Politics and Religion

Don't fall for the Koch Bros. bullshit. They don't have altruistic...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 119 reads

...motives for seeking to reform the criminal justice system.  They want to change the laws to make it more difficult to prosecute corporate white-collar criminals like...wait for it...the Koch Brothers.


A Koch-backed comprehensive criminal justice reform bill currently in the Senate has a related House bill that has, among other things, an added provision that would effectively make it more difficult to prosecute white collar crimes. More specifically, the legislation applies "mens rea" —  an intent requirement putting the burden on prosecutors to prove that certain suspects intended to break the law — to white collar prosecutions. In other words: prosecutions where executives are big-time polluters — like, say, Koch Industries or its subsidiaries — have a lot easier time, well, getting away with criminal behavior.


OK, First their was Trayvon, a 12 year old cherub gunned down by some YT in a wealthy gated community.  Media storm, liberal outrage... until the facts came.  Trayvon was a 19 year old thug who was sitting on top of and punching the Hispanic man who shot him in self defense, in a marginal mixed raced community.  Even racist Holder couldn't find a way to prosecute this Latino -Not Guilty! DUD.

Next, there was Brown, the gentle giant, gunned down in Ferguson while saying "Hands Up, Don't Shoot!".  Media storm, riots... until the facts came out.  Brown had assaulted a police officer and tried to take his gun, and was charging him when shot.  -Not Guilty! DUD.  

Now, we have the Gray case.  Black cops, under a black police chief, under a black mayor, killed a man in custody!  Depraved heart murder! charged the black attorney general.  Add two white men who had nothing to do with it to the 4 blacks to create better optics, and over charge them all!

Now, 2 of 6 cops tried and not convicted, the white cop not guilty on all counts.  DUD.

And it turns out that blacks are under represented in police killings, only about 35% despite being about 45% of those arrested and 52% of those who commit homicide and 57% of robbers.

So, turns out Black Lives Matter is a total hash.  But they have succeeded in getting the cops to back off, resulting in an additional 800 people, most of them black, killed it the last year due to the Ferguson effect.

Good Job Liberals!

bigguy3085 reads

The billionaire brothers are known for their lavish giving to conservative candidates and causes, for which they are celebrated on the right and reviled by the left. But for more than a decade, the Kochs have quietly pumped several million dollars into efforts to fix a criminal-justice system that many on both sides of the aisle believe is broken.

You see the Rudy Giuliani groupie, that posted this thread.
Just does not get it and it's more than just BLM, seeing it's a major problem in this country.

Posted By: BigPapasan

GaGambler101 reads

Those evil Koch brothers have not recently come around to this way of thinking, according to your own link they've been at it for over a decade

and why is their giving considered "lavish" while someone like George Soros has donated Billions to left wing causes, but nobody calls his contributions "lavish"?

The Koch brothers are hardly newcomers to this cause and the headline could just as easily have read "Liberals join Koch Brothers on Criminal Justice reform"

But you did "almost" get it for a change, so I guess we should be thankful for small favors.

...1995 when Texas state prosecutors brought a criminal case against Koch Industries for covering up a chemical pollution infraction at one of Koch's plants.  There were 97 felony charges.  Koch spent six years and millions of dollars to get the charges dismissed (but they paid $20 million).  Changing the criminal laws is a lot better for Koch's bottom line than fighting criminal charges and maybe going to jail - that's why they're doing it.

Stop being a dupe of the Koch Bros.



-- Modified on 5/24/2016 4:54:40 PM

...motives for seeking to reform the criminal justice system.  They want to change the laws to make it more difficult to prosecute corporate white-collar criminals like...wait for it...the Koch Brothers.


A Koch-backed comprehensive criminal justice reform bill currently in the Senate has a related House bill that has, among other things, an added provision that would effectively make it more difficult to prosecute white collar crimes. More specifically, the legislation applies "mens rea" —  an intent requirement putting the burden on prosecutors to prove that certain suspects intended to break the law — to white collar prosecutions. In other words: prosecutions where executives are big-time polluters — like, say, Koch Industries or its subsidiaries — have a lot easier time, well, getting away with criminal behavior.


bigguy30129 reads

Posted By: BigPapasan
...motives for seeking to reform the criminal justice system.  They want to change the laws to make it more difficult to prosecute corporate white-collar criminals like...wait for it...the Koch Brothers.  
 A Koch-backed comprehensive criminal justice reform bill currently in the Senate has a related House bill that has, among other things, an added provision that would effectively make it more difficult to prosecute white collar crimes. More specifically, the legislation applies "mens rea" —  an intent requirement putting the burden on prosecutors to prove that certain suspects intended to break the law — to white collar prosecutions. In other words: prosecutions where executives are big-time polluters — like, say, Koch Industries or its subsidiaries — have a lot easier time, well, getting away with criminal behavior.  

is predictably saying about the Koch support of “intent required”  criminal reform efforts without actually thinking about it.  Putting top level executives in jail for financial crime is a pretty stupid idea. Why? Because the harm caused by financial crime is loss of money and the top executives can’t pay it back if they are doing time.  Far better to let the civil law handle this and make them spend the rest of their lives paying back the money lost.

       But, if we must put them in jail to satisfy the “how come none of those bankers were put in jail for 2008” crowd, the law should at least require proof of true criminal intent –putting them in jail for criminal negligence or recklessness is going too far. Dodd Frank has way too many provisions without a clear intent standard. Let’s enact a uniform default intent standard for federal non-violent crimes. That is primarily what the Koch brothers are saying here.  

         Do they go too far by saying the defendant must know he is actually breaking a federal law? Of course, but that will never be passed – even Unemployed Porn Stars know that ignorance of the law is no defense. That will never, ever be changed.

           Finally, any notion that the Koch brothers are doing this to protect themselves from future indictments is beyond stupid – they are not involved at the operative level. They were not charged by those “state prosecutors” in the Corpus Christie benzene spill, or even by the federal grand jury that actually indicted the companies and a few operative employees. Far cheaper to do a better job hiring more competent executives than to try to change the law

OK, so Black Lives Matter is founded on a stack of lies about police conduct, all the celebrity cases meant to illustrate the issue have proven to be emberassments for BLM and Obama, and to top it off, this electioneering campaign of discontent by Obama has resulted in almost a thousand extra black persons being killed.  SHIT, we Liberals sure did SCREW THAT UP.  So emberassing.

Quick!  Switch subjects!  What about the Koch brothers, they're RICH (unlike all those Democrat Billionaires!) and... and... and... white collar criminals don't do the same time as muggers and rapists!   And...uh...

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