Politics and Religion

Fucken Israel ;-Dangry_smile
Robertini 4 Reviews 3126 reads

But it was polonium. Then fucken Poland then...

But seriously, Hugo Chavez said he was poisoned by the U.S.  
You never know.


... and that will be proven in time.

But go ahead and fan the flames, its been at least a week since anyone blamed Israel or the Jews for the worlds ills.

When did you join the Douchebag Brigade Tini?

GaGambler886 reads

Tini might not make himself as clear as others here, but to get Jew bashing out of his post that was rather obviously sarcastic is a reach that not even BP would make if St C had made it.

You seriously need to calm the fuck down,

St. Croix1411 reads

I thought that was a very creative way to knock off an enemy. Yeah my first reaction after reading the article was, 2 thumbs up Mossad. And as you can see, Mossad is good at keeping shit quiet for a very long time.

Obama, who is no Mossad, comes out and says, "damn who knew I'd be really good at killing people" when talking about drones. His actual translation - "yo terrorist imma go pop a cap in your ass".

You know what this means right? Zorff is going to come out of the closet, and not in a gay way.

Fuck!  I thought you were a self-hating Semi-Sino-Sicilian??? How dare you???

GaGambler1021 reads

I do like your phrase "Semi-Sino-Sicilian"

I will even give you credit for it if I use it in the future.

I really don't know what crawled up Doc's ass today, but he does seem a bit pissy, maybe it's that time of the month?

Assuming they put it up.  That reminds me of the other reason I hardly ever post here.  Moderation.  And I'm the one who helped cause it.  Along with your buddy, Laffy.  Hmmmm.  Let's see who'll bounce higher off the Space Needle: Laffy or Doc?  From what I've heard, the latter might not bounce.  More like a big "Splat!"

GaGambler1018 reads

I expect dumb shit out of bird brain. I know Doc can get a bit pissy at times, but this is a bit much. Where is Xiao or Tall&Dim when we need them. Somebody really needs to lighten the fuck up, and I don't mean he needs to lose weight.

besides, the formula for peace in the middle east will not begin or end with South Park.  
Not even if they kill off Kyle instead of Kenny.

But muzzling you would certainly improve my mood.

Posted By: inicky46
The formula for peace in the mid east.  

Or was it something else?  Oh, and were you born without a sense of humor or was it surgically removed?  My guess is you think because you used to be a mod here your shit don't stink.  Whatever the reason, you're a pissy pain in the ass.
I don't know why you decided to take a poke at me to begin with over a pretty innocuous post.  Perhaps your background in Hassidism makes you over sensitive.  Or maybe you've disliked some of my posts while you were lurking here or somewhere else.  Frankly, I don't give a crap.  Earth to Doc: if you poke me, I'll poke back.  If you can't handle it, go play somewhere else.

... and you've been a stain and taint on these boards for a long long time.  

You spend your days and nights on these boards, posting as often as you can, despite contributing ZERO to the discussion at hand other than to keep your name in print. You are a perfect example of what we used to refer to as a "Me Too!" forum rat. Your droppings are prevalent all across the internet on board after board.  

I have kept quiet for years over your crap, here, and on other boards, like the one in Arizona where you and your cronies infested infected and wrecked a growing website. That's when you landed on my permanent shit list, cuntpunter. You've traipsed across the internet, you and your cronies, infecting board after board with your bullshit and white knight fawning over the most absurd subjects.

Yes, nicky-poo, I WAS a mod here for some time, and have been a Mod on other boards you've infected as well. Matter of fact, there is yet another website that has been lobbying me to become involved. And I have been very specific about why I'm not interested. You are on record as being one of the reasons. And you know who the other two are.

Make all the effort you wish to "poke back". You can't say or do a fucking thing to affect me but whine, cry, and try to spread lies about me. Better people than you have tried. They're gone. I'm still here.  


All you have are words and indignation at my challenge to your character. Or lack of in this case.

 Me and my stinky shit however, have facts statistics and your long track record of insipidness to base my perceptions on. And I say to you, you, sir, are a phony; a poseur; a stain. Others have said it, but I'm the guy who doesn't give a fuck and has nothing to lose by telling you to your face just how bad an impression you make to the people behind the curtain who have to moderate idiots like you and your band of miscreants masquerading as men.

On the other hand if you REALLY didn't give a shit what I say or think, you'd ignore me, as I have ignored you for oh so very long. But one can ignore a bug up ones ass for only so long before it must be removed.

And just think, if only you'd kept your mouth quiet, this could all have been avoided. Know your role, inicky. Know your role, and shut your mouth.

And now I'm gonna go enjoy a movie while you sit there and spend your days and nights cruising forums looking for a thread where you can add your "ME TOO!" signature. When do you find the time to fuck and write reviews, anyway?

Ahhhhh... I feel so much better now. Thanks for letting me share, and getting this huge lump of resentment rot out of my system. You've had it coming for awhile, stain. Now go spread your taint like the yeast infection you are.

Note to GaG: I think it was a last straw sort of thing. His post in and of itself, was essentially innocuous if somewhat effete in tone, but the accumulation was such, and my mood was such that a perfect storm arose. I could have gotten really nasty, but Robertini exceeded my collateral damage quota for the week. Y'all can get back to your political diatribes now. I'm pretty well done with Politics in general. Cheers, you Sino-whatever! Keep 'em guessing! LO

Than HuffPo decided to rebroadcast the report. All 'Tini did was repost it here.

Go fuck yourself and your anti 1st amendment attitude.


Obamacare has gotten your balls all twisted in a knot.

GaGambler1077 reads

His post was obviously not a jew bashing one, rather it ridiculed others for doing so.

You seriously have a bug up your ass, and you need to get off your high fucking horse. Even Big Vern sees this as the crap that it is.

Christians get bashed here a lot more than do Jews. I know this because I am one of the bashers, Do you see Christians getting all bent out of shape in the manner that you just did?

Like I said before, your high and mighty attitude is EXACTLY what keeps anti semitism alive. Now lighten the fuck up!!! I can't believe I am defending Tini of all people, I don't give a fuck what your mood is. You are wrong, just fucking admit it.

Actually, you pompous, self-righteous ass-wipe, all you've proven is you don't even know who I am. First of all, I hardly ever post on this board, dickwad.
Second, I don't post nearly as much as others on the GD board.  I used to post more but I've got better things to do.
Third, what "Arizona Board?"  I recall one that I was on for about a week and hardly ever posted on. As for other boards, I'm an infrequent visitor to one other.  And that's it.  You sound like a no-life kettle calling the pot black and have done nothing but prove your nearly complete ignorance.
As far as another new site that wants you, don't get all swole up.  Nobody over there gives a shit about your bloated ass, or wants it befouling yet another venue, with your wretched, pissy little spewings.
All in all, it sounds like you desperately need some medication.
Please seek medical help.  And soon

rainbowCPA1025 reads

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... and you've been a stain and taint on these boards for a long long time.  
 You spend your days and nights on these boards, posting as often as you can, despite contributing ZERO to the discussion at hand other than to keep your name in print. You are a perfect example of what we used to refer to as a "Me Too!" forum rat. Your droppings are prevalent all across the internet on board after board.  
 I have kept quiet for years over your crap, here, and on other boards, like the one in Arizona where you and your cronies infested infected and wrecked a growing website. That's when you landed on my permanent shit list, cuntpunter. You've traipsed across the internet, you and your cronies, infecting board after board with your bullshit and white knight fawning over the most absurd subjects.  
 Yes, nicky-poo, I WAS a mod here for some time, and have been a Mod on other boards you've infected as well. Matter of fact, there is yet another website that has been lobbying me to become involved. And I have been very specific about why I'm not interested. You are on record as being one of the reasons. And you know who the other two are.  
 Make all the effort you wish to "poke back". You can't say or do a fucking thing to affect me but whine, cry, and try to spread lies about me. Better people than you have tried. They're gone. I'm still here.  
 All you have are words and indignation at my challenge to your character. Or lack of in this case.  
  Me and my stinky shit however, have facts statistics and your long track record of insipidness to base my perceptions on. And I say to you, you, sir, are a phony; a poseur; a stain. Others have said it, but I'm the guy who doesn't give a fuck and has nothing to lose by telling you to your face just how bad an impression you make to the people behind the curtain who have to moderate idiots like you and your band of miscreants masquerading as men.  
 On the other hand if you REALLY didn't give a shit what I say or think, you'd ignore me, as I have ignored you for oh so very long. But one can ignore a bug up ones ass for only so long before it must be removed.  
 And just think, if only you'd kept your mouth quiet, this could all have been avoided. Know your role, inicky. Know your role, and shut your mouth.  
 And now I'm gonna go enjoy a movie while you sit there and spend your days and nights cruising forums looking for a thread where you can add your "ME TOO!" signature. When do you find the time to fuck and write reviews, anyway?  
 Ahhhhh... I feel so much better now. Thanks for letting me share, and getting this huge lump of resentment rot out of my system. You've had it coming for awhile, stain. Now go spread your taint like the yeast infection you are.  
 Note to GaG: I think it was a last straw sort of thing. His post in and of itself, was essentially innocuous if somewhat effete in tone, but the accumulation was such, and my mood was such that a perfect storm arose. I could have gotten really nasty, but Robertini exceeded my collateral damage quota for the week. Y'all can get back to your political diatribes now. I'm pretty well done with Politics in general. Cheers, you Sino-whatever! Keep 'em guessing! LOL  

You've got no game at all, Doc.  Keep on posting so everyone can see.  Seriously, you should go play with lungman, FIDIOT and the other losers.  At this point, all you are is a minor annoyance with a punctuation problem.

Back_In_Black1169 reads

Saw your post below and well your kind of knowledgeable unlike inicky46 , well do I have to put the hole in the sheets or does she do that ? And should I add the cost of the sheets to the donation or is it included ? Thanks

inicky is an admitted self-hater and member of the lowest rung on the ladder of human evolution. My 8 year old nephew has already forgotten more than inicky will ever learn. He is irrelevant and serves no viable purpose that I can see other than to serve as a sycophant to other petty losers.

As to your question, assuming the provider knows you are coming, as opposed to knowing when you cum, she will have already prepared the sheet prior to your arrival. If she is a quality provider, it will even be freshly laundered with Kosher soap, and properly tied tzitzit at each of the four corners.  

Typically, the cost of the sheet will be folded in with the rest of the donation, much like that hot towel you hope she wipes you off with, or the condom she deftly placed on your penis prior to penetration.

And for your sake, I hope this provider you plan to see isn't a Mohel-mouth who uses her teeth. Otherwise, consider CBJ for YOUR protection. It hurts a lot worse if you aren't already circumcised.


Back_In_Black902 reads

History behind the hole in the sheet if any . I really am interested in traditions and cultures . And what's mohel mouth ? I had a lot of Jewish gf and they gave good head .  

But listen I like inicky yeah he's my buddy so you gotta be nice to him , plus you guys probably come from the same tribe ( hope that was the correct word ) . Okay look you guys can't start fighting with each other because the middle east is kinda a win ?  

Thanks .

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
inicky is an admitted self-hater and member of the lowest rung on the ladder of human evolution. My 8 year old nephew has already forgotten more than inicky will ever learn. He is irrelevant and serves no viable purpose that I can see other than to serve as a sycophant to other petty losers.  
 As to your question, assuming the provider knows you are coming, as opposed to knowing when you cum, she will have already prepared the sheet prior to your arrival. If she is a quality provider, it will even be freshly laundered with Kosher soap, and properly tied tzitzit at each of the four corners.  
 Typically, the cost of the sheet will be folded in with the rest of the donation, much like that hot towel you hope she wipes you off with, or the condom she deftly placed on your penis prior to penetration.  
 And for your sake, I hope this provider you plan to see isn't a Mohel-mouth who uses her teeth. Otherwise, consider CBJ for YOUR protection. It hurts a lot worse if you aren't already circumcised.  

A mohel is a man who does the ritual circumcisions for religious Jews.  So a mohel mouth would be a woman who uses too much teeth to the point where it feels like she's taking your foreskin off.  Oh, and don't bother trying to talk Doc down from his limb.  He's clearly having a melt-down.  Let's just all watch him go up in smoke.  Perhaps his tiny wee-wee was just pureed by a mohel mouth. That would explain a lot.

Back_In_Black1149 reads

In 69 had a few clamp down , I was freaking .  

Politics , why argue we need to get common sense in office , after this trend of trendy assholes ends maybe things will run more smoothly .  

Dude I want some kosher soap , to bathe with my beauties ....l8r bro and b gd nky46 !  

Posted By: inicky46
A mohel is a man who does the ritual circumcisions for religious Jews.  So a mohel mouth would be a woman who uses too much teeth to the point where it feels like she's taking your foreskin off.  Oh, and don't bother trying to talk Doc down from his limb.  He's clearly having a melt-down.  Let's just all watch him go up in smoke.  Perhaps his tiny wee-wee was just pureed by a mohel mouth. That would explain a lot.

GaGambler1235 reads

That makes him a "self hater"???

Give me a fucking break.

By that same standard, if someone breaks faith with the Catholic Church and comes to realize just how full of shit they are, does that make that person a "self hater" as well?

Your superior fucking attitude is exactly what creates anti semitism in the first place,  Doc, I like you, but I will repeat my advice from yesterday. "Lighten the fuck up!!!"

GaG, he himself has conceded as much, not just in the thread below, but in the past as well.
And please read my response to him... there's a little note in there for you too.
I will acknowledge that my comments to him are not fresh, but an accumulation of long years of silence. Granted, I might not have unloaded both barrels if he hadn't played the fatso card. That throws the rules out the window. Fuck him and his douchebag cronies.

In any event, I'm done with my little game here. And realistically, of the 2 dozen or so people who actually still read this board, I doubt anything I say will change any of their minds about anything or anyone but me. I can live with that.

Meanwhile, inicky will still be seething and pissed off, will probably have cried his complaints to his crew and started a petition to have me removed from the boards. I'll let him have the last word so he can believe he has salvaged his manhood. I can live with that too.

And this will all be forgotten in a week or as soon as it hits page 2.  


I could care less about anything you write and prefer to see it all stay up here to everyone will know what a friendless dick you are.  And don't blame my "fat joke" for your melt-down.  You were already in full flame out long before that.

More like a raging ego-maniac, lol!  I really do like myself a lot.  What I don't like is religious people of any stripe who throw it in your face.  I mean, if you want to believe in a fairy tale and it makes you happy, fine.  But don't tell me to live that way; I don't care if you're a Jew, a Christian, a Muslim, or Buddhist or any other believer.
Sounds like Gonzo is a bible-thumping bigot with a major personality disorder.  If he were less holier-than-thou I'd pity him.  But he's too annoying for that.  He sounds like a sad, unhappy putz and he's welcome to wallow in his misery.

-- Modified on 11/7/2013 2:59:28 PM

GaGambler1108 reads

I don't give a fuck what he said to you. I am sure you deserve every bad word ever said about you, just like me. lmao. Well except for the self hating part. Again, like me there are plenty of people who hate you, but I don't count you as one of them. You love yourself, to what extent I really don't want to know, and neither do the goats. lol

What I don't get is the attack on Tini, anyone with half a brain, or even less as I would wager that even AF would see that Tini was not Jew bashing, I don't really know what to make of Docs meltdown except that he must be wallowing in a puddle of his own goo due to something completely separate from this, or any other fuck board. No one takes this shit THAT seriously, do they???

All I know is that judging from Doc's meltdown, I am willing to bet his life sucks right now, and I am pretty sure yours doesn't, or at least it won't after banging a couple of dozen hot ticas. Have you ever noticed the people who get the most bent out of shape on these boards are generally the most unhappy in their "real" lives. Maybe that's why I don't really give a fuck what is said on this, or any other fuck board. My life rocks right now, and it's about to get even better in a couple of hours as I plan on finding out just how good chocolate, tequila and a twenty year old hottie can taste together.

Yes, life is good, and for those whose lives suck that want to take it out here, all I can say is "it sucks to be you!!!"

And while I don't like the present government there --and you know the details -- I don't like knee-jerk Israel bashers either.  Then I read it and it had nothing to do with Israel at all.  To read that in shows a hyper-sensitive mind.
As for why Doc melted down, I couldn't give two shits.  Clearly, he's had it in for me for a long time and was just looking for an excuse to pop off.  That's fine, but my issue with it is mainly he hasn't got the slightest clue as to who I am or what I think.  You do.
And, no, my life doesn't suck either.  I'm seeing one smoking hottie tomorrow and my winter includes two sojourns in Costa Rica, bracketing a trip to Las Vegas and Key West.
Winning! (God, I hate that expression!) LMAO!

BIB crapped on your head and you didn't even know it.  I can't believe you are lame enough to actually explain the "hole in the sheet" thing to him.  LMAO!
You are beyond pathetic, you humorless, self-centered joke

Back_In_Black1168 reads

Its my 1st time with her I want it to be special . And I got the kosher soap on line so fuck you ! Can't wait for her to play with my matza balls !  

Posted By: inicky46
BIB crapped on your head and you didn't even know it.  I can't believe you are lame enough to actually explain the "hole in the sheet" thing to him.  LMAO!  
 You are beyond pathetic, you humorless, self-centered joke.  

BTW, most Jews aren't Kosher.  Personally, my favorite appetizer is scallops wrapped in bacon.  No wonder DickGoonzo hates me! LMAO! He's too cool for schul.

If any other nation was having its citizens routinely murdered in buses, cafes, airports, temples in hundreds of attacks, that nation would hit the person causing it with major force.

If France had 100 bombs in the streets and movies of Paris, if Russian has 100 bombs in parks and buses, if Turkey was attacked in a dozen mosques, there would be hell to pay.

A little poison is about as mild a response as one could imagine

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