Politics and Religion

Damn, you're a lazy old fart!angry_smile
mattradd 40 Reviews 203 reads

Are you lazy or just choosing to be ignorant? If you had read any of the major print news sources, you'd have run across numerous articles critical of his drone policy, and the civilians who were killed.

But, good job trying to defend the Liar-In-Chief! ;)

Did Trump, his administration, someone in the DOD or anyone in government make any sort of comment that warranted this attempt at humor? If so I missed it and I would like to be apprised.

1. There's no accounting for someone else's taste in humor, so I would never try! ;)

2. Not all political cartoons are meant to be funny. Sometimes they are just used to communicate an opinion! ;)

3. Perhaps, the creator had Trump's words in mind:  “I would bomb the shit out of ’em. I would just bomb those suckers.”, without much consideration of collateral damage. However, that is clear speculation on my part! ;)

-- Modified on 4/22/2017 10:38:27 AM

I too suspected reason #2. None of your other hypotheticals  have anything to do with innocent collateral damage and deaths. Clearly the cartoonist simply wanted to imply, based on zero evidence that Trump was more than OK with the situation. Or maybe you can point me to a cartoon by this guy (or any cartoonist for that matter) that expressed the same sort of false disdain when President Obama oversaw the deaths of innocent families from the drone strikes he ordered.

-- Modified on 4/22/2017 9:23:31 PM

Are you lazy or just choosing to be ignorant? If you had read any of the major print news sources, you'd have run across numerous articles critical of his drone policy, and the civilians who were killed.

But, good job trying to defend the Liar-In-Chief! ;)

Indeed there was criticism of Obama's indifference to or ignoring The Constitution but not one critical of the deaths of innocent people and families, which did happen.

You can find articles of course (which is how I know about them), but I seriously doubt a cartoon, at least not from anything short of an extreme right wing source.

Or you could just rest your case once more.

The first one comes close but none of your Obama cartoons meet the criteria of the very specific point I made (and the very specific point your original Trump cartoon made) that is was perfectly OK with Trump to kill totally innocent people.

I certainly can't call you lazy but there are plenty of other negative terms that apply. Asking me to find something that I claim does not exist has a certain imbecilic ring to it. I've given you 3 chances to MAKE your case. I believe it's time now for you to REST it (once again).

-- Modified on 4/24/2017 12:26:10 AM

There was more than one! Since you couldn't see that, it's pointless to find any others. If you have trouble straining at reading cartoons, you must really be challenged when it comes to written materials, like books and articles! ;)

Your original cartoon clearly stated Trump was OK with the deaths of innocents.

If you think you made your case then point to your best example and explain to my "little noggin" why.  
You can't.

what the cartoon stated. There was no drawing of Trump. His name was not mentioned. The line: "Close enough for government work", is one the we used all the time when I was in the service. So, the creator may have been saying something about Trump, implicitly. Or, he may been saying something, implicitly, about our ongoing military approach. It's left to the observer to interpret however they may.

Now this cartoon, which you seem to have missed or ignored has a rendering of Obama, and equates his drone strikes with Hassad's military approach, which many people would deem having little or no concern over "the deaths of innocents." ;)


Congratulations for trying. Don't think your efforts to change lanes goes unnoticed.

Your last several posts were an attempt to prove me wrong about Obama cartoons. By default you now admit this one Assad "Touche" cartoon proves your point. I admit it comes close but it's not nearly the same. But the bigger point is you previously thought all the other Obama cartoons were equivalent or else you would not have linked to them.

Your attempt to claim your cartoon was NOT about Trump is totally fallacious. I'll have to leave things quoting none other than you "It's left to the observer to interpret however they may." Nice stance to exemplify the empty space in your "noggin". And "all this" boils down to you're too weak to admit Trump's treatment has been less fair than Obama's. Why not just stick up for yourself and claim Trump deserves harsher treatment? Just one more example of how you would rather argue than just admit the obvious truth.

Posted By: mattradd
what the cartoon stated. There was no drawing of Trump. His name was not mentioned. The line: "Close enough for government work", is one the we used all the time when I was in the service. So, the creator may have been saying something about Trump, implicitly. Or, he may been saying something, implicitly, about our ongoing military approach. It's left to the observer to interpret however they may.  
 Now this cartoon, which you seem to have missed or ignored has a rendering of Obama, and equates his drone strikes with Hassad's military approach, which many people would deem having little or no concern over "the deaths of innocents." ;)  

" Why not just stick up for yourself and claim Trump deserves harsher treatment?"

I don't, and have not said so! ;)

"So you switch from defending your position about Obama to attacking mine about Trump?"

Point to me my position on Obama, and where I have attacked your position that Trump has been treated unfairly! I've just attempted to give you what you asked for; examples where a cartoonist was critical of Obama's position on collateral damage, and the death of innocent civilians!

"Just one more example of how you would rather argue than just admit the obvious truth."

Really? How about going back to your original post and my response. I see nothing argumentative in my response.

"Trump's treatment has been less fair than Obama's."

How about you putting on your big boy britches and admit this was just a big cry fest about Trump being treated so unfairly! ;)

There is absolutely nothing for me to admit. My intention was quite obvious. My position that Trump was treated unfairly is quite obvious to almost anyone (apparently only you excepted). Did you REALLY not recognize that my ONLY point was that Trump was treat unfairly in the original cartoon you posted? If you did not, that explains plenty. If you did, it also explains a lot regarding your desire to argue rather than discuss.

It must help you justify your behavior by characterizing mine as something other than what it clearly was, calling out media hypocrisy. The fact that you think doing so is childish is beyond belief, except for you of course.

p.s. Your attempts failed.

-- Modified on 4/25/2017 6:38:53 PM

Let's toss in hissy fit! ;)

Of course it was "obvious to almost anyone"; I'd say anyone, that your position is that Trump is being treated unfairly. By one cartoonist I may add. Talk about blowing things out of proportion. What's obvious is, which you won't own, is that you're having a hissy fit about it; over something that's no big deal. Who takes cartoons all that seriously. Only you can take something that's meant be an opinion, by one person, expressed in a cartoon, and make it a personal affront! What does that say about you? ;)

I'm so so glad that you are on guard for "calling out media hypocrisy", particularly over one cartoon! ;)

Posted By: mattradd
Who takes cartoons all that seriously.
I made a simple observation about one specific editorial, political cartoon and it was you that could not accept the specifics of my point. Who takes what people say all that seriously? I guess not you. You continue to argue points not in evidence as there's nothing here to indicate I took anything as a personal affront as you incorrectly assume. Second example is your wrongful assumption that my "position is that Trump is being treated unfairly."  That is a very wide generalization that is untrue. In many ways yes but in many others no. How to ever resolve that topic without being specific?

"Did you REALLY not recognize that my ONLY point was that Trump was treat unfairly in the original cartoon you posted?"

"Second example is your wrongful assumption that my "position is that Trump is being treated unfairly."

It's obvious you can't even be truthful, though your arguments typically are ended by you stating you are the holder of "the truth." So, it's pointless to even have a discussion with you. Unless, now you are going to argue that your "point" and your "position" are two different things! ;)

Reading your responses reminds me of a worm, being dropped on a hot sidewalk. Keep thrashing away! ;)































I was only thinking about the unmentioned collateral and innocent deaths under Obama's drone strikes but there were far more innocent deaths on his watch after he promised to do something and then backed down.

Posted By: quadseasonal

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