Politics and Religion

Exactly!! ONE man's opinion. All the other righties said......
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 85 reads


Why aren't they all proudly standing up for their party?  They're TER members who eat pussy and get blowjobs yet they won't speak out against members of their own party because they are willing to sell their souls for 30 pieces of silver in the form of lower taxes.

You remembered that I posted the same OP once before.  Yet last time you kept your yap shut just like all the other monger hypocrites.  At least you spoke up this time.  Maybe the next time I post it, someone else will have the guts to look themselves in the mirror and dare to criticize their own party.

It's the Supreme Court, stupid!!!

The following Republican controlled states all have laws on the books making consensual oral and anal sex illegal, between all individuals:  Michigan, Idaho, Utah, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.   Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, have also outlawed these acts but only if those engaged in them are gay.  How enlightened of them!  
TER righties are whoremongers like the rest of us, yet they hypocritically keep their yaps shut because they have sold their souls for tax cuts and smaller government.  Is this what you want your taxes to be used for - prosecuting cocksuckers, pussy eaters and cornholers?  Is that your idea of smaller government?  If the next President is Republican and appoints four justices to the Supreme Court, will you be happy when Lawrence v. Texas is overturned?  Welcome to the United Thumper States of America with Christian Sharia law.

Yes, I posted this before but the only reaction from whoremongering righties was:


Not a subject they like to talk about, is it?


pot/kettle126 reads

. . .  Republicans.

Or post this a third time if you have nothing else better to do.

Posted By: BigPapasan
The following Republican controlled states all have laws on the books making consensual oral and anal sex illegal, between all individuals:  Michigan, Idaho, Utah, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.   Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, have also outlawed these acts but only if those engaged in them are gay.  How enlightened of them!  
 TER righties are whoremongers like the rest of us, yet they hypocritically keep their yaps shut because they have sold their souls for tax cuts and smaller government.  Is this what you want your taxes to be used for - prosecuting cocksuckers, pussy eaters and cornholers?  Is that your idea of smaller government?  If the next President is Republican and appoints four justices to the Supreme Court, will you be happy when Lawrence v. Texas is overturned?  Welcome to the United Thumper States of America with Christian Sharia law.  
 Yes, I posted this before but the only reaction from whoremongering righties was:  
 Not a subject they like to talk about, is it?  

pot/kettle96 reads

One, government really has no business interfering with personal sex lives.  Notice I said "sex lives," not abortion or other issues that affect life/death situations.

And two, the likelihood of these laws actually being enforced is extremely slim and virtually impossible to do.

Why do they do it?  Probably just to make a statement and express their own personal and religious beliefs.

To me, like I said before, these laws aren't worth the time spent worrying about them.

And, of course, that is merely one man's opinion.


Why aren't they all proudly standing up for their party?  They're TER members who eat pussy and get blowjobs yet they won't speak out against members of their own party because they are willing to sell their souls for 30 pieces of silver in the form of lower taxes.

You remembered that I posted the same OP once before.  Yet last time you kept your yap shut just like all the other monger hypocrites.  At least you spoke up this time.  Maybe the next time I post it, someone else will have the guts to look themselves in the mirror and dare to criticize their own party.

It's the Supreme Court, stupid!!!

...even bother to hear the case of Lawrence v. Texas re: the sodomy law in Texas?   The S.Ct. gets 7,000 requests to hear cases per year from which 80 are chosen.  Of those, only 30 are chosen by at least four of the Justices to have oral argument.  That's less than 1/2 of 1% of the cases where petitions are filed that are allowed oral argument.  Yet, the Supreme Court considered Lawrence so important that they heard oral argument.  

The sodomy law of Texas was overturned in a 6-3 decision.  Your righty BFFs Rehnquist, Scalia and Thomas dissented, meaning they wanted to uphold the sodomy law.  And you want me to relax when the next President may appoint four S.Ct. justices?

Once again, to paraphrase James Carville who wanted to keep the focus of the 1992 election on the economy: "IT'S THE SUPREME COURT, STUPID!!!!!!!"

pot/kettle80 reads

Campaign for the Presidential candidate that you feel will prevent these laws from passing or will appoint and then convince the Senate to confirm his/her choices to the Supreme Court.

Railing against whoremongers on this board is not going to make a difference.

And lay off the coffee for a while.  Or the Red Bull.  Or whatever is getting you so amped up.

It's high time Republicans answer for this outrage!

Posted By: BigPapasan
The following Republican controlled states all have laws on the books making consensual oral and anal sex illegal, between all individuals:  Michigan, Idaho, Utah, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.   Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, have also outlawed these acts but only if those engaged in them are gay.  How enlightened of them!  
 TER righties are whoremongers like the rest of us, yet they hypocritically keep their yaps shut because they have sold their souls for tax cuts and smaller government.  Is this what you want your taxes to be used for - prosecuting cocksuckers, pussy eaters and cornholers?  Is that your idea of smaller government?  If the next President is Republican and appoints four justices to the Supreme Court, will you be happy when Lawrence v. Texas is overturned?  Welcome to the United Thumper States of America with Christian Sharia law.  
 Yes, I posted this before but the only reaction from whoremongering righties was:  
 Not a subject they like to talk about, is it?  

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