Politics and Religion

exactly my thoughts
randomvr301 3485 reads
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Another normal day in the world's biggest shooting gallery!    It is Florida.   Was it Stand Your Ground or Self Defense?    Guns saves Lives!    LMAO.

Scotland just had a referendum about its future, stay with UK or become independent.    Why not we have a national referendum on banning all kinds of guns and assault weapons?    I am sure it will win by a big margin because the 'only purpose', let me repeat "only purpose"  of these weapons is to kill others

JackDunphy 803 reads
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randomvr301 704 reads
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People dying being shot with guns and assault weapons don't even bother about libs or cons.   It is lives lost to guns.    Guns are for killing people.    People in other advanced and civilized countries  are living without guns.

Guns is not politics.    Dying being shot by guns is not politics.   Losing lives to guns is not politics.    Saying ban guns because it takes away lives is not politics but common sense.

Don't bring up cars and knives.   They have a different purpose unlike guns

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 681 reads
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Any more than the purpose of a car is to crash into walls.  

First thing tyrants do is round up the guns.

Come get mine!!

JohnyComeAlready 868 reads
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I'd support the legislation... Let me remind you that I didn't write this legislation ...that would require firearms owners to submit to a 30 day drug urinalysis screening. For those whom want to keep their guns.

Posted By: csekhar73
Another normal day in the world's biggest shooting gallery!    It is Florida.   Was it Stand Your Ground or Self Defense?    Guns saves Lives!    LMAO.  
 Scotland just had a referendum about its future, stay with UK or become independent.    Why not we have a national referendum on banning all kinds of guns and assault weapons?    I am sure it will win by a big margin because the 'only purpose', let me repeat "only purpose"  of these weapons is to kill others.    
... and people drive cars, which you would argue contributes to man made global warming -  

  How are you going to fix these conundrums?  

I also have to ask how does Scotland wanting to the the EU have anything to do with your post?

randomvr301 643 reads
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JohnyComeAlready 618 reads
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86H13LTP 808 reads
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ass to own them or are you talking about the semi-automatic weapons that look like the assault rifles used by the military .  

Get the facts of the story straight . A career felon with a firearm . Hmmm imagine that .

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 643 reads
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Worshipping Guns over innocent people’s death.

Guns Everywhere to protect our property from looters and our family from rapists. Which fucking country do you liv in? or is this to make this a Repugnant ploy to make this country into a lawless country ruled by looters with guns.

Suppose, Repugnant backed corporate plundering and looting is not enough

randomvr301 702 reads
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I have enough intellect to call taking an assault weapon and  killing a 3 month old baby sleeping in a bassinet MURDER and not FREEDOM!

If you have the intellect would like to see what you call it?   Second Amendment Right?

randomvr301 835 reads
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It is Florida the land of "stand your ground", the land to carry deadly weapons "concealed".   How did a career felon got a deadly weapon?

Don't ask me, ask the NRA, Medicare Fraudster Rick Scott and the Speaker of the Florida State Legislature Will Weatherford.

So an abortion when the mother's life is in danger is 'murder' and killing a 3 month old baby sleeping in a bassinet 'freedom'?

Send me a picture of a brain scan done on you.   I will pay for the procedure.

randomvr301 616 reads
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Was this killer part of your "well armed militia" or a just a "good guy with gun gone bad".   I read he is a convicted felon let out by the court system so he can go and kill his daughter and six grand children!.

Where is "freedom" fit in to this picture?

JohnyComeAlready 697 reads
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Do you think anyone would want to yield too those stipulations? No, I do not.

More laws equal less freedom... More people will require the addition of more law... Freedom is not free.

Now would you like to move on to your GW argument?

JohnyComeAlready 690 reads
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Three months old(actually 11 months old) sleeping in a bassinet, or three months old sleeping in the womb... WTTD?

Other than what is legal and what is not. I guess you would call that decision freedom of choice.

Posted By: csekhar73
I have enough intellect to call taking an assault weapon and  killing a 3 month old baby sleeping in a bassinet MURDER and not FREEDOM!  
 If you have the intellect would like to see what you call it?   Second Amendment Right?

ed2000 31 Reviews 727 reads
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Posted By: csekhar73
So an abortion when the mother's life is in danger is 'murder'
Is life of the mother the only time you consider abortion OK?

In this narrow example it would actually be the legal taking of a life in self defense.

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 597 reads
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JohnyComeAlready 606 reads
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However... it's issues that are far worse than I.

86H13LTP 733 reads
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cry when a felon gets a gun illegally from another crook .  

Why does lefty inflate the numbers of kids killed by guns in America by adding to that number all the gangstas under age 18 . They are violent domestic terrorists not kids . Why does that faggot ballet dancer mayor blame guns for all the killings in the west side of his city instead of the real issue called  a fractured subset of society . He must not watch sports center .  

Why are homo liberals so high on guns when cell phones that allow a person to text kill more Americans.  

Why do bars have parking lots ?  

Why won't you admit Step-in-fetch-it is the worst fucking POTUS ever !  

Why do you cry on other boards about being picked on here then come back and start up again . Are you a BDSM freak ? Do you want experience torture , real torture , not water boarding , sleep dep and humiliation .  

Why do douche bags like you cry about Abu Ghraib but not about kids being beheaded and the heads put on poles or people being crucified in the thousand

randomvr301 590 reads
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We have six year olds sitting in an elementary school class executed!   People sitting in movie theaters are executed.     People shopping in malls are executed.   People worshipping in temples are executed.

Check your own backyard!

86H13LTP 596 reads
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and the end result. All his profs knew  Seung-Hui Cho was a crackpot but their PC liberal mentality stopped them from doing anything about it.  

Hey look , they're killing Ebola aid workers . African village and EMTs responding to a call in the hood , no different .  

Way to go lefty !  

Don't lose your head !

JohnyComeAlready 563 reads
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Posted By: csekhar73
We have six year olds sitting in an elementary school class executed!   People sitting in movie theaters are executed.     People shopping in malls are executed.   People worshipping in temples are executed.  
 Check your own backyard!

86H13LTP 557 reads
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User1994 23 Reviews 669 reads
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He would have obeyed additional gun laws.

So glad we are being governed by these geniuses.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 528 reads
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Glad to be alive in Georgia where we will kill a fucking a thug if our door is kicked in by lawless criminals!

randomvr301 595 reads
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86H13LTP 591 reads
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assholes reading books , putting on their make up and the 1000 other things people do when they're supposed to be driving a vehicle are hardly accidental .  

Really watch your head homer because you are clueless .

86H13LTP 635 reads
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randomvr301 586 reads
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They get ticketed, they lose their DL, their insurance pays for damage they cause and if they cause bodily injury, their insurance pays and on top of that, they will be sued to what they are worth.

There is no similar liability attached to guns that are used to kill.   People die and nearest of kin get nothing.

You are brainless dude.   Don't compare cars, drivers to lunatics with guns.

JohnyComeAlready 686 reads
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Don't forget that all legal purchases of firearms require the buyer to present ID.

Posted By: csekhar73
They get ticketed, they lose their DL, their insurance pays for damage they cause and if they cause bodily injury, their insurance pays and on top of that, they will be sued to what they are worth.  
 There is no similar liability attached to guns that are used to kill.   People die and nearest of kin get nothing.  
 You are brainless dude.   Don't compare cars, drivers to lunatics with guns.

613spades 5 Reviews 616 reads
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Maybe locking up, for life, this convicted felon the first time he was caught in possession of a gun, while standing over his dead son would have worked too

randomvr301 634 reads
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randomvr301 638 reads
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No Gun law will ever work and succeed.   It is the culture that has to change and that requires the most important thing "respect and value for other people's lives".    

If there is no respect and value for other people's lives the killings will continue, gun laws or not.

randomvr301 635 reads
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The funny thing about this country is nothing happens to those nutjobs called judges who let these killers free.     May be we need to 'force' a change in their methods.

JohnyComeAlready 732 reads
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How many firearms have you purchased from a gun show?

Feel free to post a youtube video of yourself purchasing firearms from a gunshow. Where you didn't have to show your ID.
Posted By: csekhar73
Not at gun shows!  

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