Politics and Religion

Could you give me a list of "crazies" the R's have nominated for president?confused_smile
JackDunphy 245 reads

Bush, Bush the father, Dole, McCain, Reagan, Rommey...isn't that the same list you have?  Lol.  

Which were of those were one of the "crazies"?

Republicans almost always nominate someone from the establishment, mainstream part of the party.  

Huntsman has minimal name recognition, had the charisma of a dead plant and kissed Barry's ass every chance he had. That's why he had no shot.

...hobbyist should vote for their fellow hobbyist Neil Bush.

A couple of years after Bill Clinton committed the impeachable sin of lying under oath about sex, Neil Bush was testifying under oath in his divorce proceedings abut a deposition, also given under oath.

"He admitted in the deposition that he previously had sex with several other women while on trips to Thailand and Hong Kong at least five years ago.

The women, he said, simply knocked on the door of his hotel room, entered and had sex with him. He said he did not know if they were prostitutes because they never asked for money and he did not pay them.

"Mr. Bush, you have to admit it's a pretty remarkable thing for a man just to go to a hotel room door and open it and have a woman standing there and have sex with her," Brown (his wife's lawyer) said."

"It was very unusual," Bush said.

Dems who said it was no big deal to lie about sex should support Neil Bush.  Righties who have sex with prostitutes should also support Neil Bush, unless they're "do as I say, not as I do" righties...which all of them are

GaGambler396 reads

I "sort of" believe him when he claimed not to be paying for sex, as it appears that someone else was paying for influence.  

I am always surprised how hypocritical "Hobbyists" are where it comes to  famous people getting caught doing EXACTLY what they do. Remember how quickly Tiger Woods was thrown under the bus on TER of all fucking places? What a tough fucking crowd of hypocrites.

Yes, lets run Neil for POTUS, he can't possibly be worse than the current crop of candidates from both sides of the aisle.  

You of all people know just how much I dislike the "Hildabeast". For me to go on record stating that I will most likely end up voting for her should make it obvious just how bad a slate of candidates we have to choose from.

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