Politics and Religion

Couldn't possibly be correlated with
OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 263 reads

the general aging of the US population, instead? Nooo... It has to be the increase of law abiding armed citizens. ...

Gawd.... (Puke)...

or mere circumstance? Who cares... results are results. From the Crime Prevention Research Center:

Since President Obama’s election the number of concealed handgun permits has soared, growing from  
4.6 million in 2007 to over 12.8 million this year. The number of permits is increasing at an ever-increasing rate; over the last year, we had the largest ever single-year increase in handgun permits.

Did the sky fall? Nope....

Between 2007 and 2014, murder rates have fallen from 5.6 to 4.2 (preliminary estimates) per 100,000. This represents a 25% drop in the murder rate at the same time that the percentage of the adult population with permits soared by 178%. All violent crimes were down by a similar percentage.  

Oh, there's more...

Yes, it appears that there is a significant association between the adult population with legal permits and the drop in murder rates. A statistically significant association.  

Who's getting all those permits, starting to pack heat and make the "evil-doers" think twice?

Welcome, women and minorities! The Second Amendment is there for you, too!  

Good Lord! How can this be?  

It turns out that handgun permit holders are extremely responsible and law-abiding citizens. Can you say moreso than perhaps even the police? In Florida and Texas, police officers are convicted of misdemeanors and felonies at 6 times the rate of handgun permit holders. Good guys, Good guys, who ya gonna call?

And no, the CPRC does NOT accept funds from organizations on either side of the gun debate.

Posted By: MasterZen
or mere circumstance? Who cares... results are results. From the Crime Prevention Research Center:  
 Since President Obama’s election the number of concealed handgun permits has soared, growing from  
 4.6 million in 2007 to over 12.8 million this year. The number of permits is increasing at an ever-increasing rate; over the last year, we had the largest ever single-year increase in handgun permits.  
 Did the sky fall? Nope....  
 Between 2007 and 2014, murder rates have fallen from 5.6 to 4.2 (preliminary estimates) per 100,000. This represents a 25% drop in the murder rate at the same time that the percentage of the adult population with permits soared by 178%. All violent crimes were down by a similar percentage.  
 Oh, there's more...  
 Yes, it appears that there is a significant association between the adult population with legal permits and the drop in murder rates. A statistically significant association.  
 Who's getting all those permits, starting to pack heat and make the "evil-doers" think twice?  
 Welcome, women and minorities! The Second Amendment is there for you, too!  
 Good Lord! How can this be?  
 It turns out that handgun permit holders are extremely responsible and law-abiding citizens. Can you say moreso than perhaps even the police? In Florida and Texas, police officers are convicted of misdemeanors and felonies at 6 times the rate of handgun permit holders. Good guys, Good guys, who ya gonna call?  
 And no, the CPRC does NOT accept funds from organizations on either side of the gun debate.

GaGambler256 reads

So why shouldn't the anti gunner take credit for this good news as well?

Come to think of it, he also is taking credit for same sex marriage becoming the law of the land, despite decades of being against it.

nom_de_plume318 reads

... isn't it fair that he be able to take credit for lower prices?


Oh wait... maybe he's supposed to take credit (or blame, depending on your POV) for BOTH low and high oil prices:


-- Modified on 7/20/2015 6:39:26 PM

GaGambler274 reads

because unlike virtually everyone else here on this board, I WANT higher oil prices and Obama did do everything in his power to keep US production down, virtually all the increased US oil production that has happened on his watch has happened in spite of him, not because of him. Federal lands have been all but shut down for development under his watch, all the domestic production has come on private land which he does not yet control.

So actually Obama should be my hero, if he had opened up federal lands to development, we would most likely be producing another 2 million BOPD and oil would most likely have plunged to well under $40 bbl. and I would be too poor to hire hookers.

from nonsense, to use as trade goods for things of real value. See Harvard Program on Negotiation. Mutual gains negotiation sounds great... but real, lasting value is much more elusive.  

I can certainly understand the left's quandary here... limited resources flies in the face of "fiat" value.

thisbud4u230 reads

... with your guns, assault weapons and ammo.     Normal people go to bed with their girl friends and wives.

the general aging of the US population, instead? Nooo... It has to be the increase of law abiding armed citizens. ...

Gawd.... (Puke)...

I will help you out here. I think he is most famous for fabricating an entire survey showing “more guns less crime” (seems his hard drive crashed and he lsot it all LOL) but I will give you a taste here:

Yet his daunting resume fails to tell the entire story. While his initial research was groundbreaking, further examination revealed numerous flaws. Today the “more guns, less crime” hypothesis has been thoroughly repudiated. On closer inspection his impressive credentials reveal an academic nomad, never able to secure a place in academia. His ethical transgressions range from accusations of fabricating an entire survey, to presenting faulty regressions, to creating elaborate online personas to defend his work and bash critics, to trying to revise his online history to deflect arguments. And this doesn’t even begin to cover the whole host of false claims and statistics he has peddled repeatedly in articles and TV appearances.

          Nothing personal Master Zen but do you mind if I call you “Grasshopper?” LOL.

Thanks for the laugh, buddy

just don't feed me articles from a publication dedicated to gun control and pretend they are unbiased. Really?

Your article does a good job of saying John Lott is ostracized from academia - while acknowledging his academic credentials. Hmmmm, why is that?

Since you opened the partisan door, please read the book "The Professors" by David Horowitz. You'll get it.

And guess... is Grasshopper a righty or lefty

Whether this particular author is biased or not is irrelevant as to why I gave you the link.

       So this is not simply a “publication dedicated to gun control” but a publication that examined the peer review from many different writers and found that almost to a man they concluded Lott’s facts and methodology were flawed.

          When several years ago I first began posting that gun statistics –whether pro or con- were worthless unless peer reviewed, this came from my reading Of More Guns Less Violence which seemed so persuasive until you read how all the academics savaged it.

       So don’t confuse “peer review” with merely another biased view from the gun control lobby.  

       But welcome to the gun law/ gun violence debate. If you study the issue you will ultimately find that no causal relationship can be upheld between gun violence and less gun control, or gun violence and more gun control.  So both sides who pedal these statistics are wrong here. There are just too many other factors that bear on whether a person commits an act of violence with a gun to conclude that gun laws played a role.

Posted By: MasterZen
just don't feed me articles from a publication dedicated to gun control and pretend they are unbiased. Really?  
 Your article does a good job of saying John Lott is ostracized from academia - while acknowledging his academic credentials. Hmmmm, why is that?  
 Since you opened the partisan door, please read the book "The Professors" by David Horowitz. You'll get it.  
 And guess... is Grasshopper a righty or lefty?  

or gun freedom than most might think. That causal link is elusively human.  

As for Lott and the "source"... academia is best suited to sticking to peer review when it comes to an article or publication. Let the data, not the person, stand on it's merits.  

Sorry, but peer-reviewing a person does not work for me and I'm sure it doesn't work for you either. That's how I read the link you sent - and I appreciate the clarification

to “Senior Grasshopper” (sorry, the Zen Master part was never realistic for you).

         There are some impressive studies on other aspects of gun control that have survived peer review (defense of home –guns good) or (more guns, more gun accidents) but the effect of gun laws on gun violence  is just too complex to measure.

      New York has strict gun laws but Rikers Island is full of shooters. Funny, how none of the academics has ever thought to go in and interview these guys (tell us, Bruno did you consider that having an assault rifle is a felony before you wiped out those guys who disrespected you?).  But simply comparing the number of shootings in strict gun law states with those of liberal gun law states makes little sense whether it is the Brady Group doing the comparison or John Lott

thisbud4u278 reads

US has as a percentage of  a country's population compared to all other civilized countries:

1. most people incarcerated in prisons than all other civilized countries combined
2. most people killed by guns than all other civilized countries combined
3. most people killed by cops using guns than all other civilized countries combined
4. most homicides using guns involving families (wives and children) as a result of divorce or separation than all other civilized countries combined
5. most people waiting on death row for more than 15 years
6. On a ratio, guns are used 100:1 to commit homicides than self defense  
7. An average American is more vulnerable to be killed by someone using a gun than all other countries combined
8. US is the only country that constitutionally permits the purchase of firearms as a right which are in 98% of cases are used to kill people, family members, children.
9. A typical gun owner in US is a white male, education up to HS or a HS dropout.
10. US is the only country where there is a marketing lobby for guns and gun manufacturers that helps politicians win elections, owns them afterwards and use their influence to promote sale of firearms and remove any existing or new restrictions

Posted By: thisbud4u
US has as a percentage of  a country's population compared to all other civilized countries:  
 1. most people incarcerated in prisons than all other civilized countries combined  
 2. most people killed by guns than all other civilized countries combined  
 3. most people killed by cops using guns than all other civilized countries combined  
 4. most homicides using guns involving families (wives and children) as a result of divorce or separation than all other civilized countries combined  
 5. most people waiting on death row for more than 15 years  
 6. On a ratio, guns are used 100:1 to commit homicides than self defense  
 7. An average American is more vulnerable to be killed by someone using a gun than all other countries combined  
 8. US is the only country that constitutionally permits the purchase of firearms as a right which are in 98% of cases are used to kill people, family members, children.  
 9. A typical gun owner in US is a white male, education up to HS or a HS dropout.  
 10. US is the only country where there is a marketing lobby for guns and gun manufacturers that helps politicians win elections, owns them afterwards and use their influence to promote sale of firearms and remove any existing or new restrictions.  

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