Politics and Religion

Conservatives and liberals can disagree on a lot of things....
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2178 reads
1 / 29

...but can't we agree that at the very least, Congressional representatives should at least figure out how to keep the lights on?

I can understand someone having conservative beliefs and values. I don't understand how anyone can VOTE for a Republican. When you vote for someone, you're asking them to do the job of governing. These shitheads don't even do that. If they can't keep the fucking lights on at Homeland Security, while they've been pissing and moaning about ISIS for the last few months, then what hope is there with these people.

If you hired someone, and they rarely came to work, and when they did come to work, they shut down your business, wouldn't you fucking fire them? Like immediately?

JackDunphy 381 reads
2 / 29

Mandatory personnel show up, no lights go off,  no "business" is "shut down."

Come on Willy, you're smarter than this.  

Just because the chick with an Adams Apple on PMSNBC is all fired up, doesn't mean you have to fall for his/her bullshit. LO

RaymondDonovan 411 reads
3 / 29

So in your job you go to work and then  eventually you will get paid....are you cool with that? Isn't that the way it works?

-- Modified on 2/28/2015 12:58:37 AM

RaymondDonovan 560 reads
4 / 29

Are the Republicans that disfunctional? You have the far right crazies screwing around with a Republican formed Agency to not fund it. Polosi had to get her caucus to go along with that 7 day stay and all but maybe 1 or 2 didn't. One thing, she knows how to rally her party.  
And wasn't Majority Whip, Scalise suppose to corral the far right, ro keep them somewhat in check??? Again nice job!  
And Like Willy says, Rep have been moaning and scaring the nation with this attack from Isis and now they can't fund the agency that is suppose to protect us, it sends a bad message. Shit they won the last election on fear of Isis and ebola...
Like the saying goes, you vote republican...you're on your own.

-- Modified on 2/28/2015 12:57:29 AM

-- Modified on 2/28/2015 2:16:38 AM

followme 421 reads
5 / 29

The reason for this mess is the illegal immigration executive order that obama

Since that order has been put on hold by a federal judge, why can't the dems do the right thing and pass the bill as it was first introduced?  

Clearly the Dems do not care about the safety and well being of the American people and the country itself.    
Why can't the Dems have the professionalism, courage integrity and honor to work with and cooperate with in good faith the Republicans who want nothing but the best for the country and the people.

It appears that the, obama, immigration executive order will be declared illegal anyway, so why must the Dems. cause so much pain and suffering of the American people.    

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP WH Senate and House

bigguy30 624 reads
6 / 29

If the GOP animal house would do their jobs.

Then this would not even be a issue.

They refuse to pass law or compromise on anything and keep looking like fools.

Just stop with your bullshit dumb ass!
Posted By: followme
 The reason for this mess is the illegal immigration executive order that obama  
 Since that order has been put on hold by a federal judge, why can't the dems do the right thing and pass the bill as it was first introduced?    
 Clearly the Dems do not care about the safety and well being of the American people and the country itself.    
 Why can't the Dems have the professionalism, courage integrity and honor to work with and cooperate with in good faith the Republicans who want nothing but the best for the country and the people.  
 It appears that the, obama, immigration executive order will be declared illegal anyway, so why must the Dems. cause so much pain and suffering of the American people.    
 You're Welcome  
 2016 = GOP WH Senate and House

RaymondDonovan 449 reads
7 / 29

So someone had to do "something". And what's to worry, the order is only temporary till the now republicans houses can come up with something, which we all know they won't.

ATLDAWG 508 reads
8 / 29

Hey-If the affected Government Employees can't wait for their check perhaps they should resign and seek a real job !!  Great opportunity for a reduction in force !!!

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 499 reads
9 / 29

you take an ideological, irrational, hate and dislike based stand on anything then there is nothing to negotiate or do. Neither can you do anything when someone is openly challenged an d the only option they have is to undo completely somethings they have done. See, it is easy to game intelligent and rational people but it is impossible to game irrational and ignorant which is what we are facing today.  

In this case there is one solution, the challenger will have to back down and the opposing party knows the outcome and doesn’t have to do nothing especially considering the fact there is popular support from people and business for it

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 544 reads
10 / 29

But you know what will happen, everyone will scream that "Our Borders aren't safe, little Johnny will have his head whacked off". Planes will crash in your backyard and holy hell will break out.
So hell yeah let's lay off them lazy useless goverment workers with their life long pensions.

-- Modified on 2/28/2015 9:48:17 AM

User1994 23 Reviews 483 reads
11 / 29

The House passed a bill that would have fully funded ALL security-related functions. The Senate Dems would not vote for it because it did not fund their new voters. They put their party ahead of national security. Can we at leas stop pretending not to know this on this board?

Posted By: willywonka4u
...but can't we agree that at the very least, Congressional representatives should at least figure out how to keep the lights on?  

I can understand someone having conservative beliefs and values. I don't understand how anyone can VOTE for a Republican. When you vote for someone, you're asking them to do the job of governing. These shitheads don't even do that. If they can't keep the fucking lights on at Homeland Security, while they've been pissing and moaning about ISIS for the last few months, then what hope is there with these people.  

If you hired someone, and they rarely came to work, and when they did come to work, they shut down your business, wouldn't you fucking fire them? Like immediately?

RaymondDonovan 469 reads
12 / 29

How long can you go without a check, tough guy? Some don't get paid like you and are living month to month.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 568 reads
13 / 29

The executive order on immigration. Plus the senate wanted to fund the DHL for the whole year. They wanted a clean bill for the funding. Put a funding bill for the DHL on it's own, no strings.
Then House Republicans and work on their immigration bill and we can drop this Executive Order.

HONDA 153 Reviews 543 reads
14 / 29

......... She should have thrown his ass under the bus, the same way Boehner threw the WH, Pelosi and other Democrats under the bus over his invitation of Netanyahu to speak before the House. The problem with most Democrats in Washington, including Obama, is they have no balls. Think about where we would be now if Obama had not kowtowed to Republicans during his first 4 years in office. We would most certainly have had a better Health care bill with a public option, we would have had comprehensive Immigration reform, probably a much larger stimulus Bill. Our DOJ has deemed it unnecessary to prosecute financiers responsible for the Great Financial recession of 2008. All this is why Democrats stayed home during the 2014 elections and may do so again in 2016, unless Hillary Clinton has a populist message that targets the Middle Class, which is hurting right now.

JackDunphy 466 reads
15 / 29

And won't. The worst is they may have to wait a bit to get paid. They knew that going in RD. Of course I would be pissed as anyone would be but it really isn't the point the OP was making anyway.

Nothing is getting shut down and no one is any more jeopardy than before even if they didn't have a midnight agreement extending for one more week.

Remember all the "disasters" libs warned us of re: sequestration? This is just more of the same scare tactics horseshit, nothing more.

ed2000 31 Reviews 524 reads
16 / 29

Posted By: hpygolky
The executive order on immigration. Plus the senate wanted to fund the DHL for the whole year. They wanted a clean bill for the funding. Put a funding bill for the DHL on it's own, no strings.  
 Then House Republicans and work on their immigration bill and we can drop this Executive Order.
Not even close to true. Obama's immigration wishes were transmitted using barely the equivalent of a Post-It note. The President's lack of respect for The Constitution is what put ALL OF US (not some we/they) into this mess.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 521 reads
17 / 29

is another talking point created by the right wing nuts like Sean Hannity, Ted Cruz, et.al. Constitution does allow recourse and it is called filing a suit in the Supreme Court.

Right wing nuts completely ignore the fact that both George H and W issued immigration related executive orders. Both of those Republican POTUS’s must be disrespectful of the constitution or the executive orders are only unconstitutional when issued by a black POTUS. There is no recourse in the constitution for this particular  disease affecting right wing nuts. It is just a chronic mental disorder called “RACISM”, caused by genetic mutation.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 472 reads
19 / 29

If is was that bad/horrrible/end of all a whole band of judges would have appealed the order, not one GWB appointed judge from where, let me guess...Texas.

ed2000 31 Reviews 519 reads
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If you're in the dark about something so simple, what are the chances the rest of what you think you know on the subject is wrong?

marikod 1 Reviews 426 reads
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And be careful bc the judge did NOT enjoin Mr. Obama's executive memorandum.

ed2000 31 Reviews 830 reads
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Look, they both cited Obama's EO. I simply pointed out there is no EO. That's not a matter of opinion. There's a reason why they are ignorant to that fact and that reason is also why the Republicans don't have enough balls to do what's right in the matter, i.e. they caved yesterday (at least for now).

-- Modified on 2/28/2015 11:18:49 PM

JohnyComeAlready 449 reads
24 / 29

Did you forget that al Baghadi was held captive by the CIA at GITMO

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 552 reads
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ignorance of the “constitution” is, shall I say, appalling. Only ignorant will base an argument on the basis of something they really don’t have a clear understanding, they base it on what they hear on the media, innuendo and by shamelessly regurgitating the ignorant statement of someone else.

Next, you are going to say veto is unconstitutional from a black POTUS and woman but not from white rightwing nut. The America you think exist or should exist is not going to happen, ever.

ed2000 31 Reviews 540 reads
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Ignoring your hateful race baiting and childish attacks, when did Obama have a secret gender change?

-- Modified on 3/1/2015 2:04:00 PM

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 602 reads
27 / 29

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was a prisoner at Camp Bucca, previously a US facility in southern Iraq, now an environmentally friendly think tank city to lead Iraq into the 12th century .
  After five  years of good behavior he promised to be even better  upon his release.
  He was released in 2009 as a low level prisoner.  
  First he was head of al-Qaeda, now he's  head of ISIS.
 Like the definition of is and was, defining better is subject to interpretation.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Did you forget that al Baghadi was held captive by the CIA at GITMO?  
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Did you forget that al Baghadi was held captive by the CIA at GITMO?  

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 484 reads
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Why and what is causing wing nuts not fund DHS?

ed2000 31 Reviews 532 reads
29 / 29

It seems your source of information is doing you a huge disservice. About FIVE WEEKS ago, the House passed a bill that funded ALL of the DHS that they considered to be operating legally. FIFTY-SEVEN, count'em 57, Senators agreed with the House. That included SEVERAL Democrats, but in typical fashion, Harry Reid and the remainder of the Democrats refused to let the bill even be debated. But based on your posting history of childish invective you also do not understand the concept of debating. Peas in a pod, eh?

Since your sources of information have effectively lied and told half truths to enough Americans, all but about 50 of the House Republicans are now running scared. Maybe McConnell will follow another of Reid's precedents and allow the "nuclear option" to widen?

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