Politics and Religion

Democrats attack of Bain Capital shows they have zero idea how the Private Sector works
Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1577 reads

"They laid people off!!!...They closed businesses!!!"

Liberals don't understand that businesses can't function year over year with a deficit. They can't increase their budgets year over year even though they bleed money. They can't print their own money when they run low.  They can't keep employees on that serve no purpose.  Sometimes businesses need to go under and people need to be let go.  It's called the real world.  And liberals don't live in it.  Obama never has.

...what they're criticizing is the business model of Bain. What is Bain's business model? Buy a company with borrowed money, strip it of it's capital, put it into bankruptcy, and laugh all the way to the bank.

If you think that's a good way to run an economy, then you must think cancer is a good thing for your health.

and they have no health plan except to voucher and destroy Medicare and Mitt-Bot has yet to define anything else he would do.  He makes the same sweeping generalizations with no substantive facts to back them up that the GOP clowns here make.

nuguy46177 reads

all the lefties in the world would know what the insider chicago-thugsters know....the lies, and personal attacks on mitt, ain't working. spent lots of money, but just isn't taking hold.

why?  cause the country is pissed off the guy who is holding 100+ fund raisers (to keep his job) hasn't done a damn thing to effectively get them a job!!!

....and the whispers have started.....landslide.

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