Politics and Religion

Don't forget, those BMWs come here via ship. (eom)
FatVern 73 reads

Posted By: Old_School
Neither Clinton nor Trump would be better for the economy right now.  
 Either Clinton or Trump would need to effect systemic change in order to truly repair our economy.  
 Both Clinton AND Trump working together using their influence could make a difference imho.  
 Sadly, that is an unlikely scenario, especially in this divisive atmosphere.  
 The stocks are doing well right now but IMHO it is an artificially inflated market.Pretty sure its gonna be toast regardless of which way the winds blow in November.The GOP will blame the D and the D will blame the T and nobody will do anything to the real criminals who walk away with billions upon billions. Again.  
 Who do you think would be more likely to allow that to happen? HRC or DJT?  
 Who do you think the Chinese would rather see in office?A politician they can buy like a movie studio or a politician who  wants movies made about him?  
 I agree with WB re: the agri-damage and shipyard closures.Plus what would the USA be like without all those cheap authentic Americana souvenirs "Made in China"?  
Posted By: WickedBrut
They're probably right. I have felt that agriculture would get bruised in any trade war, because if Trump imposed tariffs, about the only export China could put a tariff on to fight back--or just refuse to buy from us, maybe switch to Argentina--would be corn, soy, those crops. But it looks like the experts think the national business climate would suffer. Oh, and dock workers. If we stop importing stuff the shipyards would put docks hands out of work.  
  Stocks usually do poorly in an election year, but this time the markets been doing okay.

...Trump?  Who the fuck cares what you think!  The National Association for Business Economics surveyed 414 of its members between July 20 and August 2.  55% of the business economists said Clinton is best for the economy.  Trump got only 14% of the vote.  And he wasn't even in second place!  Gary Johnson received 15% of the votes.

The NABE was founded in 1959 and is an association applied economists, strategists, academics, and policy-makers.  


They're probably right. I have felt that agriculture would get bruised in any trade war, because if Trump imposed tariffs, about the only export China could put a tariff on to fight back--or just refuse to buy from us, maybe switch to Argentina--would be corn, soy, those crops. But it looks like the experts think the national business climate would suffer. Oh, and dock workers. If we stop importing stuff the shipyards would put docks hands out of work.

Stocks usually do poorly in an election year, but this time the markets been doing okay.

Old_School94 reads

Neither Clinton nor Trump would be better for the economy right now.
Either Clinton or Trump would need to effect systemic change in order to truly repair our economy.
Both Clinton AND Trump working together using their influence could make a difference imho.
Sadly, that is an unlikely scenario, especially in this divisive atmosphere.

The stocks are doing well right now but IMHO it is an artificially inflated market.Pretty sure its gonna be toast regardless of which way the winds blow in November.The GOP will blame the D and the D will blame the T and nobody will do anything to the real criminals who walk away with billions upon billions. Again.

Who do you think would be more likely to allow that to happen? HRC or DJT?

Who do you think the Chinese would rather see in office?A politician they can buy like a movie studio or a politician who  wants movies made about him?

I agree with WB re: the agri-damage and shipyard closures.Plus what would the USA be like without all those cheap authentic Americana souvenirs "Made in China"?  

Posted By: WickedBrut
They're probably right. I have felt that agriculture would get bruised in any trade war, because if Trump imposed tariffs, about the only export China could put a tariff on to fight back--or just refuse to buy from us, maybe switch to Argentina--would be corn, soy, those crops. But it looks like the experts think the national business climate would suffer. Oh, and dock workers. If we stop importing stuff the shipyards would put docks hands out of work.  
 Stocks usually do poorly in an election year, but this time the markets been doing okay.

FatVern74 reads

Posted By: Old_School
Neither Clinton nor Trump would be better for the economy right now.  
 Either Clinton or Trump would need to effect systemic change in order to truly repair our economy.  
 Both Clinton AND Trump working together using their influence could make a difference imho.  
 Sadly, that is an unlikely scenario, especially in this divisive atmosphere.  
 The stocks are doing well right now but IMHO it is an artificially inflated market.Pretty sure its gonna be toast regardless of which way the winds blow in November.The GOP will blame the D and the D will blame the T and nobody will do anything to the real criminals who walk away with billions upon billions. Again.  
 Who do you think would be more likely to allow that to happen? HRC or DJT?  
 Who do you think the Chinese would rather see in office?A politician they can buy like a movie studio or a politician who  wants movies made about him?  
 I agree with WB re: the agri-damage and shipyard closures.Plus what would the USA be like without all those cheap authentic Americana souvenirs "Made in China"?  
Posted By: WickedBrut
They're probably right. I have felt that agriculture would get bruised in any trade war, because if Trump imposed tariffs, about the only export China could put a tariff on to fight back--or just refuse to buy from us, maybe switch to Argentina--would be corn, soy, those crops. But it looks like the experts think the national business climate would suffer. Oh, and dock workers. If we stop importing stuff the shipyards would put docks hands out of work.  
  Stocks usually do poorly in an election year, but this time the markets been doing okay.

How can people so dumb even be allowed to vote? and by dumb I mean BOTH of you.  

Can someone please rent these two a clue?

And it brought in some jobs to the area.

Steph xoxo

FatVern61 reads

... and I was talking about stevedoring.  

How many people travel to SC to take delivery of their BMW?

If you really have such courage of conviction that the market is going to tank, why not get rich on it yourself?

The market is "artificially inflated" but not for the reasons you cite, it's simply that there is really nowhere else in a zero interest rate, low commodity price environment for most people to put their money.  

It's kind of a vicious circle. the economy is weak necessitating low interest rates, low interest rates make bonds and other interest bearing instruments VERY unattractive, pushing money into stocks which as stocks rise "should" push up interest rates to keep inflation in check and keep the economy from overheating, but the economy is NOT strong, so interest rates stay at zero until at some point the bubble bursts. OR, the economy grows some real legs and interest rates are allowed to creep up slowly and balance is restored. Yeah right, what are the chances of that happening?

The one thing I see Trump doing is repatriating that 2+ TRILLION dollars currently parked offshore. A REAL two trillion shot in the arm to this economy would work wonders, as opposed to a government "stimulus" done by both Bush and Obama which was simply temporarily giving us back some of our own money, but not actually injecting any new money into the economy.

Under a Democratic administration.. by far.. did great under Clinton.. a complete mess under Bush.. and a huge recovery under Obama...  
A long tem comparison..

The economy, and the big players in it respond most favorably to stability, not change, especially unpredictable change which Trump represents.

I don't hear anything but rehashed "making rich pay their fare share.... nonsense.

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