Politics and Religion

Decorated US Combat Veterans Flock to Morning Shows to Plea for Gun Control
JeffEng16 22 Reviews 1921 reads

They allege that the ammunition was a significant order,  and should have triggered an alert, and I understand and believe the perspective of the gun enthusiasts here that they order on that scale.

Holmes bought 160 pounds of ammunition. He ordered it for expedited delivery two days. I've already heard it. No big deal.

They are suggesting more gun control. Never going to happen.

It's not going to happen and Mit-Bott and Obama will remain silent, and the NRA will combat it.

Auroras will continue to proliferate. The public is fulling willing to have many more gun massacres. It's a simple calculation like Mitt-Bot's witholding any year's complete release of taxes.

The calculation goes--this could never ever happen to me or anyone I know so fuck it.
I wouldn't massacre people, they say, so fuck it.  They know crazy people will massacre people, but so what fuck it, don't restrict guns; proliferate them.



Do you even know what the term "small game" implies?  To use a “big bore” rifle on small game is ludicrous!!!  

it's ridiculous for Palin to shoot moose from choopers.  My only regret there is that the moose can't be armed or someone else to shoot Palin down before she touches a moose with a gun. It's like shooting a dog. The bitch has hustled millions of dollars from idiots dumb enough to pay for her personal appearances, and she sure as fuck doesn't need to hunt to eat. It's cruelty to animals.  And those that do use so called assault weapons to hunt with don't need them to hunt with.  The decorated army vet on Morning Joe said that a number of people are using high powered rifles to hunt with whatever they're hunting and don't need to.  That seems logical to me.

No one can legally hunt any game animal from a helicopter.  And with all the attention Ms. Palin and her family receives I’m quite sure that the State of Alaska would have her hunting license revoked and a healthy fine levied if she had indeed harvested a moose from a “chopper” as you allege.  But please, feel free to supply what proof you have to make that allegation.  

What seems logical to you does not hold any logic for me in this case.  IMHO, you have not posted a single logical statement in your postings regarding firearms.  As for the “decorated vet” discussing the use of high powered rifles for deer hunting, that is true as a high powered rifle is needed to humanely harvest a big game animal.  But, it has absolutely nothing to do with “assault rifles”.  Again, you are comparing apples to oranges (assault rifles verses hunting rifles).  There are indeed people that will use an “assault rifle” to harvest a big game animal.  It is their “weapon of choice” to take to the field as that may be what they are most comfortable in using.  I myself would not, as I feel it is ludicrous to use a military style rifle in the woods.  However, since an assault rifle is typically a high powered big bore rifle, there is no reason why one cannot be used for big game animals such as deer.

As for hunting being “cruelty to animals”, that would depend on the marksmanship of the hunter.  I understand that many people do not understand the need or the desire to hunt.  I would not even attempt to persuade you.  You are entitled to your opinion on the subject of hunting, as am I.

-- Modified on 7/23/2012 8:38:08 AM

One full clip adds close to three quarters of a pound to most pistols, depending on the grain. 2 boxes of 9mm ammo is about as heavy as a brick.

What's wrong with using an assault rifle to hunt? I'm not a big fan of hunting, but if I did I would use a nice bolt action rifle with a nice scope. But just in case a buck wants to get happy with ya during mating season, I'd probably want an AR-15 close by, lol.  

All we have to do is remember that this isn't a gun issue. It's a crazy issue. Canada has just as many guns per household as we do. Europe doesn't. Neither have high rates of firearm deaths. What they have in common is that they have low levels of income inequality. If we fail to address this serious problem of income inequality, then these events will continue.

Raise the minimum wage. Give workers federally protected vacation time. Allow workers to form or join a union. End free trade and protect domestic jobs. Raise taxes on the wealthy, on investment, and on corporations. Heavily regulate major market sectors, particularly the financial sector. Break up semi-monopolies.

We do this, and these shootings will happen far less frequently.

a small caliber semi auto prolly works just fine

jeffy thinks ar15's fire .50 rounds.

There are certain people that I feel safer knowing that they don't own guns

Know what I mean?


There was no H1NI problem
There is no Pertussis Epidemic
SV-40 causes pediatric cancer
Vaccines cause Autism
Vaccines should never be used (Kind of a gun analogy here except that the complications from Polio Vaccine were 10 /year and recently reduced to less than 5 a year)
Guns 9500 deaths in US per year

All  medical stupidities subscribed to by:
Needle Dicky
Snow Dicky
Jersey Dicky
Cartman Dicky
NuGuy Dicky
Pitching Wedge Dicky
Sap Dicky

-- Modified on 7/23/2012 1:04:27 PM

nuguy46176 reads

While i appreciate the crowd you lumped me in, seriously i do, i've never made a post about any medical issue.
while it is difficult to understand how so many can ignore political facts, i've given up hope long ago that all of you hopping on the back of your ass-party would have even the faintest idea of reality of life in general. need to take your sunglasses off,, look around and smell the roses

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