Politics and Religion

Closeted religious hobbyists : cowardly, hypocritical oxymorons ?teeth_smile
Priapus53 3504 reads

This is NOT directed toward hobbyists who are openly religious ( IE, OSP John Galt, Mein, et al );fine by me; but those who are ashamed to admit they're religious ( IE, Mrnotrouble ) & those who go under cowardly aliases ( "Wikapedia"-------ahhhhh, "Wika"-----a pun---how clever----LOL )

Why do they do this ? Afraid that atheist/agnostic hookers will blacklist their sorry asses ? That atheist/agnostic hobbyists will think they're "wusses" ? Aren't Christians supposed to have pride in their religion & loudly proclaim it ? I would think these "closeted" types are "conflicted". More on that later.

So why a "Wika" type alias ? Does he think I'm an Emperor Nero ( who may have been the inspiration for the "Beast-Anti Christ-666" ) & he's afraid I'll "ridicule/persecute" him like that vile Emperor who committed unspeakable acts of genocide against early Christians? What those early Christians did to identify themselves among each other to avoid detection was to draw the "sign of the fish"; sure many of you have seen it countless times, particularly among license plates of the devout. Alternately known as "ichtus/ichtys" it symbolized many things , but, most notably, the 2 fish that Jesus multiplied to 5,000 to feed the masses. Perhaps those closeted religious hobbyists, when they go to a M&G, can draw that on the ground to identify themselves among each other.

Number of obvious flaws in "Wika's" arguments : he talks about "obvious truths". Who imparted that to him? God Speak to him ? Many schizophrenics claim the same thing. This so called religious person implied that I should "off myself"-------( a wish many non-religious on this board share as well----LMAO !)

Then, we get the facile canard that society has been in free-fall all due to "moral relativism". Perhaps we should go the morals of the Old/New Testament that advocates infanticide & a stint in hell for those who don't believe in Christ. Ahhhhhhhh,but not to worry----"Wika" will serve up Asbestos BVD's for us non believers !

Wika sounds like the kinda guy who got arrested in a hooker sting & brought the clap back home to his wife after seeing a SW. MAYBE the reason why he uses an alias & is "conflicted" I would recommend him
Seeing the film "Elmer Gantry" ( pictured below ) Perhaps a "roman a clef" of his life ( & other closeted religious hobbyists ) about a so called "pious Evangelist" who used to fuck hookers. Or, better yet, read the Sinclair Lewis novel upon which its based. It details the ultimate in religious hypocrisy which several on this board are guilty of------:)

Although I am not religious, it is possible to be a hobbyist and religious and not a hypocrite.  a hypocrite is someone with different standard for others.  

If you have standards and beliefs, but fail to live up to your ideal, you are not a hypocrite.  You are a human who is not perfect - the ideal.  I.e., you are weak.

The best example I can give is when I used to smoke.  I was addicted, and I wanted to quit. I knew it was bad, but just one (or two) more.  

At that time a friend's kid was playing around with smoking and my friend wanted me to talk to the kid and discourage him.  Cigarette in hand and mouth, I told the kid it wasn't good and was was a jerk if he started.  the kid said, I was, and I explained I was stupid to start and weak to continue. I had the same standard for him as for me.  It's just that I couldn't live up to it, and I hoped he would not have to deal with the addiction in 10 years.  

That does not mean you should abolish the ideal.  The only people who live up to all their ideals are people who have no ideals.  I think it is better to have ideals that you can't live up to.

Finally, as to "coward." Yes, I don't want everyone knowing what I do.  How many providers use a fake name.  Are they cowards?

Posted By: Priapus53
This is NOT directed toward hobbyists who are openly religious ( IE, OSP John Galt, Mein, et al );fine by me; but those who are ashamed to admit they're religious ( IE, Mrnotrouble ) & those who go under cowardly aliases ( "Wikapedia"-------ahhhhh, "Wika"-----a pun---how clever----LOL )

Why do they do this ? Afraid that atheist/agnostic hookers will blacklist their sorry asses ? That atheist/agnostic hobbyists will think they're "wusses" ? Aren't Christians supposed to have pride in their religion & loudly proclaim it ? I would think these "closeted" types are "conflicted". More on that later.

So why a "Wika" type alias ? Does he think I'm an Emperor Nero ( who may have been the inspiration for the "Beast-Anti Christ-666" ) & he's afraid I'll "ridicule/persecute" him like that vile Emperor who committed unspeakable acts of genocide against early Christians? What those early Christians did to identify themselves among each other to avoid detection was to draw the "sign of the fish"; sure many of you have seen it countless times, particularly among license plates of the devout. Alternately known as "ichtus/ichtys" it symbolized many things , but, most notably, the 2 fish that Jesus multiplied to 5,000 to feed the masses. Perhaps those closeted religious hobbyists, when they go to a M&G, can draw that on the ground to identify themselves among each other.

Number of obvious flaws in "Wika's" arguments : he talks about "obvious truths". Who imparted that to him? God Speak to him ? Many schizophrenics claim the same thing. This so called religious person implied that I should "off myself"-------( a wish many non-religious on this board share as well----LMAO !)

Then, we get the facile canard that society has been in free-fall all due to "moral relativism". Perhaps we should go the morals of the Old/New Testament that advocates infanticide & a stint in hell for those who don't believe in Christ. Ahhhhhhhh,but not to worry----"Wika" will serve up Asbestos BVD's for us non believers !

Wika sounds like the kinda guy who got arrested in a hooker sting & brought the clap back home to his wife after seeing a SW. MAYBE the reason why he uses an alias & is "conflicted" I would recommend him
Seeing the film "Elmer Gantry" ( pictured below ) Perhaps a "roman a clef" of his life ( & other closeted religious hobbyists ) about a so called "pious Evangelist" who used to fuck hookers. Or, better yet, read the Sinclair Lewis novel upon which its based. It details the ultimate in religious hypocrisy which several on this board are guilty of------:)

though I know it wasn't done personally for me.  And, not everyone is who is religious is a judgmental or a proselytizing asshole.  ;)

HalfHour1269 reads

and personal to say, I'll say it right to you under my "real" alias.

The longer I am on this board, the more I realize that you completely earn your less than stellar reputation. Basically, you are so often FULL OF SHIT in that you make all sorts of claims and accusations of others that are just not based in anything solid. They don't make sense.

You aren't that way all the time, but quite often. It's as though you go through periods of stupid. Other than that you seem fine. Nothing wrong with your opinions or views.

So, now if you want to identify me as a nemesis (or whatever) and make guesses that an alias is ol' Half Hour instead of Quadseasonal or whomever, then be my guest. I'm not going to call you names or use that style of jousting, even though I see you do.

But, I am going to post under aliases, and none of the posts are going to be stalker posts directed toward you. I do have over 1000 aliases and I'm trying to use them all, its how I amuse myself. But don't take any of them personal, 'cuz they are not. You are just not that important to me.

Let's see if there is anything else....

Oh yeah... wika wika wika ...FUCK OFF!  

LMAO!  j/k



Priapus531677 reads

Dude, I hardly know you & it's the New Years !  MUCH joy in my heart at the moment ( or is it gas ?---------LOL ! ) So, why you would you be my "nemesis" ? You're my new bud !  & why take this "alias" business so personal, hmmmmmmmmm ?-------;) I think with your 556 posts over the last month & being the #1 poster, your're taking this too seriously bro ! Maybe time to take a breather ! ( I am # 7 with a mere 299 posts----:)    You wanna post under thousands of chickenshit aliases that make you look like a "stupid shithead ?! ( as a 3rd person described to me )  Feel free ! That's because EVERY poster is important to me, even you----------:)

Lastly, I've also read Vonnegut's "Welcome to the Monkey House". Instead of the quasi-libertarian nonsesnse of "Harrison Bergeron", I much prefer the anti-Communist message of "All the King's Horses".
Up for a game of chess, HH ?

& A Happy New Year's to you & Yours !

-- Modified on 12/30/2011 2:19:50 PM

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