Politics and Religion

Everyone knows that Romney is going to be the nominee...
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 3119 reads

...except, of course, the nuttest of the nutty in the Republican Party. This primary is beginning to be the best political entertainment we've had in years.

First Bachmann was the GOP's darling, and then it turned out she thinks vaccines made her retarded enough to marry a closeted gay man. Then Perry comes along and steps into a big pile of "niggerhead" oops. Then you have the artist formerly known as Herman Cain going to the top despite his gig is a brilliant Andy Kaufmanesque satire bit. Now all the nuts are beating their meat to Gingrich's book tour. It's not often that you get to hear a candidate say that another politician should be put to death for something they themselves did (cough, cough, Freddie Mac, cough).

What a clusterfuck. What's left, Santorum? Google him.

Well, since I'm always trying to be helpful to my fellow right wingers, I offer you a flow chart to help ease the difficulty in making a decision on which horsey to back. Enjoy.

with hateful words.  And then you think you can justify them by calling yourself a sarcastic wit.

These candidates have fallen in polls for reasons totally different than the bullshit you constantly propose.

You can take your arrogant, condescending and racist attitudes elsewhere but no matter where you take them, you will be the only member of the willywonka4u fan club.

Priapus531938 reads

The racial epithet WW mentioned was found carved on a rock on Perry's ranch.

PW, lemme break this to you gently : most folks
( including Republicans ) thinks the current GOP field STINKS. Why do you think each month there's
a new "flavor of the month" ? Because the primary
electorate doesn't really like the field & that includes Romney, who never gets above 25%

But, to be fair, I will also agree that BHO also

Now, go chill & play some cards------;)

over and over ad nauseum, then you would have known that I have long said the Republican field is extremely weak.  Much like the 2004 Democrat field.

It is so weak that now the biggest challenger to the "guy whose turn it is to get the nomination" -- the standard operating procedure of the GOP -- is a former Speaker of the House who has been out of office for well over a decade.

But only an elitist would name their child Mitt.  It's going to be Ron Paul they can find no dirt on.  They have already found the dirt of corruption on Newt, he is out.  And Mitt Romney is an elitist and Mormon, don't think that will fly in bible belt even though Joel Osteen is telling all the Christians that he's okay.  

Posted By: willywonka4u
...except, of course, the nuttest of the nutty in the Republican Party. This primary is beginning to be the best political entertainment we've had in years.

First Bachmann was the GOP's darling, and then it turned out she thinks vaccines made her retarded enough to marry a closeted gay man. Then Perry comes along and steps into a big pile of "niggerhead" oops. Then you have the artist formerly known as Herman Cain going to the top despite his gig is a brilliant Andy Kaufmanesque satire bit. Now all the nuts are beating their meat to Gingrich's book tour. It's not often that you get to hear a candidate say that another politician should be put to death for something they themselves did (cough, cough, Freddie Mac, cough).

What a clusterfuck. What's left, Santorum? Google him.

Well, since I'm always trying to be helpful to my fellow right wingers, I offer you a flow chart to help ease the difficulty in making a decision on which horsey to back. Enjoy.

Romney2012990 reads

I can't blame the others for trying.

If they gave up easily they wouldn't be real Republicans.

during your last running for the Republican presidential candidate, shortly after losing to Huckabee, in Iowa????  ;)

Romney20121458 reads

After losing Iowa and New Hampshire it was a wise business decision .

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