Politics and Religion

Deranged! Trump! If you don't think so, listen to his words!
mattradd 40 Reviews 1085 reads

"It is a peculiar sort of derangement. It is the derangement of a man who is used to getting what he wants, and arranging his mental universe so as to convince himself that what he has gotten is what he wanted. His operating theory is that he makes things so because he is powerful. His power is such that he is not subject to laws of ordinary grammar."

"His con game requires the bending of millions of knees. Americans are invited to willingly suspend disbelief, play dumb and collude in his cynicism. We agree not to notice the nonstop gibberish that spreads from the Oval Office outward. We agree to brag about our democracy when the president of the United States is responsible neither to logic, nor to evidence, nor to the American people, nor to the English language. We are expected to live in an alternative universe which is not only post-truth but altogether post-language and post-meaning. Any journalist, any talking head, any pundit, any commentator, any politician who pretends that Donald Trump makes sense has volunteered to go to work in the tailor shop where his invisible clothes are weaved."

This is why they'll be so many people who will abandon him. Eventually, those who fell for his con game, will have their sense return to them.

JakeFromStateFarm130 reads

Because they believe in his alternative facts.  They bought him and can't bear not to believe him.

There are many trolls on this board who fit that category.   You post something critical of the Clown even using a news source, they will jump on you, discredit you as a liar and bring up politicians of the past.   Their favorite, President Obama and Hillary Clinton.


can you spell " Messianic Egomaniacal Narcissist Syndrome" ?..

Posted By: macdaddy1944
can you spell " Messianic Egomaniacal Narcissist Syndrome" ?..

Confirmed later when that "Grab them by their pussies" video became public.   In the end we have a Pussy Grabber in the Oval office.

So if he had been a dick grabber you would have liked him and voted for him?

Funny part is NBC, the biggest Trump hating FAKE news outlet fired Billy Bush for his report.

And then Trump got elected.

I guess people just didn't want Crooked Hillary your tribal Queen in the White House nor her assless chap wearing ex-husband.

If it makes you feel any better snowflake I give you this.....your candidate came in 2nd.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Confirmed later when that "Grab them by their pussies" video became public.   In the end we have a Pussy Grabber in the Oval office.

Here is the Russian translation:

Мессианский Эгоичный Нарциссический Синдром

Nor does anyone else that shares the diluted position that America is/was something that never existed, other than in the minds ignorant immature persons.

I guess Bill is right, if you believe the BS he spouts. He is a journalist full of himself, part of the reason he and other journalist hate Trump.

Mr.M.Johnson155 reads

replying to Matt.  Mac, HighWay and Matt - and B.Moyers - have it exactly right as usual!  The pro-Trumpers only response is name-calling - VERY intelligent!

with another non-righty on the board, that's when you know they got nothin! ;)

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