Politics and Religion

Trump keeps saying he won in a "landslide." When will Trump...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 3329 reads

...stop campaigning and stop lying?  His margin of victory in the Electoral College was 46th out of 58 U.S. presidential elections.  Hardly a "landslide," although you'd be hard pressed to convince his Trumpanzees of that FACT.


Four Pinocchios


Bickering over the definition of a "landslide?" LOL

Good gawd man, the fact that people laughed out loud when Ann Coulter said he would win 15 months ago or so to Hillary LOSING a few EV's today after libs spent millions to have peeps pull from Trump, would have given me pause if I were a Dem not to make dumbass, loserville, sour grapes posts. Guess not. LOL

Pretty hysterical that the WaPo would fact check an opinion but I guess the lib media is in such a state of shock and denial they will do anything to keep their readers. LOL

Enjoy your "victory" BP and we will enjoy ours. LOL

Carry on!

..."There’s no such thing, unfortunately, anymore as facts."


Now righties like you are saying that when Trump says "landslide," he is giving his 'opinion' of what the word "landslide" means, not the dictionary definition of the word "landslide."  For someone who keeps saying he doesn't like Trump, you sure go to great lengths to defend him.

An opinion has to have some kind of basis in fact.  Trump lost the popular vote by almost 3 million and only had the 46th largest margin of victory in electoral votes out of 58 presidential elections.  "Landslide" is an opinion - BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Proving Topic #1 bombed out. LOL

But I'll stay true to your OP since you can't.  

Please show us all how many electoral votes are needed for a landslide margin. Is it 100? 150? Or just one more than what Trump got?  :D

Yeah, it's an opinion BP.  

Did you ever get that breakfast in?

...claim I don't know the difference between "mean" and "median."  Apparently you don't know the difference either.

Not that I was expecting you too.

Proving it isn't a fact based point but an opinion based one. ;

..."richer than most," it means you're both broke ass losers.  That's my 'opinion' based on the 'fact' that having a net worth of 50K makes one "richer than most."  Now go twist yourself into a pretzel trying to have it both ways.

JakeFromStateFarm390 reads

Clinton also took NY State by more than 1 million votes.
You're just like Trump, Timmy, pulling "facts" out of your ass.

...See how stupid your argument is?  Trump DID win the electoral vote and Clinton DID win the popular vote.  Simple as that.

GaGambler422 reads

IOW, it makes you just as stupid as them.

When LTM pulls some kind of ridiculous and deceitful "fact" right out of his mooching ass, do you REALLY feel the urge to reciprocate in kind?  That's how we end up with these really dumb threads that either go completely off the right side of the page or Admin mercifully puts an end to them.

The fact is, Trump is about to be POTUS. Not of the hand wringing, bed wetting or holding their breath until they turn blue by the Dems is going to change that fact. Why do so many righties feel the need to still engage with the loony libs that still want to rehash their loss? Your (my) side won, why not just enjoy the victory?

...you have to give Trump and his campaign managers credit that they went after the electoral votes. Was his team that brilliant? Or was Hillary's team that stupid? I seem to remember Trump saying something along the lines that if the popular vote were the determing factor he would have spent more money going after those big city voters. I have to quote from the late Jessie Unruh who said that "money is the mother's milk of politics". So who really knows what the final popular vote may have been if the election protocol were different? The reality is that deep down people vote their pocketbooks and they are going to vote for a candidate who says he will fill the same. Ciao!

GaGambler385 reads

Now that he has proven he did indeed learn rather quickly just how the game was played and in his very first election won the nations highest office, that criticism has now changed to "he took advantage of the rules" ROFLMFAO.

...which is a perfect illustration of the wisdom of the Electoral College system.
The Founding Fathers were far wiser than any of the nimrods and spin doctors running things today.

As of 12/15/16

Nationally, the vote count stands at

Clinton 65,844,594
Trump  62,979,616

Clinton takes popular vote

California vote tally

Clinton 8,753,788
Trump  4,483,810
Clinton takes popular vote

California 4,269,978
USA         2,864,978

Excluding California, Trump takes NATIONAL popular vote by 1,405,000

Mathematics will never be a politician , because math doesn't lie.



-- Modified on 12/19/2016 8:53:48 PM

I had heard reports that HRC had been spending last minute money in California solely for the purpose of boosting her popular vote total and margin. HRC spending money in Cali? Why otherwise would she spend a nickle in CA? Only D.C. and Hawaii were a more sure bet of electoral margin so she went where the most blue votes were, just to try to guarantee the national popular victory, and it seems to have worked.

And we all know math was not just BP's weak suit, I think he never even took Rithmatic

Timbow372 reads

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
...which is a perfect illustration of the wisdom of the Electoral College system.  
 The Founding Fathers were far wiser than any of the nimrods and spin doctors running things today.  
 As of 12/15/16  
 Nationally, the vote count stands at  
 Clinton 65,844,594  
 Trump  62,979,616  
 Clinton takes popular vote  
 California vote tally  
 Clinton 8,753,788  
 Trump  4,483,810  
 Clinton takes popular vote  
 California 4,269,978  
 USA         2,864,978  
 Excluding California, Trump takes NATIONAL popular vote by 1,405,000  
 Mathematics will never be a politician , because math doesn't lie.  

-- Modified on 12/19/2016 8:53:48 PM

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