Politics and Religion

Dems actively assisted the Russians
nuguy46 2765 reads

when notified of potential hacking, DNC staff sat on their hands. When FBI informed WH, Obama sat on his hands. He was scared to piss off the Russians. And now they point their finger at Trump helping the Russians??  When will the haters look at themselves for the reason their candidate lost the election?  Credibility if they had any, running away from the lobbies and the crybabies in a sprint.


NoYellowEnvelope290 reads

... Mitch McConnell refusing to agree to make a bi-partisan response to the Russian interference, when Obama asked the Congressional leadership to do that months ago.  The Dems gave unanimous support. It was the Republicans who "sat on their hands".

The "they wanted the Donald to win" mantra. The intel can't determine motive. It can't even determine who "the Russians" are.

Is it the Russian government? Russian sympathizers?  A group somehow vaguely connected to Russia? Did Putin know any of this? If so was he just trying to discredit Hills bc he thought she was going to win and wanted the next U.S. prez to be weaker in the world and local opinion? WHO THE FUCK KNOWS?

Of course that doesn't stop our insanely leftist media to try and de-legitimize Trump without all these questions being answered. LOL

They really have no idea, its just speculation and conjecture.

The best thing for the R's is for the D's to NOT look inward at any of their corruption, conceit and incompetence.

But it would not be the best thing for the Dem party, nor the nation.

Motive..Russians hack and leak E-mails to discredit HRC..Trump wins..he and Tillerson now remove Obama's s 2014 sanctions..Exxon is happy..Putin is ecstatic..mission accomplished..the rich get richer..we pay more for oil..

Posted By: JackDunphy
The "they wanted the Donald to win" mantra. The intel can't determine motive. It can't even determine who "the Russians" are.  
 Is it the Russian government? Russian sympathizers?  A group somehow vaguely connected to Russia? Did Putin know any of this? If so was he just trying to discredit Hills bc he thought she was going to win and wanted the next U.S. prez to be weaker in the world and local opinion? WHO THE FUCK KNOWS?  
 Of course that doesn't stop our insanely leftist media to try and de-legitimize Trump without all these questions being answered. LOL  
 They really have no idea, its just speculation and conjecture.  
 The best thing for the R's is for the D's to NOT look inward at any of their corruption, conceit and incompetence.  
 But it would not be the best thing for the Dem party, nor the nation.

...US president so ready and willing to piss off Russia as was Obama. Make no mistake this blatant attempt to sway the US election to Trump was Russia paying America back for the Ukraine as well as of course doing something that is in its own interests. What's the great surprise?

And come on, let's be fair now why would a country which is under US sanctions would pay any consideration to the US and its interests? Imposing sanctions is a hostile move by definition. At that point the gloves were off and Russia began desperately searching for the most effective way to return a favor. Obama and Hillary all but officially declared themselves hostile to Russia. Russia's response is to do anything possible to facilitate the election of the US government most friendly to Russia. What's wrong with that? I don't see how anyone would've acted differently were he in Russia's place.  

At this point internationally Russia is probably most influential country in the world. It's definitely more influential with Shia Muslims just by the sheer fact that it's friendly with Iran while the US isn't. Moreover despite Russia's support for the Shia government in Syria it's more influential then the US with Sunni Muslims as well. First of all because while Russia militarily supports the Shia government in Syria, while the US does the same thing in relation to Shia government in Iraq so that point is mute by definition. Second, unlike the US, Russia took sides in Syria's conflict and did so publicly thus eliciting respect from everybody, I suspect even from Assad's enemies. Who does the US support in Syria's conflict? Moderate rebels? Or rebellious Syrian Sunnis who want to get rid of Shia? Or both of them? Or neither of them? Everybody in the middle east know that the so called "moderate rebels" is nothing more then segment of Obama's imagination. First of all because they are nothing more then anti-Assad Sunni rebels and second because they are anything but "moderate". Third, Russia stood by its long time (40-year old) ally Assad threw thick and thin while the US threw its 20 year old ally Mubarak under the bus. Who do you think ever paranoid Saudis and sheikhs of other Gulf states consider more reliable?  
Even with Israel Russia carries more weight now then the US. Unbelievable but fact.  

As for the future, well, if Trump administration actually decides to get too confrontational with China who do you think is going to be a natural "go between" between the two? That would only take Russia's statue around the world to the whole new level.  

Who do I blame for this? Obama of course. 80% Obama with Hillary and W spliting the remaining 20%. So why are you surprised again that Russia tried to help Trump to win the election? Why's the outrage? Russia is hardly could be faulted here for trying to do what it thought was best for its interests.

nuguy46178 reads

actually he only cared about his golf game. He backed down from everything...lied about everything...politicized everything.......in the course of his non actions, he presided over the destruction of the Dem party...look at all the lost Gov's, State legislures lost, Congressional seats lost.....a loser on matter how you looked at him...the biggest loser was the American people.....lost opportunities to get ahead lost....and specifically Blacks took it on the chin.

GaGambler303 reads

I say this very rarely here, but "Good Post"

For the record, we (Obama) REALLY fucked up in the Ukraine. Even the Ukrainians would just as soon be fucked by Russia than the Ukrainian Oligarchy. There are places in this world where we SHOULD be sticking our noses. The Ukraine is not one of those places and I sincerely hope that Trump uses the Ukraine as a bargaining chip to get concessions in places where we have legitimate interests.

Maybe I misjudged you? Of course on a board where almost everybody else gets things so wrong, the bar has been set very low for those of us who at least occasionally get things right. lol

Sure, don't you remember those intercepted conversations between Victoria Nuland and Estonian prime-minister and somebody else? The US didn't even try to deny their validity.  

About a year before coup-d'etat in Ukraine I noticed how Sens. McCain and L. Graham as well as an assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland (link attached) started to frequently visit it, meeting protesters on Maidan, Kiev's main square, a place where there is often somebody protesting something, kind of like in front of the UN or the White House.  
Now, I follow those two senators long enough to know that when they begin to pay particular attention to a place that means trouble is soon to follow. Do you remember a single conflict that those two opposed? I sure don't. Iraq? Check. Afghanistan? Check. Who practically bulldozed Obama into going to Libya? That's right, the two brothers war mongers McCain and L. Graham. They support every surge, every no fly zone, and every troop deployment especially to new places. Those two want us to be all in in every crazy hot spot in the world! Fuck that shit

GaGambler207 reads

Either to look after our own interests or for strategic reasons. but the Ukraine and Libya are most definitely two places we had no business meddling in, and yes besides blaming Obama for those two monumental fuck ups, I have to agree that a LOT of the blame can also be laid at the feet of McCain and Graham.

Afghanistan is a more complicated issue as there were some rather compelling reasons for us to be there, but we should have learned a lesson from the Russians as Afghanistan is a major reason they lost the cold war to us and it truly is a place where "empires go to die"

I doubt I am going to get a lot of agreement here, but our mistake in Iraq was not going there in the first place, but it was ever leaving. This is one issue where I have to agree with McCain when he said "I don't care if we are there for another hundred years as long as our kids aren't dying there" I don't believe the plan was for us to ever leave and create the power vacuum that created ISIS and strengthened Iran. If not for Obama we would have kept a force of 50-100,000 troops forever, troops that easily could have rotated from places like Germany, in order to have a place for us to "project power" and keep that part of the world secure. IMO Obama's fecklessness not only created ISIS, but the mess in Syria as well.

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