Politics and Religion

Europe, you are going to have the harsh winters as the strong zone
mrnogood 1500 reads

of our magnetic north pole; shifts, to Siberia..

I found this AMAZING site that compiles many charts with explanations showing you why your European winters continue to get colder, while canada's and america's winters continue to become more and more milder.. I want to sum up, some of what I found the most fascinating..

http://www.megakastro.gr/weather_agro/solar_modulation.htm here is the site

As the poles continue to weaken, our shield, that protects earth from asteroids and other debris weakens..and the SERIOUS threat of an impact event rises

The below chart shows you the strong zone once over canada, is now above Siberia..This explains our climate change!


“Most of the energy transfer to the Earth from the solar wind is accomplished electrically, and nearly the entire voltage associated with this process appears in the polar cap region, which extends typically less than 20° in latitude from the magnetic pole. The total voltage across the polar cap can be as large as 100,000 volts, rivaling that of thunderstorm electrification of the planet in magnitude. This polar cap electric field is the major source of largescale horizontal voltage differences in the atmosphere. Moreover, the dynamic polar region accounts for a large fraction of the variability inherent in our upper atmosphere, variability due to chaotic changes in the solar wind magnetic field that produces large-scale restructuring of the cavity enclosing the Earth’s magnetic field. This restructuring visibly manifests itself most clearly in the production of ionized plasmas and the associated distribution of aurora high over the north and south polar regions. In turn, the Earth’s lower atmosphere (that part responsible for weather phenomena) undergoes variations in composition and dynamics influenced by these coupling effects through a complex and as yet not fully understood feedback system. "

So the earths magnetosphere IS directly related to our weather/climate.. When one really ponders this, and how the mainstream media is misleading and flat out telling lies to you about why our climate IS changing.. You must honestly begin to wonder why..THEY DO KNOW!! Only you "the serfs" are being kept in the dark..This is intentional!



THIS explains our collapsing jet stream, as well as why so much ice is melting

A 2005 Oregon State University article “Movement of Earth's North Magnetic Pole Accelerating Rapidly


I know the mainstream news would love to make you think YOU are responsible for all this "climate change" But the truth is humans can not effect the earth in such a way.. and if you believe you can, it is only because your ego is larger than life..


This reversal event has been happening for hundreds of years! We are now on the cusp of it happening within the next 10 years...

"The Earth’s magnetic field “acts as a shield against the bombardment of particles continuously streaming from the sun. Because the solar particles (ions and electrons) are electrically charged, they feel magnetic forces and most are deflected by our planet's magnetic field. However, our magnetic field is a leaky shield and the number of particles breaching this shield depends on the orientation of the sun’s magnetic field. … Twenty times more solar particles cross the Earth’s leaky magnetic shield when the sun’s magnetic field is aligned with that of the Earth compared to when the two magnetic fields are oppositely directed”

To think for one second that these solar particles do not effect you, is stupidity..as these particles rise..More and more people will either awaken, or lose their mind.. You have free will, to live in balance with earth, either you will do it, or you wont survive what's coming

The Earth’s magnetic field interacts with the Sun’s magnetic field. The interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is a part of the Sun's magnetic field that is carried into interplanetary space by the solar wind

So as our sun flares more and more, understand this is because the magnetic field surrounding earth is now changing RAPIDLY..Because THIS is the year that earth's poles align WITH THE SUNS POLES!



ALL over the mainstream news is stories of this "unprecedented" ice melting happening now.. THIS is the final straw before earth axis actually shifts from this massive shift of weight, which will then finish off this polar shift that's been going on for years

http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadcrut3/diagnostics/global/nh+sh/ here is a chart showing the global temps for the past 100 years

http://www.ukssdc.ac.uk/wdcc1/papers/nature.html here is a chart showing the suns magnetic field over the past 100 years, you will see our temps are almost EXACTLY the same as the strength of the suns magnetic field.. This shows you the sun, not carbon, controls the climate, as it interacts with earth magnetic field, and poles

and here is a MUST read paper! "An alternative view to global warning"


That puts EVERYTHING into perspective..

This question begs to be asked! Why would the mainstream media lie to us about the causes of global warming/climate change? when their is SO MUCH research out there..SOLID research supporting a totally different reason for our earth changes? And if they would lie to us about this.. What else would they lie about? Are they even to be trusted at all?

Science is quickly becoming the worlds new religion..What ever the scientific community says, is believed as if it were religion..With no proof, or facts supporting the conclusions they've come to..

The ice melting as fast as it is now, will shift earth axis, AND center of gravity, and complete this polar shift that has been occurring now for 100's of years


"Post-glacial rebound (or glacial isostatic adjustment) produces measurable effects on vertical crustal motion, global sea levels, horizontal crustal motion, gravity field, Earth's rotational motion and state of stress and earthquakes. Studies of glacial rebound give us information about the flow law of mantle rocks and also past ice sheet history. The former is important to the study of mantle convection, plate tectonics and the thermal evolution of the Earth. The latter is important to glaciology, paleoclimate and changes in global sea level. Understanding postglacial rebound is also important to our ability to monitor recent global change."


The magnitude of ice melting now, is our FINAL step in this magnetic pole reversal..So, this ice melting is a VERY important sign, for the things to come..

The ONLY kind of research our govt funds is research declaring carbon to be the culprit of climate change, so if you're wondering how, a lie so big is told... It's because "climate change" has become politicized.. and our government, which is a TOTAL TYRANNY seeks to enslave us via control of carbon.. Basically, if your research doesn't serve this carbon based climate change theory, the government wont give you grants...The ONLY science they want to see, is carbon based climate change theories

-- Modified on 8/16/2012 6:40:49 AM

This post reminds me of the movie Day After Tomorrow that came out a few years back about the horrific things that can possibly happen on our planet due to Global Warming. With huge shifts in our atmosphere and weather conditions and climate patterns it is very likely that if we do not stop mistreating Earth we may suffer from some huge crisis in the near future. These are my beliefs but I feel like from what I have seen of science there are so many facts to back this up.


mrnogood174 reads

I was just wondering if you could explain to me how carbon changes the climate..Because that part, I don't understand... In my thesis i showed step by step, how this reversal event changes climate...

But, even though mainstream pushes a carbon theory, I've yet to see how it will change the climate..Cause the earthquakes and volcanoes we're now seeing erupt..

IMHO carbon can not cause the things we're seeing now, a reversal event, can

http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/  Look over this site, and look at all the MAJOR earth changes happening now..Because they're more geological than weather related...Then explain to me how carbon can cause these kind of changes? Please..

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