Politics and Religion

Context question
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1293 reads
1 / 18

... no it isn't a joke. link attached.

Donald Trump is the frontrunner.

The Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 298 reads
2 / 18

...as well in July, 2011.  She even won the Iowa Straw Poll in August, 2011 (which was the reason it died after 36 years).

Trump is just the flavor of the day.  We should enjoy it while we can.  The party will be over when Scott "Nixon Jr." Walker jumps into the race.  The smart money will be backing Walker - I should say the Koch Bros. money, not necessarily the "smart" money.

GaGambler 386 reads
3 / 18

anyone else remember priapussy giving us those daily poll results and then admitting they were meaningless? Kind of like someone who reads their astrology report each and every day, but claims not to put any faith into it.

HONDA 153 Reviews 297 reads
4 / 18

..........and do untold damage to the GOP's chances of taking the WH in 2016. IMHO, Trump is saying out loud what the party faithful believe, pure and unfiltered, and the party leadership has no idea what to do with it except hope that he fades away. Many people thought Ronald Reagan was a political joke until he became President. I intensely dislike Trump, but he is the ONLY candidate, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, who says what he thinks and stands by it. That's why he is polling well.....all the other Republican and Democrat candidates are covert operatives who consistently hide what they really stand for.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... no it isn't a joke. link attached.  
 Donald Trump is the frontrunner.  
 The Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves.  

-- Modified on 7/10/2015 8:42:38 AM

JackDunphy 326 reads
5 / 18

He is polling at 15% which means 85% of the other voters are against him. This is the equivalent of winning his first 2 games in baseball but his problem is there is 160 more to go.  

Even the worst team in MLB can win 2, or even three or four wins in a row, but it doesn't make them any less losers. Lol

Him and bush are at the top for only one reason. Name recognition. It's also summer vacation season and the public is tuned out till the debates start, at the earliest.

As BP points out, Bachman was leading and everyone made a big stink about that too. Rudy was up at this time the election before. Neither had a prayer.

Trump has ZERO shot at the nomination.

nuguy46 310 reads
6 / 18

The mother of a teenage boy gunned down by an illegal Mexican immigrant in strikingly similar circumstances to how Kathryn Steinle died, has backed Presidential hopeful Donald Trump to 'close our borders'.Anita Shaw, whose 17-year-old boy Jamiel Jr was murdered by gang member Pedro Espinoza in Los Angeles in 2008, says she is 'angry' at the current immigration policy.She told Daily Mail Online: 'It makes me sad, it makes me angry, it makes me frustrated.'It's amazing to me that the same incident is still going on today. It's like, when will the public wake up and do something.'And this guy who is running for President, Donald Trump, he's trying to do something and they're trying to shut him down.  

Illegal: Pedro Espinoza as he was sentenced to death in 2012. He was never supposed to be in the country - if his immigration records had been checked properly it would have been clear he should have been deported  

'I believe in what he's saying, he's trying to fix the borders and do all the things people should have done a long time ago.'  

Los Angeles High School football standout Jamiel was shot twice, once in the stomach and once in the head, near his Arlington Heights home in March, 2008.  

He was targeted by Espinoza simply because he was carrying a red Spider-Man backpack and was mistaken for a rival gang member.  

The killer, who was aged 19, had been released the day before he killed Jamiel having served four months of an eight month sentence for assault with a deadly weapon and battery on a police officer.  

He had lied about his immigration status - which if it had been properly checked would have made clear he was wanted for deportation.  

The case has echoes of 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle's death in San Francisco because suspected killer Francisco Sanchez, 45, was deported five times before he allegedly struck.  

Immigration officials said that they had made him a 'priority' request for any law enforcement officers who picked him up.  

But when he was arrested over marijuana four months ago in San Francisco he was let go, in accordance with city policy designed to give 'sanctuary' to undocumented migrants.  

Anita, 50, who was serving with the U.S. Army in Iraq when she was told of her eldest son's death, said: 'I still don't understand why it happened, just like what happened in San Francisco, why wasn't this guy deported after he was released from prison. 'Sanctuary City', that's crazy.  
'When I heard about the girl in San Francisco, I said, 'oh no, not again', she was so pretty and so young and to be with her father and her brother when it happened, just enjoying her day, and then all of a sudden no more.'For Army Sgt Anita, who is currently based in Fort Hood, Texas where she works as a supply specialist, the death only brought memories of Jamiel's death flooding back.

HONDA 153 Reviews 220 reads
7 / 18

....but he has the potential to seriously damage the GOP brand and whoever else becomes the party nominee. The RNC is terrified of Mitt Romney 2.0 occurring, where Mitt was pulled so far to the right during the primaries and unable to move back to the center during the general election

JackDunphy 225 reads
8 / 18

No, I don't think Trump does any real damage to the GOP because people don't look at him as a Republican, first. He is the gum on the bottom of the GOP's shoe, not an arrow thru its heart.

They look at him as an egocentric, opportunist blow hard, not a Republican, primarily. Trump is his own brand.

Does anyone really think a Marxist like Bernie Sanders will hurt the Dem brand? Of course not.

I have said this before but I think Trump makes the real GOP candidates look even more presidential and reasonable by comparison.

If we had 3 or 4 Trump types in the running, that would be a different story but we don't, thank Jesus. lol

GaGambler 205 reads
9 / 18

but I will concede he is mildly entertaining in a buffoonish kind of way, and I agree the early "Morning line" has to favor Walker stealing most if not all of Trump's thunder when he jumps into the race as Walker actually has a record to stand on, while Trump is just a bunch of hot air. If I were to set a morning line on the race for the nomination, I've got Jeb Bush and Scott Walker as co favorites at 8/5 with Trump way back as part of a field bet at 99-1. I don't think Trump even warrants a betting line of his own, but this is MY line not the line put out by the bookmakers.

I just checked a couple of sites and they have Walker at 4-1 Bush at 9/5 and Trump at 33-1, not to mention Rubio at about 7/2, Personally I like my line better as even though it's very early this really looks like a two man race to me.

JackDunphy 220 reads
10 / 18

I think he is the biggest threat to Bush. Poor name recognition and him being late to the game will hurt his odds at the present moment.  

But I certainly think it will be one of those four.

GaGambler 181 reads
11 / 18

and I think I also disagree with you about Sanders. While I agree neither of them will "hurt the brand" I do see that Trump could move the entire party slightly to the right, and I can see Sanders moving the Dems substantially to the left as the front runners are forced to pander to their base.

The difference of course is that while Sanders is playing to packed houses, Trump is getting ridiculed, but even while Trump is getting pummeled by the mainstream, there is a certain element, lets call it the "Palin crowd" that is sitting in front of their TV's, Budweiser in hand, cheering "Yeah, you tell em" at the top of their lungs every time Trump says something provocative.

GaGambler 153 reads
12 / 18

Most likely for the very reasons you state. He is presently in the first tier of long shots along with Perry, Huckabee, Bloomberg and Portman, and I have to agree he is a much more viable candidate than any of them.

GiantBombing 233 reads
13 / 18

The article repeatedly mentions Walker's standing in Iowa, but I have no concept of how important politically Iowa is in any terms. Would anyone care to inject a little bit of context for me?

JackDunphy 195 reads
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Honda said Trump "has the potential to seriously damage the GOP brand." That was the point where I disagreed with him and you seem to agree with me.

Even if Trump moves the party "slightly to the right" that is no big deal as well. But at the same time, I think the other R's know Trump has zero shot at the nomination so they will not feel the need to follow him to the right. No need to. If Trump had a serious shot at it, then I would be more apt to agree.

And Sanders playing to "packed houses" is comparative. He is getting nothing like the crowds Hillary and Obama got on the stump in 2008. He is choosing very small venues, where "packing" is much more likely. lol

JackDunphy 254 reads
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and thus very important. If candidates don't fare well in Iowa, New Hampshire or South Carolina, the first three, they usually fall out of the race.

Many will fall out after a bad showing in just Iowa, especially if they are expected to do well there.

GiantBombing 168 reads
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HONDA 153 Reviews 452 reads
17 / 18

"..........about the damage Trump could be doing to the GOP brand. It also does not help that Hispanic news media -TV/Radio - are running Donald Trump's disparaging comments almost 24/7.

In a phone call with Trump on Wednesday, according to the Post, RNC chairman Reince Priebus urged Trump to "tone down his inflammatory comments that have infuriated a key election constituency" — Latinos.
Other lawmakers have echoed those sentiments. The Post cites former Sen. Robert F. Bennett (R-Utah), who says "if Trump can keep this going, it will be truly worrisome."
One Republican state party chairman told The Post:

"He's already done some damage, and it could be substantial going forward. He could be one of the reasons we lose. It's that serious. There's nothing we can do about it, and that's what's so scary.”
Donald Trump’s statements on immigrants are going to kill the Republican Party, fellow candidate Lindsey Graham says.

Trump’s comments, Graham said, reinforce a narrative between the GOP and Hispanics that will “destroy” any chance the party has of winning the 2016 presidential election.
According to an Associated Press report, “Republican donor John Jordan said Monday that GOP leaders should take steps to block Trump’s access to the first presidential debate in early August.”

“Someone in the party ought to start some sort of petition saying, ‘If Trump’s going to be on the stage, I’m not going to be on there with him,'” Jordan told the AP. “I’m toying with the idea of it.”

-- Modified on 7/10/2015 3:56:34 PM

GQman42 188 Reviews 221 reads
18 / 18

It's all hype. Trump is not serious about being President at all. In fact he is nothing but a clown interested in hype only. The fact that we give him airtime drives me nuts. I would not mind if he was serious, but anyone with a brain knows he is not serious about being Present. He is not!  

He should be in a circus.

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