Politics and Religion

dummycrappers use seals as pawns too.
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2802 reads
1 / 30
Timbow 332 reads
2 / 30

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
Stick this in their face.


But hey, who cares, you got your fucking health care....

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 409 reads
3 / 30

Someone's lying.

It must be the SEALS. That a fucking bunch of liars they are, huh?


Priapus53 293 reads
4 / 30

In fact, he slipped through his fingers at Tora Bora.

He also ignored U.S. intelligence memo that OBL
was determined to use planes as terrorist weapons weeks before 9/11.

& we Know how THAT turned out.

Guys, you can argue the shitty economy & "Obamacare," but this issue is a sure loser for you.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 308 reads
5 / 30

Bush's finger were never in Tora Bora. Just like ORambo was never in Pokiston.

But the doctor who lead us there is in jail for 30+ years thanks to OBlabberMouth.

And much of the intel the SEALS risked their lives to obtain went to shit because your boy had to beat his chest in front of a primetime audience. You guys have been beating your meat to that video ever since.

Enjoy your "win".

-- Modified on 8/17/2012 6:52:33 PM

-- Modified on 8/17/2012 6:53:39 PM

Rutabaga_Baggins 378 reads
6 / 30
Priapus53 343 reads
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Priapus53 308 reads
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to pay attention to an intelligence memo.

Live with that.

-- Modified on 8/17/2012 7:13:49 PM

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 328 reads
9 / 30

fact is, 9/11 had more to do with the terrible state of the intel community than GWB not "leaping into some heretofore undescribed action".

heard of the Gorelick Wall?

-- Modified on 8/17/2012 7:18:13 PM

RUSchittingMe 245 reads
10 / 30

try telling to this guy.  But I doubt any of you have the ballz.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 308 reads
11 / 30

acutally I am more right brain and like to light some candles, have some wine,  and like to take off an article of clothing everytime I lose a game on xbox, but I watched the video becuase  I have the upmost respect for our miltary.  They are the most honorable, self-sacrificing people I will ever meet in this life.  They are amazing men and women.

I just wished Republicans and Democrats would/could take their parties back.  It seems they have been run by extremists.  Money wins.  I thought about going to Tampa next Thursday and protest at the Republican party about voter fraud.  But it would be more profitable for me to just go down as an escort..hmmm.  Now that is a thought.  Money wins, always.

Priapus53 269 reads
13 / 30

Aint gonna work.

Btw, how about your boy Mitt draft dodging during
Viet-nam becuase he was doing Mormon missionary work in France ?-------LOL !

Rutabaga_Baggins 305 reads
14 / 30

A tiny one in your case, but still.

I guess I'm flattered though that you would consider that I might have the power to issue an edict or something similar. Never crossed my mind.

Rutabaga_Baggins 292 reads
15 / 30

You are the only other person responding here who has a clue as to what was the message of the film.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 307 reads
16 / 30

When you're dealing with lefties, it does'nt take long for you nation's warriors to go from hero to heel. And the leader of the pack is Barack Hussein Obama.

It is beyond refute that this administration has jeapordized our nation's security for political power, votes. It is so far beyond refute that his apologist seen her did'nt even try. Instead they drag out the Bush card. Note to Obamabots, BUSH AINT RUNNING this year.

How hypocritical is it when you whine about illegals not being able to negate legal voters vote when you cant even stand up for the guys who put their lives on the line to ensure that right?

And the biggest loudmouth here, Laffy The Duck does the very thing he whines so feverishly in every sanctamoniuos screed he dumps here. This is TEXTBOOK hypocracy.

Daffy and Pri shit their pants over Romney not releasing tax returns....lemme say that again, not releasing tax returns, yet don't have the balls to condemn Obama for compromisng mission security so he can score political points.

This thread is a monument to daffy's hypocracy.

Rutabaga_Baggins 308 reads
18 / 30
RUSchittingMe 328 reads
19 / 30

Ignore the facts, demand a literal reply and insist any reply you don't like has no relevance.  Next, try stamping your feet, putting your hands over your ears and yelling "La, La, La," very, very loudly.  Gawd, what a dipshit you are.  Oh, and be sure to say this to the Admiral the next time you see him.  You will find out what it feels like to have the fist of a Navy SEAL for a supository.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 328 reads
21 / 30

one of those employees his boss was telling to STFU.

But hey, obama's gonna pay for your gynocological exams from now on. What's there not to like?

RUSchittingMe 274 reads
22 / 30

An I'd say anywun who admits to bein a needledick prolly shouldn't be questioning anybuddys masculinity.  The Admiral sez UR to immediately go back to your duties, cleaning the glory hole with yore tung.

followme 284 reads
23 / 30

When I please, and as often as I please and no attempted welsh, who has no honor, no integrity, no creditability, like you pripussy can or will make me stop posting. Despite your stupid meaningless veiled threats to ……take your advice -------otherwise-----and several others and your wishing me dead I’ll continue to post and bitch slap you and put you in your place.

You’re Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

Still laughing at you

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 260 reads
24 / 30

my masculinity.

unlike dickholes that hide behind aliases and admirals

RUSchittingMe 267 reads
25 / 30

Secure? Thanks for having to tell us that! LMAO! You'd never know it from your posts, which reveal U 2 B an angry, mindless, right-wing, limp, needle-dicked weasel.  Oh, and the alias response?  Like U it's old and weak.  UR so bad at cumbacks it's like fighting someone who's got one hand tied behind his back . Maybe both.  Yes, you have proven yourself adept at pummeling my fist with your chin! UR no fun at all.  *snore*  I'm outta here.

Rutabaga_Baggins 293 reads
26 / 30

for WHO I am?

Are we going to rehash this old "your alias is more anonymous than my alias" crying game some more?

Publish your legal name and we can have a real conversation.

Priapus53 306 reads
27 / 30

Which partially accounts for the the nonsensical contents of your posts of late. You were on firmer ground before adopting the chickenshit alias.


Rutabaga_Baggins 301 reads
28 / 30

Nonsensical? LOL

I'm not the one that just spent time trashing a 22 minute film because I THOUGHT I knew what was in it, only to be COMPLETELY WRONG.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 260 reads
29 / 30

that ORambo compromised national security and WASTED valuable inteeligence just so he could beat his chest, which makes you compelled to suck his dick.

And the best you can do is make jokes about my name.


Now you can go, now that I've shoved a big glass of STFU down your throat.

Drink up RUadicksuckApologist? Yup, looks that way.

RUSchittingMe 260 reads
30 / 30

Could your comebacks be any weaker and lamer?  Please stop before you harm yourself further.  Oh, and ...

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