Politics and Religion

Did not come up in the "circus" last night on FOX
thisbud4u 910 reads

Here is my question on this Politics and Religion Board.    

1.  If an American can walk in to a gun shop, use his right as an individual, buy guns and ammo, go to a church, movie theater, temple, shopping mall and kills people, it is considered homicide .  His purchase is legal and he paid for it.

2.If a woman, using her right as an individual, walk in to a Doctor's clinic, hospital or Planned Parenthood Clinic, get RX or go thru a medical procedure  and terminate her pregnancy,  Why is it illegal.    All she does is take RX approved by the FDA or go thru a procedure approved by AMA.   The woman pays for it.

Why is there discrimination between two sets of individuals, only difference gender ?

GaGambler223 reads

Hadji, please get your facts straight and resubmit the question when you have a question that actually makes sense.

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