Politics and Religion

dncphil--is the MAN-- his posts explain it perfect. eom
GOPGeezer 2 Reviews 1954 reads

-- Modified on 11/10/2008 7:10:09 AM

I don't know who can deny this thesis.

The Democrats will probably give the green light to more stem cell research to take place. Scientific research is not a bad thing but this has no place in the present civilization.

I mean give me a break, you can't tell me that, especially if this is a long term economic decline, or in tough times in the future that you wouldn't have woman getting pregnant just to sell off the fetus for stem cells. Anyone who doubts this is completely lost in regard to how corrupt the entire civilization has become and how driven by money it has become.

It would be, in the opinion of the media, a "right" of a woman to make that choice. Can you imagine living in a society so far gone, even when compared to the present.

RightwingUnderground2063 reads

in leading us to believe that you don't connect this post with your 'Obama baby' post, directly below, LOL?

NCJimbo2688 reads

Agree our morals and values as a civilization is going downhill very fast. Obama will not be able to stop that, in fact he may increase the speed of our downhill slide our civilzation.

NCJimbo2688 reads

Agree our morals and values as a civilization is going downhill very fast. Obama will not be able to stop that, in fact he may increase the speed of our downhill slide our civilzation.

The big controversy was over embryonic stem cells.  After states like California approved billions for research in that area, it turns out that the promised results are being reached in cells that aren't from embryos.

There have been several different types of research that is proving to be promising without embryonic cells, including umbilical cord and marrow.

In other words, the original objection is not longer relevant to these forms of research and everybody wins.

The Dems made a big deal of the fact that the fed was not sponsoring embryonic stem cell research.  Actually, there never was a ban, since other people and companies could do their own research. It is just that the feds weren't paying.

Although I don't disaprove of the process, I thought this was reasonable.  There are hundreds of illnesses the feds could sponsor research for without offending a large segment of society. Coupled with the fact that others could still do this research, I thought it was not a bad solution.

In other words, the research could progress without offending any large segment of society.

Ironically, in order to thumb its collective nose at Bush, California spent billions in a narrow field that may have missed the boat.  Now Calfornia is broke and we haven't gotten back the billions promised from the profits of the research.

dncphil,"The Dems made a big deal of the fact that the fed was not sponsoring embryonic stem cell research.  Actually, there never was a ban, since other people and companies could do their own research. It is just that the feds weren't paying."

I doubt the general population will EVER be aware of the fact that other than the Military and NASA the government fails at everything...and the  soldier and NASA engineer have nothing in common with a regular government employee inept scientist.

You write you "doubt the general population will EVER be aware of the fact that other than the Military and NASA the government fails at everything."

Some years ago, I was involved in a case in a state Supreme Court involving governmental computer systems.  In a word, they are a disaster. While private companies like Bank of America and United Airlines and hundreds of others run computer systems with a few hours of giltches per decade, government computers are hell on wheels. Witness the disaster with LAUSD screwing up teachers' salaries for 10 months or the current medicaid screwing up doctors for 8 months. Need I say more.

You are right. The only things the feds do well is the military and NASA.

If stem cell research was left to private companies we would be so much further along the road to a cure for 100 diseases.

Giving it to the government only hurts those in need.

provide is an understanding of the molecular controls on differentiation.  Those controls are the very "switches" that need to be turned on and off in order to get adult or new born stem cells to dedifferentiate correctly, and then to redirect those cells to differentiate into functional tissue.

We are only at the beginning of this type of research, but much progress is being made.... Embryonic Stem Cell research will accelerate the progress.... but will not form the basis of a commercial possibility... which is what is feared by the religious right.... it is too bad that they refuse to take a more scientific long view of the situation....

I was trying to find the right words to express my disagreement with Tallslim.

You beat me to it.

Where on earth did you get the crackpot, hairbrained, utterly moronic idea that stem cell researchers need aborted fetuses in order to conuct their research???

There are a couple THOUSAND fertility clinics in this country who routinely discard fertilized ova leftover after successful in vitro fertilization. In general, a couple may create up to a dozen or more fertilized ova when undergoing invitro fertilization. If the couple lucks out and succeeds in their first attempt at implanting these ova, the remaining ova are stored in case they want to have more children. If they don't want any more children, these ova can be donated to couples who were not able to produce viable ova, or are discarded.

Why not allow these couples a third option? The option to donate their unused ova for scientific research. Unused ova, which would otherwise be discarded could more than meet the needs of researchers carrying out this important scientific research. No need at all for women to get preggers just to sell their fetus.

Besides, if a woman is strapped for cash, and is willing to use her eggs to make some extra money, the eggs themselves are extremely valuable. A woman can undergo hormone therapy that takes about a month and allow her eggs to be harvested, and recieve up to $2,000 per egg harvested. Since hormone treatments can produce as many as 10-12 viable eggs, you do the math. A very lucrative way of earning some extra money if a woman is willing. It is no different than a man who donates sperm, except that the procedure takes a little longer, and is not nearly as fun.

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