Politics and Religion

Dems love to hear Obama constantly preach about "common sense gun laws" . . .
pot/kettle 113 reads

but when it comes to common sense Voter ID laws, they scream foul.

Just another case of hypocrisy.
Posted By: The Moose
Notice how states with Republican governors and/or legislatures want to make it more difficult to vote....  
 Republicans never worried about voter ID laws in the 1980's, when Republican candiates won 3 landslide elections that decade...  

Notice how states with Republican governors and/or legislatures want to make it more difficult to vote....

Republicans never worried about voter ID laws in the 1980's, when Republican candiates won 3 landslide elections that decade..

And the vote was 6-3 in the Indiana case. I think the lib was Breyer (not sure) who said asking for ID is not an undue burden to a potential voter.

Who would think it is???

pot/kettle114 reads

but when it comes to common sense Voter ID laws, they scream foul.

Just another case of hypocrisy.

Posted By: The Moose
Notice how states with Republican governors and/or legislatures want to make it more difficult to vote....  
 Republicans never worried about voter ID laws in the 1980's, when Republican candiates won 3 landslide elections that decade...  

brooks598 reads

does anyone REALLY think proving who you are to vote is a bad thing?  How could any reasonable person be against it?

You need a picture id to drink, enter gubment buildings, cash a check, drive a car, buy a gun . . . .

Dems want to continue to cheat and stoop to their last line of defense (they use it when ALL other arguments fail), the ubiquitous claim of racism.

It doesn't work anymore guys, you need new material.

You put forth truth and facts backed up with reason and logic, and that just confuses and frustrates the shit out of the libs./lefties, and throws them into a dither.

Thank yo

brooks583 reads

I just thought that this blog needed more balance.

it is a damn shame that libs on this board can't have reasonable discussions without automatically getting nasty.

The problem is that if libs were to cede the point that conservatives are a smart and well-meaning as they claim to be then their arguments would crumble, on pretty much all fronts.  Many of the more mature ones know that but are trapped by their belief in their failed ideology.

It really is sad.

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