Politics and Religion

Come one, come all! Johny is melting down and babbling incoherently!
inicky46 61 Reviews 522 reads

You say he always does that?  True, but his post above is exponentially worse. Call the men in the white coats!

Seems to me that every thread that includes pro-Israel support vanishes after a time.
The most recent example is the Fuck Israel Fuck Jew thread posted by 86H13LTP

I too thought it was a typical anti-Semitic genocidal diatribe until I actually read the post and watched the video. And so I posted a comment, including a few words of Arabic in the Arab script (courtesy of Google Translate and a note to 86H -the Arabic chicken scratches refer to the bellicose Arab in the video as a pork eater)

So upon initial viewing of just the titles, the thread could have appeared to the uninitiated, uninformed or titles only reader as a strongly worded anti-Israel commentary. Zeir Gut! Tres Bien! Bravo!

Seems to me the thread was ignored for days until it became obvious the main goal of the OP was to show what a barbaric bunch Hamas and their supporters are.

Then Willy went and posted his open support for mass genocide, I called him on it, and the thread is deleted. I doubt MY words in particular had anything to do with it, but rather the cumulative effect of a thread turning so obviously against the terrorists in the Hamas terror factory enclave also called Gaza.

But it was up there for two days screaming FUCK ISRAEL! FUCK JEW!  

how long will a thread last if the header were to read FUCK HAMAS! FUCK GAZA! FUCK THE ARABS!
I bet it wouldn't last long at all.

Many of my pro-Israel comments have been deleted over the 12 years I've been here. But a disproportionate number of those are in the last two years when I have been far less involved and active. An even more disproportionate number are those that were not collateral damage as part of a thread deleted, but the OP itself.

 There is no first amendment protection in this forum, granted. So I'm not accusin', just sayin'.

Sure would like to know how Willy justifies his isolationist genocide policy and correlates it with his liberal oeuvre.Sure sounded like Fascist Isolationism to me. And open support of mass genocide.

GaGambler548 reads

"Tree trimming" is the order of the day. I sometimes wake up to half of my posts being deleted, not for anything that I have said, but because entire threads are deleted for a multitude of reasons, some of them rather ridiculous. One other thing you will notice is that thread with certain people involved in them are a hundred times more likely to disappear than threads in general. The threads most likely to disappear on this board are threads with BigBackstabber in them, most likely due to his excessive use of the RAP tab. On GD the threads involving RodTidwell and BSCTaylor also have a tendency to disappear after a few hours.

The reason so many of your comments have been deleted over the last couple of years is a simple one, prior to two years ago, I was the mod of this board, and I pulled very, very few posts, much less threads, and of course prior to that you were the mod here and I don't suppose it's too much of a leap to assume you rarely pulled your own posts. lol

That's why I don't bother with putting any intellectual thought into what I post.

... it will just vanish.

Posted By: GaGambler
"Tree trimming" is the order of the day. I sometimes wake up to half of my posts being deleted, not for anything that I have said, but because entire threads are deleted for a multitude of reasons, some of them rather ridiculous. One other thing you will notice is that thread with certain people involved in them are a hundred times more likely to disappear than threads in general. The threads most likely to disappear on this board are threads with BigBackstabber in them, most likely due to his excessive use of the RAP tab. On GD the threads involving RodTidwell and BSCTaylor also have a tendency to disappear after a few hours.

The reason so many of your comments have been deleted over the last couple of years is a simple one, prior to two years ago, I was the mod of this board, and I pulled very, very few posts, much less threads, and of course prior to that you were the mod here and I don't suppose it's too much of a leap to assume you rarely pulled your own posts. lol

needing to take enforcement action on immigration. we STILL haven't been treated to exactly what his suggestion is....(crickets) and his ridiculous claim about me saying something about "tidwell". i dont even know what that is!

Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
needing to take enforcement action on immigration. we STILL haven't been treated to exactly what his suggestion is....(crickets) and his ridiculous claim about me saying something about "tidwell". i dont even know what that is!

Posted By: GaGambler
"Tree trimming" is the order of the day. I sometimes wake up to half of my posts being deleted, not for anything that I have said, but because entire threads are deleted for a multitude of reasons, some of them rather ridiculous. One other thing you will notice is that thread with certain people involved in them are a hundred times more likely to disappear than threads in general. The threads most likely to disappear on this board are threads with BigBackstabber in them, most likely due to his excessive use of the RAP tab. On GD the threads involving RodTidwell and BSCTaylor also have a tendency to disappear after a few hours.

The reason so many of your comments have been deleted over the last couple of years is a simple one, prior to two years ago, I was the mod of this board, and I pulled very, very few posts, much less threads, and of course prior to that you were the mod here and I don't suppose it's too much of a leap to assume you rarely pulled your own posts. lol

what you've noticed happens not just here but on all boards.  I don't know how many mods they use these days but none of them are on the same page and enforcement of "rules" is totally inconsistent.
They even refused to put up a post of mine under GaG calling him a rude name (and he's been called much worse), all in good fun.  The word was "Bastard," and a simple search of the boards that day turned up many ruder words that they let stay up.  I pointed this out to them and they said I could just remove the word and they'd put up the post.
I think in some cases it also depends on who the poster is.  There are some of us who just don't get the love from current management, lol!

...call you "bastard" - no problem.  But if you call him "bastard" - well, you saw the results.  You can shoot the messenger in the link below, but he's 100% correct...

GaGambler491 reads

Once for calling you EXACTLY what I called Inicky in the same thread, something about being old and Jewish like Don Rickles, and then again for calling you FatBoy.

You go running to mommy more than anyone else on this board, and I am not the first to say this.

I guess there is a triple standard, threads were you are getting your ass handed to you have a habit of disappearing without a trace.

But "bastard" isn't one of them.  I've also called him many things on the boards that are worse than that and they go through, so I honestly don't think he's got any special status here.  I think it just depends on which mod gets my post to approve and what they think of me.
To me, it's much worse than the old days.  GaG and LP would tell you what you were doing wrong and why posts were being pulled.  Now we're all dancing in the dark.

I'm sure somethings don't get through, you are far too opinionated to not be off the page.

You weren't that hamster were you?

Posted By: inicky46
But "bastard" isn't one of them.  I've also called him many things on the boards that are worse than that and they go through, so I honestly don't think he's got any special status here.  I think it just depends on which mod gets my post to approve and what they think of me.  
 To me, it's much worse than the old days.  GaG and LP would tell you what you were doing wrong and why posts were being pulled.  Now we're all dancing in the dark.

I'm pretty sure they don't like you.  Then again, no one does, LOL.

What did I do? I didn't do a damn thing. That nobody on any board didn't do to themselves. I'm referring to message board posts. I don't gossip via pm, nor do I search the board looking for inside intell.  

Not interested. I can't help nobody here understands who to be discrete. I didn't even read the CH board before my "repeat mistake" thread, I read the boston board. I didn't see the CH board till CPA informed Steph to look over there.

I don't even know whats going on, I think some one may be getting a divorce, but that shore ain't my fault I've never met the happy couple. who ever they might be.

I think peoples own delusions are fucking up there minds.

You say he always does that?  True, but his post above is exponentially worse. Call the men in the white coats!

I'm ignorant to 90% off what goes on here, if you feel you are superior because you follow up on everybody's business, I'm not sure how to even address you, I'm tuned out to the nonsense

Because it's literally unreadable.  And you think I"m dumb?  Whoa!

-- Modified on 7/22/2014 10:26:53 PM

Guess not.  Over the last 30 days, you are by far the most prolific poster on the General Discussion Board.
Talk about following up!  And almost all of them are responding to posts telling you what a douche-canoe you are.  So much for tuning everything out.
What a total ignorant hypocrite you are.

I was having a manic episode... Go back and read the subject lines, most of what I post is applicable to many aspects of life, how people respond is up to them. I've been that way since I've been here

The admitted manic telling me how it is.  In psycho-babble.
Try this.  It might work for you

86H13LTP586 reads

I'll go out back and lay me neck across a log until one comes by and makes it right .  

As a matter of fact all non Muslims should do the same so not to hurt their feelings .

This used to be a really open board where people felt free to say anything they wanted, but not anymore. The downside of this was that it allowed trolls to rule the board if they were so inclined. I think a better balance can be reached between allowing people to speak freely, without letting the trolls ruin it for everyone.  

That being said, Doc, I wish you wouldn't take my words out of context. I am tired of both sides bickering over petty nonsense like their own delusions. And it makes me irate that our own nation is dragged into their delusional bickering. 3,000 Americans died on 9/11 in part because of that bickering.  

I say enough is enough. If they can't get along, and they can't keep us out of their meaningless petty b.s., then I'd prefer that they were wiped off the face of the earth. Not a single drop of American blood should ever be shed because two groups of people are having a pissing contest over their damn delusions. Screw them both.

... but anyway, the larger point for me in our little dialog here is this:

I truly believe your assessments and decisions are based on an incomplete database of facts. your influences tend to come from sources routinely and openly hostile to all things Zionist and Jewish.  
Despite the claims to the contrary, it is very difficult to separate the idea of anti-Zionism from Antisemitism. In the Arab world and now apparently, Western Europe there is simply no difference. You no longer hear the distinct "down with zionism" like you used to hear in the 60's and 70's. Now its all about Death to the Jews, Hitler was right, and your own version of "KILL EM ALL LET GOD SORT IT OUT!"

I wish there was a real world equivalent to the Star Trek Vulcan mind meld.
Willy, your perspectives come from the news and your own reading habits.
Ever been in a war zone?  
Ever been assaulted for no other reason than the cap you wore on your head?
How about in the middle of a terrorist attack?

In your own way you are no better than the chicken hawks in Congress who puff out their chests and harumph their way into the history books.

It's really quite ignorant in its meat ax approach.

The further the jew hating rhetoric is removed in time from hitler's holocaust, the more comfortable they are in reverting to their roots.

Islamo-Nazi is not a flimsy label.

Hitler indeed felt a kinship to Islam. It seemed to go deeper than simply sharing a common enemy.

I find it hard to believe that willy would have any problem picking sides if Israel was founded on a sectarian culture.

They had mutual wet dreams about the genocide of the jews. Jews have no such aspirations of which I am aware. This is what to me creates a HUGE clear distinction between the 2 groups and what makes WW's assessment, frankly idiotic.  

I may be wrong and Doc would certainly be in position to tell me I am, but even the most hardcore jews dont seek the destruction of islamic people.

Not in the least. If they were all wiped out tomorrow, then I could barely muster enough give-a-chit to watch it on the news. I don't care if Israel or the West Bank or the Gaza strip is a war zone. I could care less. So long as those @sshats stay off my TV. Nor do I give a damn about the Palestinians. Israelis could be grinding up Palestinians to make kosher frankfurters for all I care. So long as it stays off my damn TV.  

Israeli Jews and their apologists are constantly whining about how they're the most victimized victims who were ever a victim. Blah, blah, blah, whine, whine, whine, shut it, and keep it off my TV.  

The Palestinians are no better. They have polished the victim turd until it shines. I'm so tired of it.  

But don't act like the Israelis have it rough. This country gives Israel and constant and never-ending blow job. Hell, we pay for most of their damn defense. You call that Antisemitism in the west?  

This is why I wish both sides would just kill each other off. The sooner the better. Here's my hope: That every Arabic religious lunatic Muslim nation takes turns going after Israel. And Israel wipes out every single Muslim nutcase in that country. One by one, each Arabic nation is completely depopulated by Israel. Then Egypt goes last, until there is only 1 Muslim and 1 Israeli Jew left in the world. They finally pause to reflect on their actions, and when they come to the obvious conclusion that their pointless delusions weren't worth killing each other, Willy strolls over to them and beat them both to death with a baseball bat.  

After that, we let Disney turn the Great Pyramids into an amusement park, we combine Israel, Syria, and Iraq into the 51st state called Turdistan, and move all the old shits in Florida there, so whenever I drive down to Miami I don't have to worry about 90 year old women driving backwards on the interstate.  

Screw them both.

86H13LTP558 reads

She's one fine looking Jew. The IDF uniform is an added bonus .

If the Arabic world was Jewish then there would be no conflict here. If Israel was ran by Muslim nutcases, then there would be no conflict here. The only reason why they're fighting is because both sides are religious lunatics. It's a religious war. That means their delusions is what fuels this conflict. One side believes in a bunch of made-up bullchit, and the other side believes in another set of conflicting made-up bullchit. One side believes in the delusion that an old man named Moses parted the Red Sea. The other side believes that Mohammad rode to heaven on a golden horse. Well, I'm sorry, unless I see people being able to part seas or ride golden horses into heaven, then I'm going to call that a bunch of make-believe bullchit.  

Sit and really think about this. Each side are KILLING each other over MAKE BELIEVE.

I think geography, and wealth, come before religion, as far as this conflict is concerned.

Go head and wear that bleeding hart liberal who promotes mass murder label...

it looks good on you.

GaGambler843 reads

Religious nutcases are purists, you have to believe EXACTLY as they do for there to be peace among them. Just being Muslim would not be enough, you would have to be the right kind of Muslim or the killing would begin all over again.

Christians are the same way, except they quit killing each other over it a couple of centuries ago, except in Ireland of course where they are still killing each other even today. but even in the enlightened United States the Lutherans don't like the Baptists, the Catholic look down on everyone else and everyone looks down on the Mormons. All over whose version of the fairy tale is the correct one.

86H13LTP636 reads

ISIS just expelled 65k from Northern Iraq . Those people have been there living peacefully for 1700 years. They burned  a church that's been there for that same
Amount of time, confiscated all their property , stole all their possessions and gave them the old submit , convert , leave or die.  

No outrage in the media , nothing from Hollywood or stupid NBA players who don't have the first clue what free Palestine means , no nothing.  

I've been around the Catholic Church for my entire life and never heard a
Priest talk trash about other faiths in their homily . The few times I've sat in a Baptist church that's all they did.

-- Modified on 7/23/2014 2:51:20 PM

86H13LTP722 reads

isn't exactly what the prophet said about dealing with " the people of the book". In his time
Both Christians and Jews were aloud to live amongst them .

I just hope ISIS realizes that their flash in the pan days are numbered .

Even Muslims kill other Muslims if they don't think their kind of crazy is the right kind of crazy. As you pointed out, Christians have a long history of doing this too.  

So the best solution is to hope they just kill each other off. I say, give both sides backpack nukes.

Petitioned several times to be released, always denied!  

It's chicken-shit!

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