Politics and Religion

Do you disagree that Obamacare was sold on a lie?
followme 1176 reads
1 / 14

obama got Screwed, fucked, reamed, ramrodded and fucked up the ass  by his own.

Wonder how he will explain this ?

Hey obama, looking for your legacy?  

It is Right in front of you

Total and Complete FAILURE.

Now all we need is for the SC to shit can obamacare.......

2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

HONDA 153 Reviews 326 reads
2 / 14

.....actually shitcans Obamacare subsidies. We will have more than 8-10 million health care subsidy losers, mostly poor/middle class voters, who will be more than motivated to extract their own pound of flesh on Republicans in 2016..lol

Posted By: followme
obama got Screwed, fucked, reamed, ramrodded and fucked up the ass  by his own.  
 Wonder how he will explain this ?  
 Hey obama, looking for your legacy?  
 It is Right in front of you  
 Total and Complete FAILURE.  
 Now all we need is for the SC to shit can obamacare.......  
 2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House  

GaGambler 317 reads
4 / 14

Maybe the Dems have finally wised up and Miss "We have to pass it to see what is says" has learned her lesson and doesn't want this horrific sell out by Obama on her record as well?

Regardless of her/their motivations, a LOT of righties have given credit where credit is due. You are  one of the two biggest assholes on this board, and even you give credit to the righties who have given credit to their mortal enemy Nancy Pelosi. I never thought I would say the words either, and I still am no fan of her, but I too will utter the words "Thank you Nancy Pelosi"

Obama didn't get fucked by his own people, his own people refused to get fucked by him. I can only hope this is the date when Obama's lame duck term officially starts, before he can do even more damage to this country.

BTW, just for the record, Does ANYONE support this proposed deal of his? Surely there have to been some Dems still drinking the Obama koolaid that don't mind going on record as supporting this sell out of America, aren't there?

kimosabe 5 Reviews 430 reads
5 / 14

Don't worry it is still on life support and degrading to grave.  The Supreme  Court is now considering pulling the plug of the life support system The irony is Republicans will be blamed despite the fact they had
nothing to do with the unafordable uncare act.  Everyone heard they believe the voters are stupid.
Obama was caught saying this on an open mic saying Americans are stupid.and Gruber, was caught saying "the stupidity of the American Voter....."Y
They believe people are so stupid, they will follow the President anyway while openly insulting the very people who support them.
The conclusion is patently obvious.
People miss the biggest point. Having healthcare insurance does not mean one will actually
get medical treatment.  While the amount deductables is still unclear , those having coverage under the Uncare Act will have very high deductables which could reach up to $6,000.00-$10,000 per year.    

North Korea has universal healthcare, the people don't get adequate medical treatment.
It doesn't matter to this reporter what those wanting the government  to take care of them, I pay for myself.
I want nothing to do with the government and it's healthcare plan or otherwise taking care of me in anyway. It will not affect me in any way. The only reason I am even bothering comment is, I hope people will wake up and think for themselves so as to insure the welfare of all, my countrymen.  

By the way, if the Uncare Act is so great, why did the congress, democrats and republicans, vote for an exemption so they can opt out?  They voted not to be subject to the Uncare Act.
I don't know what others believe but I smell a rat.
Don't you?
That is all I have to say about that

kimosabe 5 Reviews 290 reads
6 / 14

Outstanding answer.
Answer to does anyone support his proposed deal?
Stupid people only.
The problem is it is the stupid, who elect the government

bigguy30 274 reads
7 / 14

So this is what happens when people don't know how a real political party works.
They never agree on all things and this is the problem with the GOP scum.
The GOP act like a crazy cult more than a political party!

Posted By: followme
obama got Screwed, fucked, reamed, ramrodded and fucked up the ass  by his own.  
 Wonder how he will explain this ?  
 Hey obama, looking for your legacy?  
 It is Right in front of you  
 Total and Complete FAILURE.  
 Now all we need is for the SC to shit can obamacare.......  
 2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House  

GaGambler 335 reads
8 / 14

They are undoubtedly the two worst pieces of legislation in our lifetimes.  Why do you only rip on the righties for not ripping on the Patriot Act while giving the lefties a pass for not ripping everything that is wrong with ObamaCare?  

As for the OP, FM is a "rabid right winger" I don't expect objectivity from him any more than I expect objectivity from the likes of Hadji or NuGuy, it's just never going to happen, but aren't you supposed to be above all this partisan bullshit?

and do you really need me to divulge the name of the other "biggest asshole"??? lol

Also, while maybe "most" righties aren't giving Pelosi the credit she deserves here, How many Dems are giving even a single righty credit for ANYTHING? The fact that even a few righties are giving the hated Pelosi credit could be offered as proof that the righties hold the high ground after all.

Timbow 338 reads
9 / 14


Posted By: HONDA
.....actually shitcans Obamacare subsidies. We will have more than 8-10 million health care subsidy losers, mostly poor/middle class voters, who will be more than motivated to extract their own pound of flesh on Republicans in 2016..lol  
Posted By: followme
obama got Screwed, fucked, reamed, ramrodded and fucked up the ass  by his own.  
  Wonder how he will explain this ?  
  Hey obama, looking for your legacy?    
  It is Right in front of you  
  Total and Complete FAILURE.  
  Now all we need is for the SC to shit can obamacare.......  
  2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House  

-- Modified on 6/13/2015 5:36:53 AM

GaGambler 227 reads
10 / 14

Just how dumb do you have to be to think that the government can take over an industry that makes up over 15% of our economy, create a giant bureaucracy  to oversee and manage it. Cover EVERYBODY, no matter how sick they already are,  never even address the spiraling costs of health care in the first place, but claim to be able to do all of this not at a net savings to the average citizen???

You ridicule the thumpers for their ridiculous belief in a fairy tale and shoving that belief down our throats. This fairy tale foisted upon us by Obama and the Dems is every bit as ridiculous and unbelievable as ANY religious tome I have ever seen, yet you give them a complete pass on it.

You called me out to rip on the righties, well just ask any righty here if I haven't done just that. I am now calling  you out to rip on the lefties who are every bit as hypocritical as the righties that you loathe so much.

GaGambler 229 reads
11 / 14

Actually sold on several lies, but let's not quibble.

and yes, I will agree that ObamaCare is not a government takeover of healthcare. It's much worse than that and will lead to a government takeover of healthcare as the only way to "fix it"

As it stands now, Obamacare is the worst possible combination of Big Business working in tandem with Big Government to rape the people. Anyone who believes otherwise is buying a fairytale every bit as unbelievable as the Bible, but without the talking snakes of course.

GaGambler 276 reads
12 / 14

The healthier the person, the more they should dislike Obamacare.

followme 202 reads
13 / 14

Health care costs are going up and up is the lazy, worthless unemployed scum on Medicaid.

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP All The Way

GaGambler 274 reads
14 / 14

what we had, as badly flawed as it was, was still a LOT better than what we have now.

For every deadbeat who can now get insurance, some hardworking taxpayer has lost the coverage he once had and could afford.  

After I sold my last company and quit having a payroll, I let my insurance lapse for a year or so, not really paying much attention to health insurance as my medical bills are about nil. I was utterly shocked upon checking out the new Obamacare rates were over triple the rate for much less coverage than I had before Obamacare. I said fuck it and have been uninsured by choice ever since.

I would probably remain that way, but I do have employees once again, and since I offer health care for them at considerable expense to myself, it does seem rather foolish for me to be the only one in the company operating without a net, while paying for everyone else's safety net. and yeah, you're damn right it pisses me off that it costs me thousands to subsidize a bunch of fat lazy fucks who run to the doctor every time they get the sniffles.
Posted By: Laffy
the Right hasn't given us a better plan instead of just bitching, "It sucks" and having 47,093 meaningless votes to get rid of it, especially when they were nothing but a photo opp for the sheep.  

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