Politics and Religion

Another similarity between Obama and Bush?
dncphil 16 Reviews 2872 reads

At one point, Bush was not longer an asset to candidtate running for office, so he no longer hit the stump for them.

Funny how the hottest race coming up is the Mass. Senate seat, and Obama has not gone their to campaign.  It may be where health care hangs by a thread. And that is a state that was so solid Obama one year ago, that you would think he could clinch the deal.

Is The Great One no longer the box office draw?  


Timbow1464 reads

Coakley is an idiot saying there are no terrorists in Afgany :)

FormerGovPalin874 reads

They say that both of us do not let facts get in the way of our opinions.  Is that good?

Wow.  Sarah Palin really has a lot to do with the topic.  

Yeah. Maybe Palin and Obama have a lot in common also, since neither can handle a press conference.

a day or two without talking about Sarah!!!  They are mesmerized with her!!!!!

Not sure if you are reply to my comment about changing the subject to Palin.  If you are, yeah, I think the Sara Palin was kind of non sequitur to the thread.

The post was about a specific similarity of Obama and Bush of not stumping for the candidate of their party in a tight election.  It isn't just Bush that did this, but other incumbent presidents who lost popularity. I don't think LBJ or Nixon were asked to hit the stump for their party the last year in office.  

Why Palin is relevant to that situation is beyond my grasp.

He just announced he is going Sunday. Sorry. I have this habit of premature .... No. I am not going there.

zorff2176 reads

No, please, fill in the blank.  It isn't idiocy, is it?  Doltishness?  Dumbfuckery?  Am I close?  

-- Modified on 1/15/2010 4:25:15 PM

I know, it has always been done in the past by  whichever POTUS was in office, but it's now time to stop this bullshit, all done on the taxpayers' dime. If the democrats or republicans want the POTUS, or any members of congress to campaign for their candidates, the DNC or RNC should foot the bill. Obama going to MA to campaign for Coakley is going to cost us around $300,000, when all is said and done. And that's a low ball figure.

The money wasted by the politicos in DC on their "fact finding" jaunts, is astronomical. Did Pelosi, and 20 of her cohorts, really need to go to Kobenhavn to the Global Warming conference? Fuck no!

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