Politics and Religion

Occutards in Portland turn to violence?
ElGuapo505 3294 reads

In all fairness, the people who want non-violent change have left the area, and have left the movement in disgust. They tried to set up in a different area, but the troublemakers only followed them. What is left in the Portland movement is anarchists and the hard-core leftists itching for a fight.

My former brother in law (sister's husband) is an Occutard in Portland. He left the scene when some drug-addled true-believer occupied, passed out, then puked in his tent 4 nights ago. Karma. The area is filled with piss, shit, puke and garbage. Welcome to the New Collectivist Utopia.

...to see the 1% who have corrupted our politics and destroyed our nation's economy, piss, bitch, and moan about the country trying to do something about their criminal behavior. It's a real hoot.

Two months into this, and it sounds like the 1% is beginning to become unhinged. They declared this class war, and now they can't stop whining about the consequences. These are the same goons who rant endlessly about "personal responsibility". I guess that meme only counts when they're practicing their sadism.

Mark my words: the sooner they cry uncle, the better it will be for them.

ElGuapo5053331 reads

Is another one of those "bet thingies" that the payoff terms are so elusive that the only sure way to win the bet is to not bet at all?


This ends only in violence. The remaining Occutards will personally see to that. The thinkers and pacifists have left the building, Elvis...

Willy is actually in favor of violence or, at a minimum condones it as a necessary means to an end.  But how can anyone condone a bunch of people living in their own filth and driving away the more positive elements?

Willy, you've gotten way off base here.  The folks who are pissed off are not the so-called 1%.  They are the 98.9 percent of the population who work in police, fire, government, military, etc....

The folks you seem to support are the no count slackers representing at best .1% and even that's probably a stretch.  Trust me, despite the OWS coining the phrase "the 99%", they never were and never will be representing 99% of anything.

But, just to make you feel better, next time you feel the urge to take a big shit, go ahead and drop on by the city park and drop your load.  I'm sure they all clap and no doubt somebody will remark, "nice shit".

Mark my words: these lazy turds are turning off the 98.9%, some of whom have weapons training.

This ain't Cuba and you ain't Che.

Snowman391764 reads

if they want to stay in the park, share ideas and needles with each other, and let Darwin start knocking them off, that is their own call.

As for me, well, I gotta run, I have a tee time :-)

Priapus531968 reads

borne out of a shitty economy. Both groups are distasteful to me & I align myself with neither
left/right rabblerousers.

The ideal scenario would be for OWS'rs& TPr's to get together in a field & wipe each other out.

ElGuapo5051963 reads

We are Wall Street.  It's our job to make money.  Whether it's a commodity, stock, bond, or some hypothetical piece of fake paper, it doesn't matter.  We would trade baseball cards if it were profitable.  

I didn't hear America complaining when the market was roaring to 14,000 and everyone's 401k doubled every 3 years.  Just like gambling, it’s (sic) not a problem until you lose.  I've never heard of anyone going to Gamblers Anonymous because they won too much in Vegas.

Well, now the market crapped out, & even though it has come back somewhat, the government and the average Joes are still looking for a scapegoat.  God knows there has to be one for everything.  Well, here we are.

Go ahead and continue to take us down, but you're only going to hurt yourselves.  What's going to happen when we can't find jobs on the Street anymore?  Guess what:  We're going to take yours.

We get up at 5am & work till 10pm or later.  We're used to not getting up to pee when we have a position.  We don't take an hour or more for a lunch break.  We don't demand a union.  We don't retire at 50 with a pension.  We eat what we kill, and when the only thing left to eat is on your dinner plates, we'll eat that.

For years teachers and other unionized labor have had us fooled.  We were too busy working to notice.  Do you really think that we are incapable of teaching 3rd graders and doing landscaping?  We're going to take your cushy jobs with tenure and 4 months off a year and whine just like you that we are so-o-o-o underpaid for building the youth of America.  Say goodbye to your overtime and double time and a half.  I'll be hitting grounders to the high school baseball team for $5k extra a summer, thank you very much.

So now that we're going to be making $85k a year without upside, Joe Mainstreet is going to have his revenge, right?  Wrong!  Guess what:  we're going to stop buying the new 80k car, we aren't going to leave the 35 percent tip at our business dinners anymore.   No more free rides on our backs.  We're going to landscape our own back yards, wash our cars with a garden hose in our driveways.  Our money was your money.  You spent it.  When our money dries up, so does yours.

The difference is, you lived off of it, we rejoiced in it.  The Obama administration and the Democratic National Committee might get their way and knock us off the top of the pyramid, but it's really going to hurt like hell for them when our fat a**es land directly on the middle class of America and knock them to the bottom.

We aren't dinosaurs.  We are smarter and more vicious than that, and we are going to survive.  The question is, now that Obama & his administration are making Joe Mainstreet our food supply...will he?  And will they?


Shrug, baby

Priapus531785 reads

instead of folks pulling together to fix this economic mess, ElGuano starts making economic threats, wants to take his marbles & leave the "game".

I have an alternate solution: why doesn't he leave the board & take his "outsourced ass" & leave the country if he doesn't like the way things are going ? Large majority of people don't like the way the U.S. has morphed into "2nd Gilded-age corprotocracy". They haven't resorted to the guillotine yet, but, if ElGuano is "nervous about his neck", perhaps he should buy his airline tickets now.

He won't be missed by many here.

-- Modified on 11/13/2011 9:26:26 PM

Okay, the 99% are going to ruin your job so you're going to take theirs?  Well, first of all you've been saying none of them have jobs to begin with.  So which is it?  Besides you don't want the shitty jobs that most of them actually have.  You're really going to bag groceries or work as a barista at Starbucks?  LMAO!  As for being a teacher, you're not qualified to teach kindergarten.
"We eat what we kill?"  Even funnier.  What the fuck do you kill?  A martini?  You'll eat the food off their plates?  Are you fucking serious?  You ought to be embarassed writing weak-assed, faux tough-guy shit like that.  It  sure as hell won't fly around here.  You're going to take their "cushy" teaching jobs?  What about the firemen?  Why don't you try taking their jobs?  You'll get a new asshole ripped for you.
You think you're doing us such a fucking service?  Doing what?  Trading derivatives and other phoney paper and running arbitrage games?  You provide no real service to this economy or this country.  You provide nothing of value to this country. You people are no better than the guys running roulette wheels.  Oh!  I'm sorry!  You're not nearly as honest.  At least croupiers admit they work in a casino where the odds are rigged.  You clowns pretend to be business people.
Please take your weak-assed shit and go away.  Youj are incapable of embarassment.

the only explanation is he was joking and just has a really bad sense of humor.

Priapus531573 reads

he has the same mindset as "compressor" & a few others far righties here.

VERY revealing----& ultimately sad.

ElGuapo5051391 reads

"Urban legend" says that copies of this letter were dropped out of a window near/at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange onto Occutards who were protesting. True/Untrue? Sounds too good to be true.

Tell me about a single job ever created by a person who was not a member of the oppressor class. Job creators, by definition, are oppressors.

Weak assed enough shit for you?

Then, when I shit all over them, your response is to say someone else wrote them?  But you don't respond to what I actually said????
Can you spell  GUTLESS????
You need to retire.

ElGuapo5052801 reads

Why not try this, Einstein.


Tell me how many hits you get.

Your thoughts and opinions are not impressive enough to be able to sit across cyberspace from ANYONE and be such an asshole. I suggest you get some sleep, or perhaps less coffee.

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