Politics and Religion

Excuse me Senator
avenger1001 4460 reads
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Arizona, a very solid right-wing Republicon state, where presidential hopeful McCain heils from.

Now they are coming for you in Arizona, all you horny, lonely right-wing sex addicts.  Yes, there was another prostitution bust, but this time the police and politicians have the records of thousands of male clients/johns in this bust, and they intend to arrest and prosecute every one of you.

Billkile, GaGambler, and other Nazi friends, they're coming for you sooner than you want to think.....

CynicalSOB 1683 reads
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What's the best way to get positive attention from the Evangelicals infesting our country?
Family Values. Hoo Haa. Abortion! Hoo Haa. PROSTITUTION!!! A HA!

Fucking jackoffs at the Federal level could spend their dollars alot better hunting that fucker Osama Bin Fuckwad than going after the sex workers again. Fuckers should investigate Dick Fucking Cheney George Dumbshit Bush AND that Bimbo from the Bay in Congress instead.

When the FUCK are we going to be rid of the yoke of Religious oppression and its recessive gene pool?

Tax my Testicles, you basturds!

zisk 86 Reviews 1518 reads
3 / 31

what say you now, o' childish one?

and why the fuck are you even on this site at all?

GaGambler 2351 reads
4 / 31

He thought he was on to something. I suppose you are going to tell him that there's no Santa Claus next. lol

You do have a point however. WTF is he doing here anyhow?

Night Stalker 1960 reads
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vehicles used in the commission of prostitution.  Super liberal former governor and former mayor of Oakland, Jerry Brown appeared before the Los Angeles City Council to testify how successful the vehicle seizure program was in Oakland after he implemented the ordinance.  The only City Council members who voted against the ordinance were Dennis Zine, a retired LAPD officer and Bernard Parks, the former Chief of Police.  Both Zine and Parks said seizing vehicles in connection with prostitution activity would be a waste of time and resources for the police department and accomplish nothing in the way of addressing the problem of street prostitution.  The ordinance was adopted anyway.  Fortunately the California State Supreme Court ruled the ordinance was unconstitutional which ended the vehicle seizures in California. There was a conservative majority on the California Supreme Court when the ordinance was ruled unconstitutional.  Just because the whacked out Evangelicals happen to be members of the Republican Party you cannot assume all Republicans think the way they do.  There are as many, if not more, liberal Democrat law makers who are against the decriminalization of prostitution as there are conservative Republicans.  The amount of conservatives who participate in this forum would certainly indicate anti prostitution is not a partisan issue.

avenger1001 1981 reads
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Oh, there are Democrats living in Arizona.  No duh!  But the simple reality is that Arizona is a Republican right-wing stronghold.

Just because a black woman (Con. Rice) is part of Bush's cabinet, does that mean blacks and women are strong supporters of your Republicans?

Even a 12 year old kid can come up with a better argument, which indicates your not even 12.

Who am I?  I'm a little older than 12 and I am a professional Nazi hunter.  And like manhunters and investigators, I know that certain groups strongly tend to congregate in certain areas.

Where do lonely, white male, republican, right-wing hypocrites and losers like you congregate?

Right here, where you engage in illegal acts of prostitution (which you right-wingers illegalized), because that is the only way you can find a female to have sex with.

In todays information age, it will be extremely easy to find you.  Every provider you visit has your cell phone number permantly recorded.  When the police arrest her, they get her phone list and then find and arrest you.

Think it can't happen to you and will let your guard down?  Oh my, you are such an imbecile in the art of war.  The Nazi sex police are coming for you and they know where you live......

avenger1001 1778 reads
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This is no lip service with some distant prostitutes being arrested and the johns getting away scott free.

As the original article says:
Going after maybe thousands of customers from 400 page ledger police found

Chan 15 news 6pm reports thousands of customers names seized and many of them are well known name everyone will know, "and every single one of them will be prosecuted."

And Maricopa County has already prosecuted the escorts and johns, and will continue to get every one of them.  Specific agencies being investigated and prosecuted:

Desert Divas LLC
Night Partners Entertainment
NPE Management Services
Hips Touring LLC
Escorts in Action
AZ Confidential
Desert Divas New Mexico

And the FELONY charges are mounting up:
On July 24, 2008, a Maricopa County grand jury handed up a 17-count indictment naming 55 defendants.
On August 4 and 5, 2008, Phoenix police began making a series of arrests.
The charges in the indictment include:
• Illegal Control of an Enterprise, a class three felony
• Conspiracy to Commit Illegal Control of an Enterprise, a class three felony
• Illegal Participation in an Enterprise, a class three felony
• Money Laundering, a class two felony
• Money Laundering, a class three felony
• Operating or Maintaining a Prostitution Enterprise, a class five felony
• Pandering, a class five felony
• Receiving the Earnings of a Prostitute, a class five felony
• Prostitution, a class one misdemeanor
• Employment in prostitution, a class one misdemeanor
• Use of Wire or Electronic Communication in Drug Related Transactions, a class four felony
Veteran Deputy County Attorney Laura M. Reckart is prosecuting the case.

Doesn't it suck to have sex with the Nazi sex police?  Next time you go off and pay $300+ an hour to that escort, keep in mind you will be tracked sooner or later.

avenger1001 1486 reads
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Since they are going to attack me anyway, I'll take the first step and spit out the truth which everyone knows.

zisk 86 Reviews 1753 reads
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yet its the Democratic mayor who is trumpeting it on his official webpage, and controls police budgets, and the governor is a Democrat as well, then its rather difficult to spin this as being carried out by Republicans.

You are just making up shit to fit your own spin. You've been reading too many of Xia's posts.

The point was not that Dems can get elected, but that they are CURRENTLY IN CHARGE. Good lord, you are an idiot.

You also might want to read up on what the Nazis actually did before you start tossing that term around so cavalierly.

harryj 1528 reads
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So you are going to "spit out the truth". It appears that any correlation between the truth and your banter is strictly accidental. I suggest you start by spitting out the crap in your sophmoric head.

harryj 2247 reads
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You claim to be a "little older than 12". Well, ok, maybe you are 13, but you appear to be a retarded 13 year old. When you go hunting be sure to take your flashlight, with that and both your hands you might be able to locate your ass and it likely be the only one you ever get.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1653 reads
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XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1695 reads
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GaGambler's only worried if they're coming after him for purposes of taxation.  He seems pretty calm, an admirable quality,  and i'd expect him to take in stride any minor infringements on his hobbying activities.

If worse comes to worse, i'd expect him to relocate to Colombia or Costa rica.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2053 reads
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ahem, ever hear of "oops!  sorry, wrong number"?

unless you're caught in the act, or there's a real paper trail of financial transactions between you and Ms. Provider, i think you can rest easy, no matter that she's got your cellphone number.

other than that, you are a very interesting presence on this here Board.  The multiple outraged responses you provoke tell me you've drawn blood by cutting deeply into the aorta.

-- Modified on 8/7/2008 11:24:33 AM

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1618 reads
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looking for Nazis, secures the Prize for the Biggest Dildo EVER on this board from EITHER side of the aisle.

I'm sure Doc Gonzo's relatives would appreciate you focus your efforts elsewhere.

Myself, I think you're a fucking liar.

Either way:

GaGambler 1373 reads
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When you're right, you're right. I am very calm when it comes to my hobbying activities. The least of my worries is having some overzealous prosicuting attorney investigating me for patronizing prostitutes.

Only someone as impressionable as our own prepubescent, Avenger friend would actually believe the DA's office of a major city would waste the time and resources to prosecute literally thousands of misdemeanor cases. Yawn, I have much more important things to worry about, like Obama's tax plan. lol

And, yes you are right. Colombia is already on my short list of retirement destinations. Costa Rica is fun, but too many Americans have already fucked it up.

Sen_Craig 1844 reads
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At least that's what you tell the boys at the airport bathroom stalls!

GaGambler 1875 reads
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but sex with a minor is still a felony, no matter how much he would like it. lmao

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 2303 reads
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And OJ is looking for the "real killers".

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1596 reads
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this fellow is funny, moreso for being so over-the-top in his anger at his foes on this board, but i think it's safe to say he's speaking figuratively with the terminally-overused "Nazi" insult.

but he never fails to elicit the angry responses he's seeking, so he must be hitting a nerve somewhere.

and no, BK, i DO NOT think of you [or the others he names in his indictment] as Nazis in either the literal or the figurative sense.

GaGambler 2228 reads
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No not outraged, more like the skin prick of an irritating mosquito. Of course most of us here would describe "avenger" as an irritating little prick anyhow.

RightwingUnderground 1590 reads
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a new toy troll, here for his enjoyment.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1914 reads
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absolutely, i do need some cheering up.  and amusement is why i come here.

lemme tell ya, i this this Avenger1001 has great potential, he can fill the void left by Jeremy Bender, and i'd enjoy taking him [or her?] under my expansive and gently-shetering wing.

Tusayan 2054 reads
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That's great news except neither the governor nor the mayor control the Maricopa County attorney and sheriff who are under the control of the County Board of Supervisors -- four Republicans and one Democrat.

zisk 86 Reviews 1805 reads
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If he is not actually taking credit for it, which he seems to be, he is certainly highly supportive.

GaGambler 1249 reads
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Arguing with a child. LMAO What a sad state of affairs, when several supposedly grown men (myself included) have nothing better to do than feed a child troll.

Where have all the loony lefties (and righties) gone? I may find myself missing Zin, Moose and Co., Tusayan and BillKile's fan club are about the only regular lefty poster around anymore.

It wasn't that long ago that the left dominated this board, of course ten of the posters were all JackO, but even without him this board used to lean decidedly left. Now while we're a far cry from Moose's claim that it's a far right wing board, we have taken a decided turn to the right.

I guess we'll have to start talking about religion and the Patriot Act so I can find something to argue about. lol

zisk 86 Reviews 1544 reads
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he's already taken to adopting many of your posting techniques

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1771 reads
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drop me a PM and i'll give you some tips on how to win friends and influence people.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1516 reads
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each of us is free to post or not to post, to read or not to read, to respond or not to respond, as the case may be and  as the mood strikes.

I'm constantly amused by the good folk here who tell me frequently how full of shit i am, but never miss an opportunity to read what I post.  Probably because they can't forego the pleasure of telling me, once again, how full of shit I am.  hey, OK, i'm a big boy and i'm not taking any of it personally.  But I do not feel their pain.  Skip the reding and send me the attacks via PM.  Most of the posting is for my own amusement anyway.

Like the guy said, when asked why he was banging his head aaginst the wall : because it just feels so great when i stop.

GaGambler 2811 reads
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I hope this is not a response to my post above. My post was quite obviously directed at the childtroll Avenger, not you.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1526 reads
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not to worry, i was just waxing philosophical

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