Politics and Religion

conroyaiken 7 Reviews 2054 reads

-- Modified on 10/10/2008 11:08:34 PM

Fits of anger erupted at a McCain rally by people who are upset with McCain for not hammering Obama on his associating with Ayers, Rev. Wright and other unsavory characters. One supporter yelled out, “If Obama wins the only way we can straighten out the country is with another civil war.”  A woman grabbed the microphone and proceeded to blast Obama for being a Muslim, etc.  I guess I better stock up on ammo.   Of course, McCain had to tell the crowd that Obama was a good man and they should not be afraid of him.  Come on McCain!  Seize the moment while the passion of the people is on fire.  Tell them what they want to hear:  Obama is a low life socialist, corrupt, Muslim scumbag who wants to destroy this country.  Play the race card if necessary; the end justifies the means; there is no second place award in the presidential race and its winner take all.

9-man2527 reads

Can you get any lower? So, now pseudo-conservatives are angry because normal smears aren't enough, they aren't moving the popular vote as they once did. McCain is too coy for the disgusting followers he needs. So now it's time to simply commit treason and make war against your country and flag. You and your fellow pseudo-conservatives are a piece of work.

End justifies the means sounds very Leninist to me. It seems you're taking the worst part of Leninism, and unfortunately, I don't know a good part of Leninism. But if you do this, it is simply Fascism. That's not a Nazi comparison there, it is really Fascism.

It's perversely funny that you and your comrade pseudo-conservatives now believe the lies you've been telling, and it will probably lead you into a disastrous rebellion, ironically, when the first Black guy is elected. That'll show the world that there's no racism in the US. And if by a stretch of the imagination you're successful the US and its dollar will be worth bananas. Yes, you really love your country.

Giant trained cockroaches invading the House and Senate and removing ALL of them.. Let the new President Obama pick all the new Senators and Congress and it couldn't be any worse than what we have ruining the show now.

9-man1771 reads

I'm glad we've come to some agreement, but that's limited by it taking an economic catastrophe to bring it about.

-- Modified on 10/10/2008 10:00:54 PM

I was simply reporting what was on every news channel.  One man gets carried away and calls for a civil war if Obama is elected and you accuse me of treason? I simply implied that everything is fair in love, war and politics.  I was referring to winning the election, not moving towards a revolution or assassinating the POTUS.  I don’t like Obama because of what he is, but I would never wish death on anyone. I don’t even believe in the death penalty much less assassinating a public official.  I know this forum in a free for all but let’s try to keep things in perspective.  BTW if Obama wins he will be the president of the whole country, not just the president of the Democrats.  I will respect him because of the office he holds and wish him success because his success is the country’s success.

9-man1938 reads

"Come on McCain!  Seize the moment while the passion of the people is on fire.  Tell them what they want to hear:  Obama is a low life socialist, corrupt, Muslim scumbag who wants to destroy this country.  Play the race card if necessary; the end justifies the means; there is no second place award in the presidential race and its winner take all."

Now, if you meant this ironically, I really couldn't tell. Judging by what you've reported and written so far, I also couldn't tell.  

-- Modified on 10/10/2008 10:46:54 PM


First of all, redneck, your tired, old cliches are that - CLICHES.

Here's the reality:

Guess who?  That's right a REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVE named DUBYA.  Before him?  H. W. Bush.  Before him? REAGAN.

2.  Biggest Increase in Taxes Ever?
Guess who?  That's right a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN.  H. W. Bush.

Funny, you continue to call Liberals as socialists, etc. etc.  Yet it's your own DAMN PARTY that's the biggest culprits!

Ain't it ironic?  I think it is.



More indepth:

Best parts:
During the 1970s, Vogler founded Alaskans for Independence to actively pursue secession for Alaska from the United States. In 1984,[1] he founded the AIP to explore whether the 1958 vote by Alaskans authorizing statehood was legal.

The Alaskan Independence Party quotes Vogler as stating "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions."

And this one as well:
Todd Palin, the husband of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, had registered as a member of the Alaskan Independence Party in 1995 and 2000; he no longer is registered as a member of the party..

Talk about "guilty by association!"  Palin is MARRIED to a traitor.

-- Modified on 10/10/2008 9:17:36 PM

Who said anything about price???  I am talking supply ..All I hear from the libs on oil is we use 25% of the Worlds oil and we have 3% of the Worlds reserves, and it will take ten years to get any oil...

First thats 3% based on 100+ years of known reserves ..Lots of places the Feds won't let us even check if there is oil..
Second ..The Government does not do the drilling so we would have oil in two years..

Speaking of cave dwellers ...The anti coal ,anti Nuke Power,anti oil crowd must surely want to live in caves...

Timbow1618 reads

Yea Todd tried to blow up the capital on his snow machine 2 years ago :)

Timbow4457 reads

You are not a lawyer  I can tell as the AIP has several  platforms to their organization per states  rights   and Todd only attended one meeting per the  records.
But Obama does not say Ayers was a terrorist now  but he was rehabilitated :) I can see why Obamawas an arm candy lawyer:)


On AIP's website:
"The Alaskan Independence Party's goal is the vote we were entitled to in 1958, one choice from among the following four alternatives:

  2. Become a separate and Independent Nation."

The Alaskan Independence Party quotes Vogler as stating "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions."

Todd Palin is a TRAITOR

-- Modified on 10/10/2008 10:27:18 PM

-- Modified on 10/10/2008 10:29:02 PM

Timbow4606 reads

You need to research more .THe AIP is more states rights and people in Alaska know it.

To effect full compliance with the constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Alaska.

To support and defend States' Rights, Individual Rights, Property Rights, and the Equal Footing Doctrine as guaranteed by the constitutions of the United States of America and the state of Alaska.


Guilty by association...  remember?

Did you read the Salon article btw?  You support these guys?  REALLY?  Maybe you need to re-read the constitution or leave the country.

...exciting his ignorant base (you), genius.  You braindead bastards are already going to vote for him.  At this point, it's about attracting voters who haven't made up their minds yet - and encouraging scores of brainwashed individuals who think killing the other candidate is the best campaign strategy, isn't going to do it.  If anything, that shit is frightening to some poor soul who's still trying to make up his mind.  

Perhaps you're right, though.  Maybe he should go out in a final blaze of glory, since he's lost this election already.

Timbow3064 reads

Obama is the messiah according to Farrakan :)that scares people more then a states rights party .

...it's one of the braindead bastards I was referring to in my previous post.  Give him a hand, as he was kind enough to come out and illustrate the stupidity I was speaking to you about.  

I rest my case.

Timbow2149 reads

You gotta  be a black  man with such anger :)
Pump your fist in the air :)

Timbow3085 reads

You are a fool . LA Times call Obama ''magic negro ''and it is not racist and Spike Lee used it :)

-- Modified on 10/10/2008 11:08:34 PM

Sometimes I pump a fist.  Others, I just rejoice in my ability to distinguish between "than" and "then."

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