Politics and Religion

"Corporate chain stores?" You mean like Ferguson Market & Liquor...
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 300 reads
2 / 9

Are we really supposed to cry over a couple corporate chain stores getting looted? I mean, really. Those stores are insured, they won't lose a dime.

What is the purpose of the police? Is it to serve and protect the public? You're dreaming if you think so. The Supreme Court has already ruled that the police have no responsibility to protect the public.

So who do the police serve and protect? They serve and protect the rich. The top 1%. The rich control the politicians, and the politicians control the cops. The cops are doing the bidding of the rich.

So how do you get the rich to back the fuck off when their puppets go around executing citizens at random? You attack the rich where it hurts them most. Chain stores where they peddle their shit.

Maybe if there were riots like this every time some cop executes a kid in cold blood, then maybe the Chamber of Commerce would tell the pigs to back the fuck off.

Capitalists having their stores burnt down is a thing of beauty. We should relish it when it happens.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 316 reads
3 / 9

...or Sam's Meat Market & Liquor?  Would you like to provide a link to those looted "corporate chain stores" or do you want to continue to pull poo out of your butt and fling it up on the board?

RRO2610 51 Reviews 289 reads
5 / 9

I hate the corporatization of America as much or more than anybody here or elsewhere; but the guy in the video made a very valid point.  
Bill Cosby lost his only son too random felonious violence. He didn't blame the white man, and he has kept on pissing off the black community by proselytizing personal responsibility.

  The black teen shot in Ferguson Missouri in no way deserved "deadly physical force"; but he was no 'innocent little angel' either

JackDunphy 740 reads
7 / 9

Personally, I have NO idea what he deserved as so many facts remain unknown. Maybe it was a justifiable shooting, maybe not.  

All you have is anecdotal evidence given to you by a left of center media that is sympathetic to Sharpton's hysteria, as we have seen MANY times in the past.

The facts today are already much different than they were just a few days ago as you point out with your "he was no innocent angel" comment.

Cant we all just wait and see what happens after all the facts are known before we make statements of "fact" that may ultimately not be borne out with the evidence?

ex 9 Reviews 288 reads
8 / 9

He is 100% right about the
lack of responsibility in the
Black community, but I doubt
Jesse or Al will listen.

What is it about white america
that we don't hold them accountable
more often for their actions...

I like the way he thinks, thanks...
Its not viral yet only 1000 views,
but I wish it would.

ex 9 Reviews 289 reads
9 / 9

Posted By: wrps07
This guys tells it like it is.  Video gone viral....  
Nothing special, just  
thought I would update...

I guess I must not understand
what "viral" means, cause he still
doesn't have that many views...

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