far as I know, the only tax they've added is on people with "cadillac" health plans, and that isn't even passed yet. Hardly much to get into a tizzy about. A grumble, sure. But a tizzy?

Especially if ACORN works its magic....

maybe even Kennedy will turn up to vote.... now wouldn't that be a kick.

they have against them for caging voters.

Damn, all those upcoming elections in New Orleans are gonna be fucked up now it only real live folks are allowed to vote, and only vote once.  Bubba Henry would have never been elected if that was the rules

Coakley is a horrible canidate and this is one of the worst campiagns I have ever witnessed. Like previous people mentioned, she has no carisma and just isnb't likeable.

Plus there really isn't a sense of strong standing on any policy, and she clearly is not up to date on the issues and state legislation.

I think Obama is a non factor in Mass. People who like him are voting for Coakley already, and those who don't are bass supports for Brown already. Obama has proven in Washington and on on the road that he lost any ability to sway the middle. People don't by the speaches any more. And I just don't think people trusyt him.

St. Croix782 reads

really showed how stupid she is. Almost Pelosi stupid. Everybody in Mass, and New England for that matter, are die hard Red Sox fans. Maybe the Red Sox nation will vote in tandem to ensure no more future embarrassment of the Red Sox's.

St. Croix1212 reads

to find something on sports, even on the P&R Board. And yes, nobody is as stupid as that cosmetic surgery mistake named Pelosi. She is starting to look like Joan Rivers, or worse the Joker from Batman.

GaGambler1010 reads

Our very own Willie Wonka makes Nancy "natural gas is not a fossil fuel" Pelosi look like a Rhodes scholar in comparison.

Now liorr and Nancy Pelosi, that match up is hard to call. lmao

txtransplant1060 reads

It would take a full year just to scratch the surface...lol

Are you dissin my girl Pelosi? She gives great head-ache!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

In one debate she said that the terrorists were all gone from Afgahnistan and that we could leave now.  She has an amazing grasp of foreign affairs.

Say it isn't so! Palin has competition now for being clueless???

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