Politics and Religion

Colin Powell
inicky46 61 Reviews 4013 reads

I was just watching Colin Powell be interviewed by Piers Morgan (not my favorite journalist) and realized I'd forgotten what it was like to have a moderte, credible Republican alternative candidate.  I used to think of Powell as a "Republican I could vote for," but the party left him behind.  Then he ended up an apologist for Bush's Iraq adventure.  But there was a time -- back in the late 90s -- when Powell seemed a reasonable alternative to the Dems.  Hell, back then John McCain hadn't abandoned all the "maverick" positiions that made him seem like a "Republican I could vote for," too.  And now look what they're offering us: people like Bachmann, Perry, Cain and, not long ago, Palin.  And what's their alternative?  Romney, a flip-flopping weasel whose best feature is "I'm not one of those nut-jobs."  Or Ron Paul, a thoroughly decent guy who believes in 19th century government...early 19th century government.  Or Newt, the smartest douchebag on the high school debate team.  What's wrong with this party???  I guess you get the candidates you deserve.  But America deserves better from its "loyal opposition."  There's a case to be made against Obama and the dems.  This crowd can't make it.  Like Casey Stengel said of the '62 Mets: "Can't anybody here play this game?"

Timbow2197 reads

Posted By: inicky46
 There's a case to be made against Obama and the dems.  This crowd can't make it.  Like Casey Stengel said of the '62 Mets: "Can't anybody here play this game?"

I never said Romney couldn't beat Obama.  I said he was a weasel.  Do you disagree?  And do you think this Republican field reflects badly on the party?  Enquiring minds want to know.

that the best-suited candidates -- for one reason or another -- have chosen not to run.

People like Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Mitch Daniels . . . . .

These are all solid Republicans and, with the exception of the veteran Daniels, the up-and-coming shining stars of the GOP.

But also that the people you list are just not ready for Prime Time.  Then again, neither are any in the current field.

With young guys like this in the ranks, there is some hope for the GOP.  

With President Obama in office, no young turks from the Dems are making any waves yet but I am sure there are some out there.

If the never-ending demands of the Presidency don't scare these young people away, we may get some good candidates on both sides of the aisle in 2016 and 2020.

the Republican Party is in opposition to America?

Maybe a Freudian slip or just a misplaced possessive pronoun?

but truth.

Another question, would anyone with half a brain run in the present Republican dispensation of tea party, tax cut, obstruction, destruction and deny everything scientific and rational at all cost to retain power environment. Look at what they are doing to the one credible candidate, John Huntsman.

The phrase "loyal opposition" is an old one, referring to any party that is not in power.  It contains no implication of disloyalty.  But since you brought it up, I do wonder sometimes if the Republicans, in their relentless opposition to anything Obama proposes --even when it's programs Republicans have adopted in the past -- are putting party ahead of country.  See below.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In parliamentary systems of government, the term loyal opposition is applied to the opposition parties in the legislature to indicate that the non-governing parties may oppose the actions of the sitting cabinet – typically comprising parliamentarians from the party with the most seats in the elected legislative chamber – while maintaining loyalty to the source of the government's power. The concept thus permits the dissent necessary for a functioning democracy, as the policies of the governing cabinet can be challenged without fear of being accused of treason against the state.[1] The idea of inquisitorial opposition that held the executive to account emerged in Great Britain.

My lack of understanding was as stated in your ambiguous use of the possessive pronoun "its".

While your claim that I do not understand the definition of "loyal opposition" is minor, your reversal about Republican "disloyalty" is indeed partisan.

Are you prepared to make the same claim about the Democrats (particularly in the Senate) that have ignored every House bill sent to them this year aimed at economic and budget reform?

Bill Clinton, who famously said, "It depends on what the definition of 'is' is."  If you couldn't figure out I meant the Republicans, well...As for being partisan, when did I say I wasn't?  And so what?  I actually believe the Republicans have had a strategy from Day One to deny Obama any legislative wins even if it hurt the economy.  You are quite free to disagree.  As for the Senate "ignoring" every House bill sent to them, those were partisan bills that were rammed through the House with no Democratic support.  Boehner made no attempt to craft bills the Senate Dems could accept and knew from the get-go the bills would never come to a vote there.  It was sheer political grandstanding, not a good-faith effort to pass bi-partisan legislation.  Yet when Obama offered legislation that included many past Republican proposals it was shot down.  I don't think you'll accept this point of view but, face it, we see things totally differently.

The Senate used to operate by marking up House bills in committee and having a vote. Reid's thrown them all in the trash and proceeded to market his propaganda to you. Hell, he hasn't passed a single budget yet.

I guess your definition of deflection and partisanship is when you can't rebut an argument.  Like Harry Truman said, "I don't give 'em hell.  I tell the truth and they think it's hell."  I stand on what I wrote: the House bills were totally partisan effort that they knew wouldn't fly in the Senate.  Political gamesmanship.

I really don't hate it when liberals cannot find a Republican to support.

Who's the last Republican you voted for in a federal election?

Colin Powell never ran.  And if you think it's a good thing that the party no longer has a big enough tent to permit a spectrum of beliefs, you can look no further than the mirror to find out why the party is being marginalized.

Snowman39925 reads

Middle of the road Republicans!!!

Meanwhile the leadership from the Democrats are Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Joe Biden. These are hard left democrats and you sit here and whine about the REPUBLICANS moving to the center!!


What ever happened to the blue dog democrats like Zell Miller? I can tell you, know tolerance for them or anyone who dares try to escape the democratic plantation!!

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