Politics and Religion

Dude! are you truly more worried about lapel pins and podium seals than
Timbow 4560 reads
1 / 35

By the way did you see this funny picture. It is
true but after MAC's team said Obama is playing make believe I doubt it will be used much more . SNL would have a ball with it :)


''Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., speaks during a meeting of Democratic Governors at the Chicago History Museum in Chicago Friday, June 20, 2008. A new seal debuted on Obama's podium Friday, sporting iconography used in the U.S. presidential seal, the blue background, the eagle clutching arrows on left and olive branch on right, but with symbolic differences. Instead of the Latin 'E pluribus unum' (Out of many, one), Obama's says 'Vero possumus', rough Latin for 'Yes, we can.' Instead of 'Seal of the President of the United States', Obama's Web site address is listed. And instead of a shield, Obama's eagle wears his 'O' campaign logo with a rising sun representing hope ahead.''

''Vero Possumus" sayeth Obama, who is now being referred to as The Possum King by the media:'' :)
Was on the Huffington Post

Vero possumus essentially means "Truly we're able" :)

Using the great seal of President of US is also a crime :)

18 USC Sec. 713 ... (a) Whoever knowingly displays any printed or other likeness of the great seal of the United States, or of the seals of the President or the Vice President of the United States, or the seal of the United States Senate, or the seal of the United States House of Representatives, or the seal of the United States Congress, or any facsimile thereof, in, or in connection with, any advertisement, poster, circular, book, pamphlet, or other publication, public meeting, play, motion picture, telecast, or other production, or on any building, monument, or stationery, for the purpose of conveying, or in a manner reasonably calculated to convey, a false impression of sponsorship or approval by the Government of the United States or by any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both

Also Obama plays the race card

''Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama said on Friday he expects Republicans to highlight the fact that he is black as part of an effort to make voters afraid of him.''

-- Modified on 6/21/2008 1:16:47 PM

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-- Modified on 6/21/2008 2:06:29 PM

Crystal_Ball_Operator 1814 reads
2 / 35

critical issues, and raise the level of debate.

But you forgot to call him Osama.  So it's no fucking wonder we're stuck in Iraq.  After all, everybody named Hussein came from Iraq, and everybody knows that.

Fuckin idiot.  That's precisely why you get shit back, because that's what you contribute.  People would normally think Shit was your native and only language.

Timbow 1770 reads
3 / 35

yea it should not be possum it should be King of the Coons :)  
The ''Magic Negro' said Reps will play the race card . What  an idiot he did himself by using race as an issue today :)

-- Modified on 6/21/2008 2:32:57 PM

Crystal_Ball_Operator 1748 reads
4 / 35
Timbow 3333 reads
5 / 35

I agree it shows  another rookie mistake by Obama :)

-- Modified on 6/21/2008 2:40:32 PM

Crystal_Ball_Operator 1790 reads
6 / 35

Watching your candidates, I could understand how you'd think that's true.

But it's not.  Some of the shit your boys do is deliberate, and that's how they wind up in jail - at least until they get pardoned.

Timbow 1378 reads
7 / 35

I am not a Republican I am an independent and the Great Possum Seal is so easy to make fun of in its cartoon like absurdity . Fits Obama to a T :)

Crystal_Ball_Operator 1638 reads
8 / 35


kerrakles 1690 reads
9 / 35

Why wouldn't Obambi take McCain on his Town Hall Meetings?

What is he afraid of?

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1369 reads
10 / 35

critical issues, and raise the level of debate.

dude, the charge would have more credibility if it did'nt come from sommeone who has been fixated for the last few years on GWB's drinking habits back in the 80's....

or his appearance, or lack thereof for ROTC in the 70s''''

i wont even bring up anne_the_skank_cuntler

JW-Blue 1856 reads
11 / 35

another ignorant comment from another misinformed democrat. can't we just stick to the facts and have those town-hall meetings? what are you afraid of? or is your candidate hiding something?

Crystal_Ball_Operator 2133 reads
12 / 35

personal habits like substance abuse and AWOL?

OK, so I know the answer.  Forget I asked.

Crystal_Ball_Operator 1731 reads
13 / 35

why don't you e-mail his campaign and ask?

It's logical to assume that Obama thought the format would help McCain more than him.  There's any number of possible reasons, but the more I think about it, the more I like a fellow who seems to think about what he's doing.   We could use a few of those.

GhostofGonzo 1834 reads
14 / 35
Chuck Darwin 2558 reads
15 / 35
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1674 reads
16 / 35



I can only imagnine what got spwed on your screen!!!

Gotta admit, that bolsters the arguement for proficency testing for weapons licensing......

-- Modified on 6/21/2008 6:40:56 PM

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1696 reads
17 / 35

in a position where he actually has to think to get the answers..

he doesnt want to get to far away from the IV of answers they have plugged into his cerebelum

Crystal_Ball_Operator 1631 reads
18 / 35

I usually don't care where a person gets answers.  But McCain has promised to maintain Bush's policies, and Bush has told us those are based in his "instincts".

His "instincts" have a pretty shitty track record, starting back in Alabama - he's about zip and 40 years by now.   If I were McCain, I wouldn't be so quick about signing onto *that*.

Timbow 1967 reads
19 / 35

You are the one truly confused because Bush  cannot be President again . Ya gotta get over your  BDS  and the two things above no way in hell could be compared to MAC :)

-- Modified on 6/21/2008 9:36:19 PM

Crystal_Ball_Operator 1747 reads
20 / 35
Timbow 1688 reads
21 / 35

You are too easy to call stupid all people have to see is how I beat you like a piñata :)

Mama_Babs 2221 reads
22 / 35

You fuckers get brighter every day!

JW-Blue 3309 reads
23 / 35

now, where did you get that impression? can you back that up? i don't think so. you always have to tie mccain with bush. this is the same obama scare tactics. if you can show us that mccain, indeed, promised to maintain all of bush policies, then i'll vote for obama in nov. if you can't come up with proof, then you're just another half-informed osama supporter.

JW-Blue 1814 reads
24 / 35

have you heard of "wrong click"? that's what happened there.

let's get back to the facts. i don't really care who's democrat and who's republican. that's what divides this country. no one wants to cross the line and work with the other party. oh wait a minute.... mccain does that! ha!

for each obama accomplishment that you can give me, i'll name you 2 of mccain's! oh wait a minute...i don't have to do that. obama doesn't have any!

kerrakles 3027 reads
25 / 35

You are a dumb fuck with the brains of an ant. It was a serious question and I know exactly the reasons why Obambi won't participate.

Have you ever answered a serious question with a serious answre. You must have miserable life.

Goal was to start a discussion on a discussion board rather than than throwing stupid one liners. Then again, one needs a brain to participate in rational discussion!

Crystal_Ball_Operator 1874 reads
26 / 35

connection to the Illuminati, and reveal that he's a half-breed.

Of course it's a serious question!  You're a serious person! With serious goals to start discussions with dumb questions!

Now what *I* want to know is, what is McCain hiding, always going around with his shirt on?  Hunh?  I'll bet he has the biggest man-boobs in 7 states.

Debate THAT, mofo!

Crystal_Ball_Operator 1622 reads
27 / 35

Of course he's got the Guinness Book of World Records flipflops - a few years ago, he was criticizing the Bush about a few things.  

Then he realized it hurt their feelings, and decided he should suck their ass instead.   Bush tax policy, court appointees, war policy - all sucking Bush ass.

You'll vote for Obama when he jumps in a vat of Clorox and registers Republican.

Chuck Darwin 1540 reads
28 / 35

wrong fact, happens all the time!  What's a major mistake among friends?!

Obama doesn't have any accomplishments!  He hasn't been AWOL, DUI, fucked up an oil company, a ball club, a state and now a country!  Most of all, he doesn't have the fucked up instincts that you need to be a Republican president!

Shit, he'd probably get things right sometimes!  LAw of averages, you know!

Bushit-eater 1809 reads
29 / 35
JW-Blue 1629 reads
30 / 35

are you saying obama is not a flip-flopper? he's the biggest of them all! he pledged that he'll take public financing in 2006, then he signed publicly that he's going to take public financing in 2007. and 2 months ago, obama doesn't want to take public financing! he might as well just say "Present!". maybe that'll work for him again.

mccain's and bush's tax policies are different. the only thing that's the same is that mccain is not going to raise taxes!

your obama is saying that he'll withdraw troops in Iraq, but he also said that he'll increase the troops in Afghanistan. do your research, buddy. i don't really think you're that informed.

*at least, mccain doesn't discriminate who sits in the background of his speeches. obama doesn't want to put muslims in his bacground because he doesn't want people to think that he's one. his father was a muslim, his name is muslim, and he went to a muslim school. if i was an ex-muslim, it's easier to admit it rather than denying it. if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck!

JW-Blue 1322 reads
31 / 35

crystal balls is just another typical left-nut who can't stick with the subject and can't state the facts. what has illuminati, shirts, and half-breeds have to do with this debate???

JW-Blue 1613 reads
32 / 35

aaahhh. at least, there's one smart democrat in this country who finally admits that obama doesn't have any accomplishments! someone who's going to put the entire country's FUTURE to the LAW of AVERAGES!

Chuck Manson 1827 reads
33 / 35
Devils-advocate 2273 reads
35 / 35
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