Politics and Religion

Count me as a liberal who doesn't like Michael Moore...
inicky46 61 Reviews 1955 reads

...His films are entertaining but they are propaganda (Hey, WW, why aren't they illegal?).  He makes his points by bending the truth and sucker-punching people.  I don't want someone like that representing my views.

And neither is Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, or New Jersey.

Timbow1561 reads

Posted By: willywonka4u
And neither is Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, or New Jersey.

St. Croix1656 reads

I realize he hates corporate America, but I bet he has stock in Sara Lee, or maybe it's Hostess Ho Hos. The guy is in his mid-fifties and pushing 350 lbs. Any over/under bet on when the next twinkie gives him the big heart attack? I'd take some action on that bet.

Hey, cousin Guido can supply the twinkie!

Both are ticking time bombs.  Hard to say which one will be the first to take a dirt nap.

GaGambler1138 reads

His followers OTOH are definitely morons.

Michael Moore on the left, just like Rush Limbaugh et al on the right, are getting rich by pandering to their respective audiences. None of them are stupid. What's dumb about getting rich off of stupid people?

I doubt seriously that Michael Moore believes half the stupid shit he say, but if it sells movie tickets and gets morons like WW to fall on his every word, do you really blame the guy?

Priapus53963 reads

"cultist sheep", can you say BAAAA-AAAAA ? Btw, it's spelled "Michael"--------:)

-- Modified on 3/6/2011 5:06:06 AM

Its really sad how you have to stoop to childish insults to attack Ayn Rand. "Ayn Rand is a poopy head, NYA!!"

But to discredit Michael Moore, you just have to watch ONE of this "documentaries" and compare it to reality.

His very comments, which you quoted, are contrary to reality. Governments are broke, or going broke. They are running up huge deficits and piling on additional unfunded liabilities. If, as he seems to be saying, the all the money in the economy belongs to the government, then of course governments are not broke. But then, they are communist dictatorships that are kind enough to not make their claims on the money we the people have possession of, but the governments actually own.

Ayn Rand was a fiction writer, and did not pretend to be anything but that and a philosopher. Michael Moore pretends to create documentaries, but is simply a lying propagandist. It would take me years to list all the distortions and inaccuracies in his "documentaries" even if I stuck to the job 24/7.

However, Rand's fiction is drawn from reality. The story within a story in "Atlas Shrugged" of the 20th Century Motor Company is drawn from historical experiences of a vast number of real-life communes and utopian communities.

Yes, as some have said on this forum, Ayn Rand's works are fiction. But so are ALL of Michael Moore's.

Priapus531240 reads

And Ms Rand is as credible a "philosopher" as L. Ron Hubbard.

Btw, if you're referring to Libertarian communes, I'm sure they met with the "same enduring success" that hippie communes met in the late 60's-------LOL !

I will agree that Moore is full of bullshit sometimes ( IE, that real reson we invaded Afghanistan in 2001 was to pillage the land for an oil pipeline ) but, he's no more wacky than Ms Rand's "fiction" & philosophical diatribes.

A cult is a cult, whether it's headed by Hubbard, Moore or Rand. "BAAAA-AAAAA" !

-- Modified on 3/6/2011 8:00:11 AM

More evidence that the most zealous, hysterical critics of Ayn Rand are utterly disconnected from reality.

"libertarian communes"???? Does that even make sense?

Or are you maybe actually a libertarian or Objectivist, trying your hardest to make liberals seem like deranged lunatics? If that is the case, you are really going all out. Its becoming less and less believable.

-- Modified on 3/6/2011 2:47:33 PM

Priapus531526 reads

You're engaging in "Freudian Projection" which is
mentioned in the 2 "Rand cult links" which you failed to address.

"But to discredit Michael Moore, you just have to watch ONE of this "documentaries" and compare it to reality."

I've seen all his documentaries. Discredit away, WannaBe.

-- Modified on 3/6/2011 12:01:22 PM

One example is all I need. In "Fahrenheit 9/11", he cut and pastes the heading of a letter to the editor of a newspaper to make it look like an article headline.

From Fifty-nine Deceits in Fahrenheit 9/11:

Moore amplifies the deceit with a montage of newspaper headlines, purporting to show that Gore really won. One article shows a date of December 19, 2001, with a large headline reading, "Latest Florida recount shows Gore won Election." The article supposedly comes from The Pantagraph, a daily newspaper in Bloomington, Illinois. But actually, the headline is merely for a letter to the editor--not a news article. The letter to the editor headline is significantly enlarged to make it look like an article headline. The actual printed letter looked nothing like the "article" Moore fabricated for the film. The letter ran on December 5, not December 19. The Pantagraph contacted Moore's office to ask for an explanation, but the office refused to comment.

The Pantagraph's attorney sent Fahrenheit's distributor a letter stating that Moore's use of the faked headline and story was "unauthorized" and "misleading" and a" misrepresentation of facts." The letter states that Moore infringed the copyright of The Pantagraph, and asks for an apology, a correction, and an explanation. The letters asks Moore to "correct the inaccurate information which has been depicted in your film." Moore's law firm wrote back and claimed that there was nothing "misleading" about the fabricated headline.

Richard Soderlund, an Illinois State University history professor, who wrote the letter to the editor that The Pantagraph published, told the Chicago Tribune, "It's misrepresenting a document. It's at odds with history."
The guy is a liar.

GaGambler1768 reads

As WW is arguably the biggest liar on this board.

This is not a charge I make lightly. I disagree with many people on this board, and even go so far as to ridicule a few of them, but Willy is the first one I have called an outright, bald faced liar since Zinaval about two years ago, and just like with Zinaval, Willy has been caught repeatedly "stretching, bending and outright breaking" the truth.

Willy Wonka is a fucking liar who has no regard for the truth when trying to rabble rouse or win an argument that he is losing badly.

-- Modified on 3/6/2011 3:14:51 PM

...His films are entertaining but they are propaganda (Hey, WW, why aren't they illegal?).  He makes his points by bending the truth and sucker-punching people.  I don't want someone like that representing my views.

Anybody here got more than a high school education???

He is proof anyone can do anything in the USA.  There no excuse of not making money in this country — even a lot of money.  Anyone can be rich and famous.  He is proof no talent is necessary.  Just showing up is enough.  

His weight will put him in an early grave.  Most of the causes he cares about will be gone by then too.  But I will miss him as a fat example of monitoring, while monetizing, mediocrity.  

-- Modified on 3/6/2011 10:07:05 AM

GaGambler1493 reads

but making them pay for the privilege does take a certain amount of talent, otherwise we would all be doing it.

Marketing in itself is a talent, how else do you explain the successes of Madonna, Brittany, Rush, KO et al?

Priapus531586 reads

If anyone can come up lefty examples of those who lead "dittohead sheep", fine by me.

" No one went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people"-----HL Mencken

GaGambler1665 reads

IMO the left are at least as "sheeplike" as the right, but there should be no argument that there are plenty of sheep and plenty ready to shear them on both sides of the aisle.

But Michael Moore is not doing the marketing.  Whomever is hired to do the marketing is talented.  Marketing no talent is quite a talent indeed.   I would add to your list George Lopez, every diet doctor on PBS, all Vice Presidents and any rock band where the lead singer wears a scarf.  

Posted By: GaGambler
but making them pay for the privilege does take a certain amount of talent, otherwise we would all be doing it.

Marketing in itself is a talent, how else do you explain the successes of Madonna, Brittany, Rush, KO et al?

Snowman392095 reads

Man, you will lap up anytihng from the internet!! You really hust any sense of credibility you might have.

Moore is so blinded by liberal hate you can't trust him as fas as you could throw him (and he's friggin huge) ;-)

Remember, this is a guy who thinks Castro is great!!

BTW, should we take moral lessons from a man who eats like that while others in the world starve?

Wow, and we take another baby step toward open class warfare.

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