Politics and Religion

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 4165 reads
1 / 15

Israel's video for the Gaza "activists"...

marikod 1 Reviews 1308 reads
2 / 15

1. That is not "Israel's video," but a video prepared by Caroline Glick, sort of the Israelli Rush Limbaugh, that was sent to the government. They thought it was funny and made a link to it.

     2. The video is substantially accurate to the extent that the mercenaries - some of whom have now been linked by the IDF to Al Queda - were in fact attempting to con the world.

-- Modified on 6/10/2010 8:39:33 AM

yadayoda 1157 reads
3 / 15

Hamas has a seemingly endless supply of guns and bombs. Ships like the ones in question are/were a primary source, hence the reason for the blockade in the first place.

Even though the world wants to hold Israel to standards no other nation would ever be expected to live up to, it's foolish to think that these "activist" were going to attack IDF soldiers and not receive a violent response.

It's called self defense. Speaking of which, let's remember how Israel came to possess the west bank and gaza in the 1st place; when you fire the 1st shot, it's kinda hard to bitch about the consequences.

-- Modified on 6/10/2010 1:45:58 PM

yadayoda 989 reads
4 / 15

Finance requires a certain degree of intelligence. Not to say that Arabs aren't bright. Or even capable. They sure have managed to resist progress and technology. No easy feat these days. Not to mention that whole feminism movement. Women driving cars? And having rights? The very thought both frightens and confuses me.

And let's not forget how tolerant and progressive minded they are. It really is a mystery why they aren't more involved with the arts and hollywood. I, for one, would love to see more burka clad women in porn. Maybe that's where they could make their bones.

But alas, all is not lost. To this day, nobody does terrorism and cowardly murder like radical islam. And of course by radical islam, I mean islam. Plus, as anybody from NYC can tell you, arabs have completely dominated the cab driving and street peddling industries.

I'm not Jewish. I'm Italian. I'm pretty sure we have just as much, if not more, Italians working in the banking industry. But hey. you've been able to single out 4 or 5 Jews, so it must all be their fault. After all, you don't have any agenda, do you? I'm new to the Politics board. I'm sure if I read this forum, I won't find most of your postings to be anti Israel or anti-semetic. Will I?

-- Modified on 6/10/2010 11:46:01 PM

zisk 86 Reviews 611 reads
5 / 15

you do, that is quite obvious. By your previous post and many others, you support the Jewish World Conspiracy. They run everything apparently. And you mock yada for not making a distinction between Judaism and Zionism, yet you 'outed' a handful of Jews (7 is hardly 'way more' than 5), just because they are Jewish. Some have no connection whatsoever to Israel (commisioner of IRS, really?? - and if you are going to out the guy for the crime of being from Jewish descent, at least have the courtesy to spell his name correctly).

And BTW, not all Jews are Ashkenazi, either.

zisk 86 Reviews 601 reads
6 / 15

when your post is listing a handful of people who happen to be Jewish (while ignoring every non-Jew in similar positions) then you are hardly mocking conspiracy theories in general. And as I stated, you have many other posts that are of similar vein.

At least you are correct on the rest of your post that you are doing a lot of jerking-off.

"Who threw the first stone?" - did you not watch the activists' own video?

"Do you really believe they were armed only with paint-ball rifles? " - nobody believes this because it was never claimed. Soldiers also had pistols.

"sustained no casualties" - false. No soldiers were killed, but they did sustain casualties. Or are those words you also do not know the distinction between?

"you and yoda seem to have a great sense of humor-about everything except for this." - interesting, as I've just been informed on GD I am completely humorless.

"The way you have both reacted to my parody" - I didn't react to your parody at all. I reacted to your hypocrisy in your reply back to yada.

"Very thin book; "Biographies of Sephardic Israeli Prime Ministers."  - almost as thin as the book of "Biographies of ALL Israeli Prime Ministers." There have been a grand total of 12 in the entire history.

So are you trying to modify your Jews control the world theory to now limit it to Ashkenazi Jews control the world?

marikod 1 Reviews 835 reads
7 / 15

Israel does not contend that the commandos were armed ONLY with paintball guns. They certainly had sidearms with live ammo and, if they are anything like the commandoes I see on TV, they probably had a variety of other lethal weapons.

      But they were supplied with the paint guns bc the plan was to control the crowd with these non-lethal weapons. While the details remain sketchy, the live fire apparently was either the result of commandoes being attacked on the deck that had to resort to live ammo to protect themselves, or fire from the helicopter that lowered them down.

    According to Israel News, the commandoes initially shot at the legs of the mercenaries. Following a rifle shot and shots fired by mercenaries from handguns taken from the commandoes, the commandoes than apparently started firing in earnest and the deaths resulted.

     Finally, the commandoes did not emerge unscathed - two received gun shot wounds.

      Now, no one accepts the Israelli version of the event as being the gospel truth but until a better version of the facts is released by objective observers, all but our most objective poster would afford prima facie truth to this version of the encounter.

Chengster 20 Reviews 1120 reads
8 / 15

being a recovering Navy guy of twenty plus years (you are never really cured)I did my share of drug interdiction deployments down off the coast of South America.  Taking down a suspected smuggler we use very simliar approach, go in with non lethal but as soon as there is a threat you let lose the hounds of hell.  Now most columbian drug smugglers aren't stupid enough to fuck wiht a well trained, well armed boarding crew and most behave like the French and surrender if you snarl at them.  We only had a couple of cases in the early nineties where we had to fire on the vessel and when you shoot, yo shoot a lot, shoot fast and aim to kill.  We went after anyone topsides while the 50 cals went after the motor / engine compartment.  I can tell you that you usualy find the fuel tanks near the engine compartment and fuel tanks don't mix well with tracers.  

Those folks wanted somethig that would play well on u tube and CNN and they got that.  

Chengster 20 Reviews 656 reads
9 / 15

Remember that the 9 11 crew was armed with box cutters. Whether it is an illegal blockade is debateable.  WE have done simliar things in embargoes / blockades of bad nations and our current drug ops of fof South America.  If I was Israel I would not trust anyone, there is too much risk in that, and they can't really trust Hamas.  They have tried the land for peace several times, they didn't have to leave Gaza but they did and where it it get them?  More rockets.  Hell even Egypt closed the Gaza border.  

Maybe Israel should have just annexed the land they grabbed in 67. But they didn't and I can understand that they don't want to fight more wars on Israel soil, it's to small and too easy to overrun.  At that time there wasn't a single Arab country wiling to acknowledge Israels right to exist and none wanted to talk about a dual state which has been on the table since 48. Or even better, maybe they should put the behave the same way the Jordanians did, and not let anyone travel to the old city.  The Jewish holy sites were trashed.  Even in Gaza when the Israelis withdrew the locals destroyed the synagoues that were left there.  If Israel treated the muslim sites the same everyone would be shocked.  

And yeah, in one out of four wars the Jews moved first, only because they new the Arabs were going to attack in a matter of days. We did the same thing when we felt our national security was threatened.  Now the whole weapons of Mass Deception is another topic and all those UN resolutions during the Billy C days all carried the threat of military action, hell we bombed those folks and embargoed them for 8 years.  But that is another topic

marikod 1 Reviews 677 reads
10 / 15
Chengster 20 Reviews 1378 reads
11 / 15

Now I am gonna get booted from Minyan tonight.  

Now as I understand the facts, Israel may not always be right, but they are never wrong.

OSP 26 Reviews 1707 reads
12 / 15

My grandfather(yeah willy you can thank him for his service)used to say something similar: "I'm a man of very few words;i'm usually right but never wrong."

Timbow 606 reads
13 / 15

''But the Obama administration is reportedly saying that such a “kosher panel” is not good enough to satisfy the international community, or the Obama White House. '' :)

''THE WEEKLY STANDARD has learned that senior Obama administration officials have been telling foreign governments that the administration intends to support an effort next week at the United Nations to set up an independent commission, under UN auspices, to investigate Israel's behavior in the Gaza flotilla incident. The White House has apparently shrugged off concerns from elsewhere in the U.S. government that a) this is an extraordinary singling out of Israel, since all kinds of much worse incidents happen around the world without spurring UN investigations; b) that the investigation will be one-sided, focusing entirely on Israeli behavior and not on Turkey or on Hamas; and c) that this sets a terrible precedent for outside investigations of incidents involving U.S. troops or intelligence operatives as we conduct our own war on terror.

While UN Ambassador Susan Rice is reported to have played an important role in pushing for U.S. support of a UN investigation, the decision is, one official stressed, of course the president's''



''The White House is sharply denying a claim by Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol that "the administration intends to support an effort next week at the United Nations to set up an independent commission, under UN auspices, to investigate Israel's behavior in the Gaza flotilla incident."

The White House has suggested in the past that it supported international participation in an Israeli investigation, but a shift to the kind of international inquiry supported by many of Israel's critics would be a dramatic one, and a White House official brushed off Kristol's flotation.'':)


-- Modified on 6/11/2010 5:15:15 PM

yadayoda 797 reads
14 / 15

I just counted, you named 7. Boy, do I feel foolish.

Statistics are so much fun. Since 7 isn't way more than 5, we'll just call you wrong. So I guess your replies are wrong 100% of the time. And something tells me your original posting don't fare a whole lot better.

Are you really going to act like you're not consistently anti Israel. I don't need to read the board to know this. Hatred hangs off your every word. Even your forum name is so neo nazi friendly.

Yep, just gonna go ahead and write you off as an Jew hating bitch.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1749 reads
15 / 15

No, mine was good parody.  Even if a little broad.

These hasbara mongering clowns are probably known professionally as the Marikod Family Singers.

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