Politics and Religion

Ever heard of The Bonus Army, phil?
inicky46 61 Reviews 2409 reads

Read on.  Much worse than what's going on today...so far.  The troops that torched the camps were led by MacArthur and Patton.  Ironic.


And it seems to have seriously pissed off a lot of Marines.


Anonymous has already responded to this.


As has OWS, chanting "New York is Oakland, Oakland is New York"


If you thought this class revolt was getting a little out of hand before, then I'll bet you're not going to like what's coming.

Occupy Oakland is already calling for a General Strike, and it looks like the organizational ability to pull off a partisal nation-wide strike is beginning to develop.

Getting nervous yet?

Priapus531404 reads

it looks like "the 1%" is getting scared-------

these people that are protesting are acting like immature brats with nothing better to do.  Many of them have no fucking clue what they are protesting.

Protests draw attention but seldom bring about good results.

These people need to grow up and find ways to get their point across like reasonable adults and not robotic idiots.

People don't protest just for the fun of it. I would be out there with them if I had nothing better to do.

My greatest wish is for these to continue and grow.
I would bet my right arm that many of their demands are not popular, even with many Dems.  

First, living in Hollywood and working in criminal defense, at least 80% of the people I know are liberal/Dem/Green.
Very few of the people I know favor many of the things that have been espoused, like forgiving all student loans.  

Second, the groups have so many demands and no spokesman, it would be impossible to get what "they" want, and "they" may not all agree to go home.

This leaves the politcians who support it in a bad place.  Already, Oakland, and incredibly liberal city, cannot take it any more. L.A. is getting tired. N.Y is getting tired.  

The politicians that supported it are saying, "please go home."  The mayor of L.A. handed out panchos when it rained and now he wants it to end.

As Yogi Berra said, "the hardest thing to predict is the future."  But my greatest fear is the "Occupy" crowds go home quietly next week.

right up to the Berra quote.  I used to use it when I wrote speeches and didn't recall it exactly the way you wrote it, so I looked it up.  What he said was, "It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future."  Typical fractured Berra-ese.

...then maybe they should do something about both parties being bribed. So long as the pigs at the trough, I'm betting these people won't go home. I'm glad LA, Oakland, and NYC is tired of this. I guarantee you they ain't nearly as tired as the 99% is that democracy has been hijacked.

Yep, Glenn warned a couple months ago that the riots in Europe were just a precursor to what would become a world wide revolt of sorts.  Like you, he warned of protests leading to revolts in the US.  And like you, he predicted armed conflict.  But never fear, December 12, 2012 is coming and that's the truth.  But I am encourage to see that you and Mr. Beck finally see eye to eye... LOL

Just because I think he May - and I stress may be right on one point (or maybe more) is so silly.  (I really can't say for sure what I agree with, since I am not listening to the radio when he is on in LA., and I don't watch any TV news, network or cable, so I have only heard his opinions rarely and second-hand.

That said, your comment is silly.

First, no one is wrong 100% of the time and no one is all bad.  Hey, Hitler liked dogs and got the trains running.  I like dogs and Obama has this thing about trains. Are you glad I agree with Hitler? Are you glad Obama agrees with Hitler.  I think something might happened that he predicted and I am "alighned" with him.  Kind of silly, huh.

Second, this is just a classic ad hominem attack.  Attack the person, not the idea. You re-hash the idea, putting a spin on it, but never say why the original statement is wrong or inaccurate. Just that is sounds like Beck.

Third, you impliedly do  the usual distortion of ideas, hinting that I might welcome it and saying that I am predicting a revolt.

I don't think the level of violence will get anywhere near where it has been several times in Europe in the last 3 years.  I do think that Eupore is a dangerous warning for the U.S.  There have been numerous riots in many cities for several years.  No. I do not want the four season in Beverly Hills trashed like they trashed the Ritz (I think it was) in London. No I do not want Molotov cocktails in the streets of Los Angeles.  But I look to what it led to in Europe, and fear for the US taking that path.  (BTW - for years I used to hear "Europe does X,Y, and Z. Why can't we."  Suddenly all the cries of let's be lijke Europe are hushed.  And I love Europe.)

In any event, I don't think breaking up a tent city is  going to cause a revolt.  A few windows may be broken, at worst. But if that's how you want to play it, that's fine.

Posted By: pwilley
Yep, Glenn warned a couple months ago that the riots in Europe were just a precursor to what would become a world wide revolt of sorts.  Like you, he warned of protests leading to revolts in the US.  And like you, he predicted armed conflict.  But never fear, December 12, 2012 is coming and that's the truth.  But I am encourage to see that you and Mr. Beck finally see eye to eye... LOL

...I never thought you'd defend me, lol.

I actually fear that things will (soon) start to get violent. I mean it already has, but it's come from the police. That's nothing new when it comes to leftists protesting, but when people are already fed up enough to protest 40 straight days and counting, with no plans to stop, who knows what could spark some serious violence.

During the Depression, violent demonstrations didn't happen until a few years into it. Well, it's now been 3 years since the financial collapse, and I think everyone's patience is wearing thin.

I actually thought he was addressing me.
However, to the extent that it was a silly attack by associating you with ideas without attacking the ideas, the defense stands.  Likewise, to the extent that is was just an ad hominem attack, the defense stands.  If it was a silly attack, it doesn't matter who the target is.

As to the rest, I hadn't read your post, so it may not apply. If it applies, that's okay.

The fact that it lasts 40 days is neither here nor their.  If I recall my protest days in the sixties, yes, sadly I am that old, it was fun. A 40 day party that you can come and go to with drums and music and sex sure as hell beats going to school.  

I would place a side wager with you.  If it does get violent, it will only do good for the other side.  Amercans don't riot very well, and the majority does not look on it favorably.  None of the lefties I know have sympathy for any of the riots that have been going on in Greece, London, Paris, or any other city.  In fact, almost all the US lefties I know either reject it, or down play.  They only reason they down play it is they don't like it, so they can minimize it.

As to the Depression, I don't think it ever led to riots of the scale that you saw in Paris a little while back.  Correct me if I am wrong, but a few years into the depression did Americans throw molotov cocktails in any serious number, if at all.  (I read a lot of history and don't recall that.)

Posted By: willywonka4u
...I never thought you'd defend me, lol.

I actually fear that things will (soon) start to get violent. I mean it already has, but it's come from the police. That's nothing new when it comes to leftists protesting, but when people are already fed up enough to protest 40 straight days and counting, with no plans to stop, who knows what could spark some serious violence.

During the Depression, violent demonstrations didn't happen until a few years into it. Well, it's now been 3 years since the financial collapse, and I think everyone's patience is wearing thin.

Read on.  Much worse than what's going on today...so far.  The troops that torched the camps were led by MacArthur and Patton.  Ironic.

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