Politics and Religion

Exactly! I think Chelsea Clinton may still be eligible.
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1279 reads
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...I like the way they sanitize it by calling it "boots on the ground."  There is flesh and blood in those boots and many have come back from war without their boots and without the flesh and blood in those boots.

Fine, Republicans, you want war - have at it.  I'll support any war you want on the following conditions:

1. Reinstate the draft for men AND women - equal rights, baby.
2. No college deferments.
3. No marriage/children deferments.

The first ones drafted and sent to the front lines would be Trump's kids - Donald Jr., Ivanka and the third one - Shemp.

With no deferments, you'll see a lot of "accidents" where responsible, gun-loving Republicans somehow shoot a few toes off while they were clinging to their guns at the same time they were clinging to their Bibles while praying they don't get drafted

bigguy30 531 reads
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So he should make up for it and send his kids first before opening up his big mouth!


Posted By: BigPapasan
...I like the way they sanitize it by calling it "boots on the ground."  There is flesh and blood in those boots and many have come back from war without their boots and without the flesh and blood in those boots.  



 Fine, Republicans, you want war - have at it.  I'll support any war you want on the following conditions:  
 1. Reinstate the draft for men AND women - equal rights, baby.  
 2. No college deferments.  
 3. No marriage/children deferments.  
 The first ones drafted and sent to the front lines would be Trump's kids - Donald Jr., Ivanka and the third one - Shemp.  
 With no deferments, you'll see a lot of "accidents" where responsible, gun-loving Republicans somehow shoot a few toes off while they were clinging to their guns at the same time they were clinging to their Bibles while praying they don't get drafted.  

mattradd 40 Reviews 529 reads
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The Romney's seemed to take great pride in saying those boys were serving their country by helping their father get elected president.  ;)

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 659 reads
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...And another thing - for any Republicans claiming CO status because of religion, they'd have to spend the time they would have been in the military by picking crops next to the illegal aliens they despise.  Or they'd have to fight fires next to the prisoners they don't care about.  Or do road construction - hopefully with Southern chain gangs.

HONDA 153 Reviews 469 reads
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They love all wars but steadfastly refuse to go fight, just like 5 time deferment Dick.(Dick Cheney)

Posted By: BigPapasan
...And another thing - for any Republicans claiming CO status because of religion, they'd have to spend the time they would have been in the military by picking crops next to the illegal aliens they despise.  Or they'd have to fight fires next to the prisoners they don't care about.  Or do road construction - hopefully with Southern chain gangs.

GaGambler 436 reads
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There were a LOT of lefties claiming CO status in the Vietnam era. and if we reinstate the draft there will be a hell of a lot more.

That said. while I disagree about going back into Iraq, I think it was a huge mistake to ever have left. That aside for a moment. I COMPLETELY agree that bringing the draft back without deferments for Senator's sons and other members of the ruling class is needed. I was hardly a hero, but I did my time as did most people of our generation.  

I disagree about having the chickenhawks picking crops, that would take jobs away from hard working Messicans.  I don't have any objection to having them fight fires or anything else with as much risk to life and limb as the "poor kids" sent off to war.

mattradd 40 Reviews 422 reads
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Though, when I was in the service, we resented women coming in, because they took only shore duty billets, and didn't go on cruises. Same for my Army and Marine buddies. They got to spend more time as canon fodder, while the women got desk jobs.

GaGambler 482 reads
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If you want to be equal, be equal. Not "equal, but special" fuck that. Equality means equality in my book.

I never resented women in the Army when I served. There weren't enough of them to really matter back then, and where I was stationed it was mainly nurses, and none of them I can remember were hot enough to be interested in, so they were kind of a non issue for me.

Personally, I think going back to the draft is a GREAT idea, the younger generation has no idea what it is to pay your dues. I might be an arrogant prick, but I earned my right to be an arrogant prick. These self entitled young people who want everything handed to them on a silver platter need to do some hard work, do without for a while, and learn to appreciate earning what they get out of life. I had some very rough times in my youth and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

lizepman09 4 Reviews 401 reads
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Agree, bring back the draft.  

To me, it's disgusting when I see those wounded warrior commercials where that man or women that volunteered for whatever reason { to serve America, to get a better economic situation} must pay with their broken bodies when too many young people basically got a free pass.

It's so easy for them to raise the flag on memorial day and praise the heroes. Lets' give every family a chance to have  hero in their own hero.

Mark Everson says he would try to reinstate the draft.

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