Politics and Religion

Even if I were an eyewitness myself
GaGambler 1392 reads

I could still find "reasonable doubt", I bet you could too. lol

Thats just sick.  I am not a person of religion but to teach your kids to offend others is no different than we teach our kids to hate others

RightwingUnderground2195 reads

I’m made an inference as to the underlying meaning of your “qualifying statement”. Maybe it’s incorrect.

If you WERE a person of religion I would expect these actions would disgust you even more so.

Yes, because me for religion is a private matter and after reading sins post, I am even further outraged at this group because its homophobic and using God to justify their hate.  You know, the same argument against homosexuals are the same used to justify segregation a generation ago

RightwingUnderground1137 reads

you mentioned it here in regards to yourself. When you introduced your religion (or lack thereof) there was an implied relationship between this nut’s version of his religion and mainstream religion. I was simply trying to understand if you were attempting to deride mainstream religion due this nut’s actions. Even if you weren’t many people are.

In another time they would be wearing white robes!

I lived in Topeka most of my life, where these folks operate. They've been at this for better than 2 decades now. It wasn't until they started making a$$es out of themselves at soldier's funerals that they started making a name for themselves nationally.

They are a fascinating contradiction, and truly amazing hypocrites at the same time. When I worked for a drug program that contracted with the KDOC to treat parollees, Fred Jr, the pastor's son was a liason for the state who negotiated the terms of our contract with us. He stands on the corner with his family and holds signs right along with the rest of them. But when he's working, he seems just as sane and rational as the next guy. In fact, if I hadn't known that he stands there and holds signs, I might have actually liked the man.

One of their favorite businesses to picket in Topeka is Washburn University, the local college. I actually had classes with one of Fred's grandaughters, and no kidding, she would sit through classes, then gather up her books and join her family outside to picket the very university that was educating her, calling it "Fag University" among many other unsavory descriptors.

The "god hates fags" group?  Howard Stern has had them on in the past, and they are amazingly dedicated in their ignorance.  Even as he calls them out for their intolerance, they rail on unimpeded.

Same idea as in the Old Testament where the Israelites are God's chosen people, and blessed when obedient and cursed, or hated by God, and punished when disobedient. Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Jeremiah Wright have taken this very same view. Those who criticize them often do not understand the prophetic role of the preacher. When the preacher says such things, s/he usually does not mean that s/he is hoping for our defeat and destruction at the hands of our enemies, though there can be times when the prophet/preacher seems to gloat in his/her self-righteousness. Ain't no accident that most of the prophets of Israel lost their lives at the hands of the political ruling class.

No, you need to know dear old Fred a little better. When he says he hopes for the total destruction of America, he is not kidding. He and his family (the only members of his church) genuinely believe that America is a sinful nation because we are tolerant (to his thinking) of homosexuality. He genuinely believes that America deserves to be destroyed. His family holds signs up bearing the names of soldiers killed in Iraq, and thanking God that they are dead. They have held up signs thanking God for 9/11 as well. Sorry, not making any of this up. Fred Phelps may well be the craziest nut job of them all when it comes to religious nuts.

I do want to add though, that a strange thing has happened in the city of Topeka during the decades of Fred's picketing. Kansas is quite a conservative state, but Topeka stands out as an oasis of tolerance toward gays. I credit Fred's abhorrent rants for the distinct difference you see in Topeka, versus the rest of the state. For example, the movie "Brokeback Mountain", which many theaters refused to show, was shown in most of the theaters in Topeka. Even Lawrence, KS which is one of the most liberal districts in KS would only show Brokeback in one theater, and only offered one show each night late in the evening. In some ways, I think Fred has done more good than harm for our community.

to justify their behavior. Few things have enraged me to the degree that their intruding into the burial ceremonies of our brave and deceased men and women of the military. It's a good thing I don't live in Kansas. I'm certain I'd end up in jail for seriously hurting someone in his group. From what you've said, he must have a truly distorted view of the world. Also, it sounds alot like a cult.

GaGambler1117 reads

to make others aware of their own tendencies towards intolerance. I can see how he might be a net sum gain. I am still surprised that some grief stricked parent or spouse hasn't ignored the consequences in a pique of well deserved rage and sent this asshole to his own grave.

I would love to be on the jury that had to decide the fate of the person who sent him to meet his maker. I'd vote to give the person a medal.

no matter if the case was air-tight, against his killing, I would still claim reasonable doubt.

GaGambler1393 reads

I could still find "reasonable doubt", I bet you could too. lol

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