Politics and Religion

Do you REALLY agree there is no difference between the two?
GaGambler 92 reads

Come on Doc, whether or not you have even a single positive thing to say about either of them, there are HUGE differences between the two. They are like night and day fundamentally.

o primary in Wyoming, all delegates go to Cruz


Trump wins Georgia - but the delegates are awarded to Cruz anyway


Democracy in Action? Bullshit!

This campaign has become an advertisement AGAINST the American system of Democracy.

It's not about Trump being treated unfairly, its about the american public being openly shat upon by the Political Elite.

Regardless of your political leanings,  how can any of you sanction this?

Come on Doc, whether or not you have even a single positive thing to say about either of them, there are HUGE differences between the two. They are like night and day fundamentally.

... I might not vote for Trump, but I won't dismiss him, or work against him either. In point of fact, he has made this a historical campaign for numerous reasons, starting with the revelation of the rampant cronyism and fraud driving the political parties.
Setting aside his personal bombast and rhetoric, I do see and recognize many positive reasons for him to be in the White House.

Trump is a bit of a Demagogue, but he is not a True Believer.

Cruz, as I have been saying since Day 1, is the scariest mutherfucker in politics today. Machine Gun Bacon was the first clue and it remains my most steadfast reason why Ted Cruz must never be President.

Trump doesn't know his way around the constitution but Cruz is a specialist and a master manipulator. Which makes him especially dangerous with his Megalomania complex in high gear already after winning two states delegates without votes being cast. PRAISE JESUS ITS A MIRACLE!!!

No Gag - there are huge differences between the two.

saltyballs87 reads

.....What a joke and why even bother voting. The voters are madder than hell and want to throw out all the establishment bums.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
 No primary in Wyoming, all delegates go to Cruz  
 Trump wins Georgia - but the delegates are awarded to Cruz anyway  
 Democracy in Action? Bullshit!  
 This campaign has become an advertisement AGAINST the American system of Democracy.  
 It's not about Trump being treated unfairly, its about the american public being openly shat upon by the Political Elite.  
 Regardless of your political leanings,  how can any of you sanction this?

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