Politics and Religion

GiantBombing 187 reads

The women in that photo are all professional wrestlers, not hookers. I would guess this would be right around the time Trump had his billionaire vs billionaire (except I'm pretty sure only Trump is a billionaire of the two) bet with Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania that one year - whoever's wrestler lost would get their head shaved. It wasn't Trump.

Go look it up on youtube, I won't say it's entertaining, but it's quite hilarious to think that this guy is going to be taken seriously as a politician by some. Almost like McMahon's wife Linda who ran for senate (I think?) in Connecticut (I think?) a few years ago and spent shedloads of money to get nowhere.

Donald Trump Board.  
You now what I'm starting to if not already like the man.
He is funny, way funny. Everything else has become boring, stupid, not real and full of lies. Yeah I know, it's been like that for 240 years in this country and forever in other places.

People are tired of professional politicians. So we want to give this clown a chance.
Somebody here wrote that the electoral college would never choose him. Well they better.  

Don't you see? People are tired. Nothing else works. Everything is a lie.  
Let's vote for Trump out of spite.



Let's do that by voting for Trump. Please I beg you. "Yes We Can", "HOPE", "Change", "Forward", "We shall Over Comb"

The women in that photo are all professional wrestlers, not hookers. I would guess this would be right around the time Trump had his billionaire vs billionaire (except I'm pretty sure only Trump is a billionaire of the two) bet with Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania that one year - whoever's wrestler lost would get their head shaved. It wasn't Trump.

Go look it up on youtube, I won't say it's entertaining, but it's quite hilarious to think that this guy is going to be taken seriously as a politician by some. Almost like McMahon's wife Linda who ran for senate (I think?) in Connecticut (I think?) a few years ago and spent shedloads of money to get nowhere.

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