Politics and Religion

fair enough.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 645 reads

think I've said it before, but concision isn't my strong suit. I do try though.

....And guess what? The sky still isn't falling. Isn't it amazing? Judging by the media reaction to this law, you'd think that Georgia would now look like a Walking Dead hellscape, with piles of bodies everywhere. Instead the new law went into effect, and it's almost like you didn't even notice. Strange, eh?

The gun grabbers in the media have had to endure a bit of egg on their face as of late. Recently, the media parroted the claim that there's been a "school shooting" for every week of school in America. As it turns out, this claim came from a gun control advocacy group, called Everytown for Gun Safety. Judging from their website and their advisory board, this group is just another group related to Mayors Against Illegal Guns. @sshat extraordinaire Michael Bloomberg serves on both boards.  

This ridiculous claim was picked up by the typical gun grabber websites, Huffpo, Daily Kos, and what not, but CNN picked it up too, and it seems that CNN had to make a retraction.  

That's because Everytown counted such incidents as a man who had no relationship with any public school, killing himself in the parking lot of said school in the middle of the night. Other incidents included an armed robbery that happened on a street that goes to a university campus.  

A more careful look at the 74 instances that Everytown counted, only 10 instances qualify as what your average person would call a real school shooting. Half of the incidents Everytown counted, were simply criminal activities that happened on college campuses.  


We all know it's bound to happen sooner or later, a shoot out at the OK Corral. But look at the uneasiness it's causing, probably more now then not knowing who had a gun. I rather walk the streets of East LA, then go to the Wall Mart in Macon.

...specifically mentioned East Los, a census-designated place (CDP).  It's basically a city unto itself with a population of 128,000 - it's just not incorporated.  Yet you post worthless stats about the ENTIRE city of Los Angeles with a population of almost 4,000,000.  Macon has a population of 91,000.  You're comparing the crime stats of a town of 91,000 to a city of 4,000,000.  Now THAT'S funny!  Can you spell "disingenuous?"

-- Modified on 7/15/2014 2:48:03 AM

While you have your magical calculator out, tells us how many shootings, stabbings, rapes, robberies, muggings, assaults, have occurred in Walmart Macon ga.  
Do the same for E LA.  

We'll see real quick who's being disingenuous  

Happys just being quippy, your dumbass is serious!!

This law just doesn't make fuckin sense, that's all. I used Macon as an example, and I'm sorry if I offended your home town. And I didn't link crime stats because I don't need stats to tell me shit when I see shit.

Human beings are often very poorly suited to make risk assessments. Often we see risk when little exists, and we also often see no risk when plenty exists. "Calling them like you see them" is just plain foolish.  

In psychology, there is a sub field known as heuristics. These are "mental rules of thumb". They exist inside our brains to make decision making faster when you encounter danger. The problem is that these decisions are often wrong. The representativeness heuristic tells you that flying a plane is extremely dangerous. After all, you never see a plane reported on the news unless it's crashed. This creates a bias, because you don't see the countless examples of planes taking off and landing safely.  

The same principle applies when it comes to guns. Just as the media created an irrational fear of terrorism in the public mind some 10 years ago, today, the media has created an irrational fear of guns. You believe that guns are inherently dangerous things, and that if more people around you have them, then you're more likely to get shot and killed. This, however, isn't supported by the evidence. In fact, most firearm homicides happen in urban areas, where the percentage of the population that owns firearms is the lowest.  

Now, let's look at the actual law. Prior to the passage of this law, it was illegal to carry a firearm into a restaurant that served alcohol, or to a church. You might ask yourself, "How many states prohibit carrying guns into restaurants that serve alcohol?" If you said "two" then you guessed too many. That's right, it's legal to carry a firearm into a bar in every state in the union except for Louisiana. Guess what? Bodies aren't piling up at bars.  

You could also ask, "how many states prohibit carrying guns into church?" I'm not sure of the number, but I have no doubt that it's very few states, and all of them are likely in the old South.  

What this law actually does, is bring Georgia into the mainstream with the rest of the country.

How did this Georgia law pass, was it voted on ballot by Georigians? Just curious. Or was it passed by state legislators? If the people voted for this, then it is what it is. It would surprised me if John Q public voted for this. I'm from LA and this sorta of thing baffles me.

Posted By: hpygolky
We all know it's bound to happen sooner or later, a shoot out at the OK Corral. But look at the uneasiness it's causing, probably more now then not knowing who had a gun. I rather walk the streets of East LA, then go to the Wall Mart in Macon.

...you're thinking of the Crips and the Bloods, a set that splintered off from the Crips.

That's what's up, son.

GaGambler945 reads

they may not the Blue Flannel that the Crips wear, or the Red that the Bloods are famous for, but yes many if not most of the gangs in East LA wear colors too.

but then again, I doubt you spend a lot of time in East LA with the SA's, not that I blame you. I also stay out of South Central and Compton as well. Hanging out in those areas is not real good for your health, but once upon a time, I did spend a lot of time in East LA, and yes even back then it was about as nice as Oakland. lol

...burrito at El Tep?

Pendletons are so passé; haven't you heard?

P.S. - it's "esé" not SA, homes.

-- Modified on 7/16/2014 2:49:53 AM

I go there about once a week, ain't no cholos on Evergreen. Sorry to hear that Manuel passed away a few months ago. Shit I went solo on a Manuels Special on day. Fuck, Manuels made the big time, on the fuckin TER..WOW!

And when it falls, it is going to be bad, very bad.

Rednecks are at lake drunk at the moment.  

Wait till the weather starts cooling.

This may not end well, but I hope their guns turn out like this.....

And in case you've missed it, Stand Your Ground laws prohibit people from using deadly force unless someone is trying to kill them. Yes, this is true.  

Self-defense laws have a very long history in this country. The right of self-defense was considered a human right even before our Constitution was signed. It's origins date all the way back to old English common law, and these precedents were used to apply the right of self-defense in most states prior to passing SYG laws. SYG laws simply put these rules into law instead of relying on court precedent.

When you need guns to protect your family and property, you are living in fucking Somalia or Rwanda. Calling yourself a 1st worl civilized country is a damn shame.

From Central America. They have a tradition of peace on Nicaragua Guatemala Honduras etc...

Yes, they will make every town a more peaceful place

Shall I say, what was herd Rush, his spiritual and political Guru!

.....percolate. Only a matter of time before young Black/Hispanic males in hoodies start dropping like flies for really stupid s*!t.

They'll surely stage another mass shooting incident like Newtown/Sandyhook (maybe even in Georgia) too garner more support for making gun owners a pariah, and later total gun confiscation at the hands of a fully militarized police force.  I hope not; but if history serves...............

Yet you want an electric car. :D


Posted By: RRO2610
They'll surely stage another mass shooting incident like Newtown/Sandyhook (maybe even in Georgia) too garner more support for making gun owners a pariah, and later total gun confiscation at the hands of a fully militarized police force.  I hope not; but if history serves...............

and guess what- no mass public shooting involving “assault weapons” or high capacity” magazine.

       So by your reasoning Willy, the Safe Law law is working- right

Mass public shootings are very rare events. Their frequency is actually on the decline.  


In fact, in the last 20 years, only 1 mass shooting happened in the state of New York.  


New York's per capita firearm homicide rate is 2.7, which is about the median rate for the country. To the best of my knowledge, this number hasn't changed in either direction, since the passage of the Safe Act.  

Lastly, it makes no difference is a firearm homicide is committed with a "high" capacity magazine or not. Dead is dead. Someone can kill someone else just as effectively with a 6 shot revolver as they can with a 17 round Glock.  

This demonstration shows that there is very little chance that lower magazine capacity limits will save lives. It's worth watching all 14 minutes of this video.  


GaGambler751 reads

We will go even longer than six months without either a single pregnant basketball or a single basketball coming down with an STD.

My post is just about as relevant as Mari's

just as relevant, twice as silly, and three times more obnoxious.

par for the P&R course, no doubt:P

GaGambler640 reads

But in re to my post being "three times as obnoxious" at least I never intended for my post to be taken seriously, Mari can't claim that particular high ground.

and my response was a lot better read than Willy's who used at least twice as many words and three separate links to knock down Mari's strawman.

think I've said it before, but concision isn't my strong suit. I do try though.

is any evidence whatsoever that “guns everywhere” is good policy, then the far longer period without a targeted shooting incident in New York must be evidence that the Safe Law is working.

You can’t  have it both ways.

         Of course, we know that these short time periods bear no relevance to whether either law is good or bad policy.  Now I predict the Georgia law is going to become the poster boy for gun control in a few years not so much bc there will be more gun violence but bc there will be more accidental discharges and cross fire shootings in public.  

       Gun violence may go down or it may go up but we can never attribute these acts to the law bc so many other factors are at play, as we have discussed before. Accidental discharges and public crossfire, however, are another matter.

We will save the high capacity magazine debate for another time

Sooner or later a couple of "Good Ol Boys" will have a bit to much "liquid courage", get into a disagreement and it will be a repeat of the "OK Corral"!  

Just look a bit to the south where a"gun permit holder" shot a young man because his music was to loud.  Or another shot a gentleman because he was texting on his phone in a movie theater.

Makwa, It's legal to carry in restaurants that serve alcohol in every single state except Louisiana. Yet, you don't see endless news stories of people getting shot at bars.  

The guy who shot that kid for playing music too loud will be spending the rest of his life in jail. The same thing will be the fate of the guy who shot that person in the movie theater. When you break the law, you go to jail. That's how it works.  

Or would you prefer that we put people in jail BEFORE they break the law?

I believe its the responsibility of society to protect the innocent!  
I'm not against gun ownership, but I do believe a gun owner should be required to show that he knows how to safely use, carry, and store a firearm.  As well as under what circumstances it use may be justified.  Waiting until someone kills someone is a complete system failure!

"I do believe a gun owner should be required to show that he knows how to safely use, carry, and store a firearm."

Gun owners ARE required to show this in order to get a concealed carry license. But gun ownership alone is a Constitutional right. You aren't required to pass a test to attend a church or consult a lawyer. Why should you have to pass a test to own a gun?  

"As well as under what circumstances it use may be justified."

This is well defined by the law.  

"Waiting until someone kills someone is a complete system failure!"

Is it a complete system failure when other laws are violated? Is it a complete system failure of the speed limit system on our nation's highways when someone speeds?

Well if we can't put provisions in place to protect innocent people we have a serious problem in this country!

86H13LTP774 reads

because tombstone  made you check your guns for a reason and airports are nuff said but the rest of the law was good . An 18 yo on active duty can now carry in GA and like Deal said " if they can carry to defend against our enemies then you  should be allowed to carry at home too.  

I had several questions about it but after speaking to the young go getter state rep who put it in motion he sold me on his reasoning behind it .  

Notice to all dirtbags in Georgia think twice scum bag because next time it won't be just the owner who comes out of the back slinging lead.  

-- Modified on 7/16/2014 12:55:46 AM

People carry guns into bars legally in 49 states in the country. No one ever seems to have an issue with it. I believe, the reason why the airport part of the law was included was to prevent people from getting arrested for having a gun in their suitcase, not knowing that it's not legal to carry a firearm onto an airplane. People still can't carry onto airplanes.

86H13LTP613 reads

Was in their brief case.  

Last night the DOT signs heading into town said look twice and make sure you haven't left your kid in the backseat . WTF is that ????  The only person who would do that did it on purpose like Tide-ville boy .

-- Modified on 7/16/2014 10:05:25 PM

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