Politics and Religion

Don't forget the millions who voted for Bush because
wizard1565 3 Reviews 1433 reads

he had good christian values and God will guide him...see what God did in 8 years, I am never voting for him (thats God) again

I know, I know, he's not a news reporter, but he is portraying an interview question, which is a news item being report, dishonestly. In my book, he should not be on the air. How can someone who knows what was truly said present it in such a dishonest way?

-- Modified on 7/8/2009 3:54:42 PM

tjrevisted1990 reads

Trying OR EVEN SUGGESTING, someones free speech be taken away..WHY DID I CLICK ON THIS POST??

Note..DONT READ THIS ANTI-AMERICAN'S POSTS AGAIN, I knew better, but I keep getting you mixed up with marikod..CAN WE JUST TAKE HIS MEMBERSHIP?? Wait, is that a libral question??

GaGambler2138 reads

Just because he is a partisan hack doesn't mean that he is always wrong.

For every right wing hack like Hannity there are a dozen left wings hacks prentending to be objective. At least with Hannity there is no pretense of objectivity.

kerrakles1264 reads

Only 99.9999% of the time.

Now we know what's wrong with TJ, watching Hannity regularly would fuck up your brain.

GaG, are you joining the Hannity is the hero club.

tjrevisted1493 reads

I NEVER SAID I WATCH HANNITY...There you go, you lil liberal, putting your spin on it..

PS- I DONT HAVE TO LIKE SOMEONE, for them to have the right to free speech, I DONT EVEN HAVE TO AGREE WITH WHAT THEYRE SAY'N..K? Thats a liberal thing, not a consewrvative thing to do, and you and matt are being true to your liberal ways...

-- Modified on 7/8/2009 5:17:10 PM

GaGambler1156 reads

Of all the talk radio assholes the only one I dislike more than Hannity is Michael Savage. My favorite is Neal Boortz.

My point was that virtually all "journalists" are biased and that Hannity, partisan bloviator that he is still isn't wrong all the time, in fact I probably agree with him on the issues maybe 40% of the time. I only strongly disagree with him about a third of the time. I still dislike him about 100% of the time even when agreeing with him.

Hannity is a right wing version of what you have become. He is a partisan hack that never disagrees with the Republicans or agrees with the Democrats, because of this I can't take anything he, or you for that matter has to say. His first thought just like yours is how to twist the facts to make his side look good and your side look bad.

If Bush were to race into a burning building and personally save a dozen lives, you would find a way to fault him for it. I will grant you that if Obama were to do the same, Hannity would also find a way to cast it a bad light. Neither one of you have the slightest objectivity.

OTOH you make a lot of sense on the GD board and the Atlanta board. Something has happened to you in re to politics because you are now as angry and bitter a person as I have yet to meet where it comes to politics

And of the talkers, Boortz is ranked near the bottom according to talkers magazine.  Why, because he do not feed the troll, as we say on these boards.  He often disagrees with his callers and is a stalwart defender of freedom from the religous right or the race/immigration baiting, which makes him tolerable.  He is a true libertarian unlike that idiot Glen Beck.  I side with Boortz when it comes to fighting the religous bigots that makes the GOP intolerable. Now I can persoanlly disagree with a lot he says also but only a sheep agree with something 100%...

GaGambler1514 reads

Whether you agree with him or not on any particular issue, you know with absolute certainty that he opinion he is espousing is "HIS" opinion and not just the party mantra.

There are many others, and I consider Hannity one of the worst that just spin the facts to suit their arguement without any real regard for the truth.

He'll take someone's audio book & splice various statements together making it sound like the person is saying very bizarre things...But at least the Stern Show is not attempting to be a serious news show...

Why in the hell would anyone watch a vile animal like Sean Hannity?...Seriously, there is sports on (ok, it's not NFL or NBA season but a good MLB game isn't all that bad)...Or watch "So You Think You Can Dance"...Or "Hawaii Five-O" reruns (first six seasons are now on DVD)...

If you stuck your lips on every exhaust pipe on every car in Los Angeles, that would still only be about 25% of the pollution you're subjected to watching FOX Noise for 15 minutes.....

Richard gets mentioned on TER, and you leave off his butt buddy.  Shame on you. :)

First, tell me with a straight face that liberals did not go over Bush's comments with a fine tooth comb, parsing them to fit their agenda.  Tell me that when the presiden said something that was questionable or ambiguous, liberals did not jump to the front and say, "Bush said........" giving their spin on it.

Oh, yeah.

And now you are so upset that Hannity analysizes Obama's words.  Lord knows, commentators should never parse the president's words.  Terrible to do that. Beyond terrible. Indefensible.

Second, that isn't such an outrageous read by Hannity.  The role that the West played in the end of the Cold War was enormous.  Yes, there was Solidarity, but the role that much of the oppressed Communist block played was understandably limited by the fact that if they circulated a petition in Red Square or next to the Berlin Wall, they would be sent to Siberia.

The fact of the matter is that the Russians are upset if you say they "lost" the Cold War, so Obama tries to downplay that.  And I understand that attempt at diplomacy.

However, I do not object to, and I want, a president that trumpets the good things that America did.  He should be able to say, "We took an active role in promoting democracy and we encouraged freedom to sprout behind the Iron Curtain.  Yes, much of the work was done by others, but we always supported those groups who fought oppression. And it would be a huge mistake to downplay our role in spreading freedom."

OOOOOPS. I just realized how stupid he would sound if he said that after his luke warm support of the dissent in Iran and his caving in to the illegal actions of the ex-president of Houndouras who was found to be violating that countries constitution and was booted out by the SUpreme Court.

I wasn't talking about any other person. If a journalist is misrepresenting someone, and particularly if s/he does so consistently, no matter who s/he works for, or his/her bias, political persuasion, etc., I have a right to point it out, and denounce him/her for doing so. I do so, and I will continue to do so. You can continue to talk about whatever you want to talk about, whether it was how the press treated Bush, or interject your anti-Obama talking points, fine. Still, that's not what I'm discussing. I'm denouncing a journalist for being intentionally dishonest. Period!

GaGambler1293 reads

Hannity is a political hack and really nothing more than a sideshow. The fact that he distorted the truth really isn't even newsworthy.

That said, pointing out all the other dishonest journalist really is quite relevent, as I said before Hannity doesn't even have a veneer of objectivity. It is even worse when people of Dan Rather's status are committing acts every bit as heinous and dishonest as Hannity.

I once had allot of respect for him, when he was reporting in Viet Nam. But, no longer.

That was his take on what Obama said. His interpretation is not dishonest. It may even be wrong, but that is how he interprets it. If he is consisently unreasonable, his ratings will fall and he will be fired.

After reading the two quotes, I didn't even understand how what he said was "dishonest." It is just his interprestion of what Obama was saying.

the Hannity clip deleted a sentence right out of the MIDDLE of what Obama said. Cutting a clip shorter by deleting some from the beginning or the end happens all the time and often creates an "out of context" complaint.

But this edit was different. Hannity even wen on to criticize Obama for not saying what was essentally (but not specifically) in the sentence that was deleted.

RightwingUnderground1858 reads

Leaving out BHO’s first sentence that referenced Lech Walesa is OK. BHO’s second sentence that was included still captured the meaning of the thought. Calling Hannity out for this sentence is disingenuous on Huffington part. Hannity wasn’t capitalizing on the missing sentence, he was calling out Obama and rightfully so for Obama’s downplaying of America’s and the West’s role in winning the cold war. I understand why Obama is doing it. I don’t agree with the tactic.

But the second edit was uncalled for and just wrong. Hannity removed out BHO’ sentence:

“I'm very proud of the traditions of Democratic and Republican presidents to lift the Iron Curtain. But, you know,. . . ”

This came right out of the middle of a thought and expression. It changed the meaning. Hannity then used it’s absence to attack BHO for not mentioning Reagan’s contribution, which of course is implied in the missing quote.

Welcome to the “Let’s Keep the Press Honest Society”. I’ll be expecting more good things from you (on both sides) now.

GaGambler1719 reads

Lets see if the lefties around here can be as objective when one of their own gets caught doing the same thing. I doubt we will have to wait long "objective journalism" has been dead for a long time.

RWU I think you should bookmark this thread, I want to see the left's reaction when they get caught apologizing for one of their own when he/she is caught in the same kind of lie.

I think the mainstream media is allot more sneaky when it comes to not getting the truth out. Much of it is about what they choose to cover, and what they don't choose to cover.

I'll stipulate to full objectivity whern I see a post questioning Rush. something the real politicians won't do.

RightwingUnderground1334 reads

It's not about disagreeing with Rush or anyone else.

Correct, Hannity basically lied ro prove his point but I will stilll say when the party stands up to Rush and this board stands up to Ruah, I'll say objectivity has been reached

GaGambler752 reads

What board have you been frequenting? I bet you there isn't one poster out of ten here that is a Limbaugh supporter. Even most of the righties don't particularly like him.

How about when this board stands up to the MSM whose bias is more insidious than is Limbaugh's or any of the other entertainers posing as journalists. That will be the true mark of objectivity.

I am really not familiar with that unless you talking about MSNBC, which I always said is the left response to Fox and equally lacks credibilty.  With you as an exception and few others, Rush get no direct crtique of some of the outlandish things he says, not as we just spent a thread on Hannity.  At least not in my 6 months on this board.  So if Limbaugh have been throughly trashed like Hannity have in this thread...I stand corrected

Well I'll try to be a good member of the "Let's Keep the Press Honest Society," but if I miss anything, from either side, keep me informed.

BTW, I can't remember where I read it, but some news article, I read yesterday, had John Boehner of Ohio, listed as a Democrat. I've criticized Fox for doing the same thing twice, regarding Republic congressmen caught in sex scandals, and I went back to retrieve the article, to post it here, but couldn't find it.

I generally like Hannity, though I tend to lump him with a cabal of other so-called conservatives who's partisan bickering gets a little nauseating.

Hannity is often times right about many things, but he goes too far. Frankly, the clip he played of Obama asking for dijon mustard was the limit. There are plenty of genuine substantive criticisms to level at Obama. Worrying about his mustard preference is just a little bit ridiculous. Alot ridiculous really.

With respect to Obama's answer, even the diced up clip Hannity played (the gist of his answer really wasn't affected at all by Hannity's summary of his response) seemed fine to me. Although the West played a key role in bringing down the USSR, I see nothing wrong at all with acknowledging and applauding the struggles of others who also helped to bring the USSR to its knees. Hannity's point here is simply wrong, and Obama is right.

hannity and what's his name BECK

harp on too many odd ball things

they should focus on several topics

make their point

and move on.

Hannity is just one harping nag.

Beck is way over the top on some topics , too.

But the FAR LEFT EXTREMISTS are just as bad.

Al Frank, comedian, US Senator????

Who's next? Ron WHITE??

GaGambler1827 reads

That miserable piece of shit Al Franken is quite another matter, but Ron White is funny as shit.

GaGambler1454 reads



The choice is easy, I'll take black and white over any other color all day long.

His name is Franken, not Frank. And he hasn't been a comedian for a long time. Did you ever hear his show on Air America? He did not manage to say a single funny thing in over 3 years on the air.

GaGambler1530 reads

When he said "I am running for Senator"

It would have been funnier if he hadn't actually won. Minnesota, What were you people thinking???

I want to laugh, but there really isn't anything funny about it.

tjrevisted1325 reads

being elected to go to DC, makes me ''think'' ALL our elections ARE FIXXED !!!!!!!!!!!! Come on, the American public, AND ESPECIALLY Minisotta's majority ARE NOT THAT LIBRAL, and didnt want that man there..AKORN IS DOING THIS..

Ps, I put ''think'' in quotations, because its becoming such an irrelivent word these days..And alot of people dont know what it means, or how to do it ..I might not can spell, But atleast I think about yall when I misspell words..AND KNOW THEY'RE NOT RIGHT, before I excuse myself, and ask ya'll to excuse me for the same missplellings I ''think'' are wrong..lol

GaGambler1327 reads

Look at the millions of people who voted for Obama, there are of course millions who voted for him because he is a Democrat, millions more who voted for him simply because he is black, but the people that scare me are the millions who voted for him because they actually believed his line of bullshit, lock stock and barrel.

As far as your misspelling go, you might try spell check. An occassional typo or misspelled word is acceptable, but a post filled with spelling and grammatical mistakes is difficult to follow and makes the writer and his/her POV look less intelligent. Just a thought.

he had good christian values and God will guide him...see what God did in 8 years, I am never voting for him (thats God) again

a presidential election since 1972...

Sure, they're pockets of extreme conservatism, after all, a NUT-CASE like Michelle Bachmann got elected in the House.. But by & large, MN. is electorally blue..

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