Politics and Religion

Why do civilians need any automatic rifle? It caused 12 deaths/71 wounds many serious.(e)
JeffEng16 22 Reviews 4234 reads

-- Modified on 7/20/2012 5:39:04 PM

You know Britian that country America has never been idependent from.

Michele Bachmann "defending us from Britain" while using an AR-15 automatic rifle to hunt pheasants? Is she throwing dead pheasants at the British? And from where is she doing this?  Can she see London from Minnesoty? Or is she throwing the dead pheasants at da Muslims and Huma Abedin, one of the hottest Americans from a Muslim family, and an asset to the State Department everywhere she goes.  People Magazine next week.

-- Modified on 7/20/2012 7:32:36 PM

Snowman39368 reads

only ASSHOLES try to gain politically off the dead bodies of people is these tragedies.

Snowman39379 reads

if you happen to fall into that category, then that is your problem...

Oh, and you do not get to say who needs what, there is only one GOD, and the job is taken.

For you to say that only assholes make personal attacks is amazing.  You have call people all sorts of names.  Both on the board and off.

I guess you think "Mittshit" and "Annshit" are deep discussions of the issues.
I guess you think "GOPPutzes" isn't personal, but a clever distinction of public policy questions.

If you only assholes make personal attacks, look in the mirror

will  attack your reviews as fake (LOL) because you disagree with them politically, say you are a fake at your profession (when the only information they have are their delusional systems) and the second they see someone doesn't agree with their sweeping generalizations that are total lies and disinformation from the Limbaugh Fox echo machine like the myths on ACA, they stay in attack mode not of the argument, but the poster.  Paying attention would serve you better.  Do you have any argument to make on an issue?  Haven't seen a scintilla of it yet.

And before I knicknamed Mitt-Bot (isn't that refined enough for your sophisticated tastes) I saw dozens of racial slurs here towards Barack Obama from the Right Wing Nuts and several personal attacks on other people who will be happy when Romney continues his unemployment in November.

As to "deep discussion of issues" I've offered plenty of discussion of issues butressed with facts instead of the bullshit echo chamber rhetoric from Fox Noise and Rush.  Much of the right wing here is focused on ethic hatred, racial bias, and fact distortion that's the fabric of the Romney campaign that rips comments out of context because it has contempt for the ability of the American people to understand, read, or listen and make up their own minds, and they do a good job of manipulating the pandemic ignorance that plagues this country.

Wingnuts have several consistencies here though--they hallucinate information about someone's personal life they want to attack; they never make any specific points that butress their sweeping generalizations straight from the air of Fox and Friends (lol), and they always initiate the name calling towards a poster they don't agree with.  Many of them also use aliases (and that's not at all the same thing as a TER handle) so they show up as a black and white simple font. Then (lol) they comment off point on whether they think someone's reviews are real, while hiding either their own or their lack of reviews because they are cowards.

Are have you been under a rock as to this board? Go back several pages and see who initiated any name calling or personal attacks.  See who lacks the capacity for informed discussion. And see who must be chained here with a foley cath nailed to their box 24X7.

-- Modified on 7/20/2012 6:16:51 PM

You avoid the issue.  You said people who make personal attacks are assholes, and I said that is what you do.

You don't deny that you engage in personal attacks. Rather, you just try to justify it with "other people say nasty things."  (A summary, not a quote)

You say to go back a few pages and see who initiated it.  I will stipulate that you didn't initiate it, arguendo, but if you say ass holes engage in personal attacks, the fact that some one else started it does not render you less of an ass hole if you follow in their style.

No matter how you cut it "GOPPuzts in a personal attack. I don't mind - sticks and stones.  But I just think it is funny that someone who uses that type of rhetoric thinks personal attacks are for ass holes.

You are free to continue personal attacks. But if you engage in them, don't go bongos when other peope do also.

Posted By: JeffEng16
will  attack your reviews as fake (LOL) because you disagree with them politically, say you are a fake at your profession (when the only information they have are their delusional systems) and the second they see someone doesn't agree with their sweeping generalizations that are total lies and disinformation from the Limbaugh Fox echo machine like the myths on ACA, they stay in attack mode not of the argument, but the poster.  Paying attention would serve you better.  Do you have any argument to make on an issue?  Haven't seen a scintilla of it yet.

And before I knicknamed Mitt-Bot (isn't that refined enough for your sophisticated tastes) I saw dozens of racial slurs here towards Barack Obama from the Right Wing Nuts and several personal attacks on other people who will be happy when Romney continues his unemployment in November.

As to "deep discussion of issues" I've offered plenty of discussion of issues butressed with facts instead of the bullshit echo chamber rhetoric from Fox Noise and Rush.  Much of the right wing here is focused on ethic hatred, racial bias, and fact distortion that's the fabric of the Romney campaign that rips comments out of context because it has contempt for the ability of the American people to understand, read, or listen and make up their own minds, and they do a good job of manipulating the pandemic ignorance that plagues this country.

Wingnuts have several consistencies here though--they hallucinate information about someone's personal life they want to attack; they never make any specific points that butress their sweeping generalizations straight from the air of Fox and Friends (lol), and they always initiate the name calling towards a poster they don't agree with.  Many of them also use aliases (and that's not at all the same thing as a TER handle) so they show up as a black and white simple font. Then (lol) they comment off point on whether they think someone's reviews are real, while hiding either their own or their lack of reviews because they are cowards.

Are have you been under a rock as to this board? Go back several pages and see who initiated any name calling or personal attacks.  See who lacks the capacity for informed discussion. And see who must be chained here with a foley cath nailed to their box 24X7.

-- Modified on 7/20/2012 6:16:51 PM
-- Modified on 7/20/2012 4:19:52 PM

TER won't give you two handles at the same time. I posted on the same threads as Priapus. I don't know who he or she is. I'm not Priapus and if you go back and google my handle and Priapus with the term theeroticreview you'll see threads with both of us on them simultaneously.

I can't stop you from believing I'm Priapus but I can prove to anyone who isn't as psychotic as you are, that I'm not Priapus LOL.  I have posted in the past few weeks on the same thread as Priapus. And you are too dumb to understand that TER offers both a TER handle (which is hyperlinkable and has the number of reviews one has posted linked) and an alias like Salonpas uses.  The TER handle shows up as a hyperlinked refractile colored blue.  The alias shows up as a black and white non-hyperlinkable. People choose aliases because they want to hide more and not be associated with their reviews. Most of them flame and post superficial diatribes the way you often do and attack people personally the way you always do when you disagree with them politically.  Most of  them here but not salonpass make shit up and don't investigate their claims like you always do.  You parrot the Limbaugh Fox and Friends ethos and echo chamber.  Limbaugh is talking to Snowman and you worship at his fat drug addict criminal feet.

This is pasted five seconds ago from my Ter page that comes up:


Welcome, JeffEng16!
TER member since 2008

I can't stop you from doing the multi-tasking stupid things that are part of your everyday ritual.  

And apparently, no one can teach you even though it's been spelled out by TER admin that

an alias is a black and white--look at salonpass (whose posts are always intelligent and well thought out). He uses an alias. He also has a TER handle, at this present time but I don't know what it is and he isn't going to tell you.

You can have an alias and a TER handle at the same time. I don't have an alias but I could make one in a heart beat. I post with a TER handle JeffEng16. I've been a TER member since 2008 and never changed my TER HANDLE once.

I  don't have an alias but I could get one and so could anyone here.  You are wrong to say that the TER handle is an  alias. It isn't according to TER's definition.  According to your delusional thought architecture a TER  handle = an Alias but not according to TER.

How do you interpret salonpass in black and white in your  delusional system? It's an  alias on TER. salonpass has a TER handle and he or she is not going to reveal that to anyone here by choice.  Again most aliases in black and white are chosen because the poster wants to flame and insult people personally like you.  You chose to do it behind your TER handle.

salonpass is a rare exception who posts constructively with his or her alias, but most alias choosers don't. They post to personally attack, and politically to be a Limbaugh Coulter dick and pussy eater.

sufferinSuccotash364 reads

How many disasters like this is it going to take before we pay attention to something wrong here?

...telling people who are trained to use them, what tools they're allowed to use to defend their lives?

I'm not a mechanic. Should I tell my mechanic what tools to use when he's fixing my car?

I'm not a doctor. Should I tell a doctor what tools and procedures he should use to save a life?

Any gun can be used offensively or defensively. Limiting what tools can be used, limits one's ability to defend themselves. One gun is not suitable for all purposes. A Taurus Judge is a good weapon to defend yourself from a rattlesnake. A Glock is a good weapon to defend yourself from a mugger. An AR-15 is a good weapon to defend yourself in a home invasion from many intruders.

If you don't understand how to protect yourself, don't tell others who have that training, what to do to keep themselves alive.

automatic fucking weapons.  That's why 71 people are wounded and more may die. You  don't need an AR-15 to defend yourself against home invasions.  Where did you get your information about my  knowledge or your alledge lack of guns? And a gun can be used offensively or defensively, really? No kiddin' like a basketball or football or baseball?

I don't know of any Auroras, Columbines, or Gabby Gifford episodes that have happened when the weapon were mechanics or physicians' tools but I'm sure you'll do some on point citing  of those incidents I've missed won't you?

What evidence by the way did you get specifically that I don't understand how to protect myself?  That's what I thought. Nothing.

Are voices talking to you and feeding you background info on people you don't know?

If you want to push AR-15 and other automatic rifle available, and you sure as shit don't need any gun checks to get them--they're easily available because sellers don't give a flying fuck who they sell them to?

Pssst Willywonk--not everyone who gets these rifles is using it responsibly as a "tool" of a trade as you depict it. Some people die their hair red, and call themselves "the Joker" like the shooter in  Aurora this morning did.  Not everyone plays with a full deck. But  you've learned that trying to reason with the GOPutzs/wingnuts here haven't you?

-- Modified on 7/20/2012 7:33:48 PM

Anyone who uses clips to describe rate of fire of a weapon clearly doesn't know shit
As an aside for willy.... I like my 870 for home protection
.. you rack an 870 and theres nothin sounds like it..

Anything far enough away to warrant an ar 15 isnt a threat threat to me

It wouldn't surprise me that you didn't know what you say half the time

Blabbering delusional douchebags are j

ust like that

I'll bet you a 30 day hiatus from the board that you used clips as a metric to describe rate of fire

Put up or shut up big mouth..

Don't know 'bout this guy exhibiting symptoms but if someone shows harm to self/others it's easy - by JeffEng16, 7/20/2012 4:31:34 PM (6 reads)
Neuroscience and AR-15 800 rounds/minute Bachmann's fave hunting gun Thanks NRA/GOPutz Cong. - by JeffEng16, 7/20/2012 3:03:19 PM (13 reads)

What a petty moron you are.  Typical right  wing Rushbo. I've seen dumb but you're by far the dumbest.

-- Modified on 7/20/2012 7:42:57 PM

Jeff, I don't know what training you have with firearms. I also don't know what training you have in self-defense. I should note that these are two different things.

However, I'm going to make the assumption that you've never fired a gun in your life. Maybe you've shot a revolver once or twice, but I'm guessing that's about it.

The reason why I'm assuming this, is because you seem to think that an assault rifle is full auto. These are two different things. If I buy an AR-15 it's going to be semi-auto, just like my pistols are.

Usually, people who don't understand firearms think of fully automatic weapons as something that's scary. Dangerous as hell. Lethal as a motherfucker. People who understand how to use a firearm know that full autos are just a waste of ammo, and in most instances, utterally useless.

This shooter in Aurora did not use an automatic weapon. He may have used an assault rifle, but he did not use a fully automatic.

You can use a lot of different weapons to protect yourself from a home invasion of many intruders. A Glock 19 might work. A handy Remington 870 might work too. But from my trained perspective, I'd want an AR-15 to get the job done. That is the weapon I would choose if I had to bet on a particular tool to keep me alive.

If I was hiking in Texas, where I could expect to run into a rattlesnake, I'd use a Taurus Judge loaded with 410's. If I was mugged on the subway I'd use a knife to keep myself alive. If I was robbed on the street, I'd just a Kahr K9. If I was attacked by a bear in the woods I'd use a 870.

Different tools are more ideal for different situations. Since you don't understand this, why should you get to make that decision for me? Should you have a say on what sidearm the US Army should carry? Tell us, what the advantages verses the disadvantages of using the open slide design of an M9 in an Iraqi desert. How does this compare to using a Glock vs. a Sig vs. a 1911. Got any advice on what caliber they should use? Or while we're at it, what caliber I should use to keep myself alive. Please enlighten us on advantages and drawbacks of using a 9 or a 40. How do both compare in performance to a 45 ACP? Maybe you should be able to tell me if I'm allowed to use the weaver stance. Or that I can only aim with my weak eye. Or I can only shoot with my weak hand. Or that my sights have to be misaligned.

If I told Mari how to practice law, he'd rightly be pissed. If I told you how to practice medicine, you'd rightly be pissed. Why are you telling me how I can defend myself, and what tools I can use to get the job done, when you have NO FREAKING CLUE how to keep yourself alive when lead starts flying?

It's not like murder never happened before there were guns. Jack the Ripper never used a gun and he killed more than a dozen people. When someone is crazy, they will find a way. So long as I'm armed, I will find a way to keep myself alive. And if you're ever in a situation where you're being robbed or threatened by a lunatic, and I'm there, then I will do what it takes to keep YOU alive as well.

-- Modified on 7/20/2012 9:13:01 PM

Your doctor is not going to injure me if he attempts a certain medical procedure on a patient.
Your mechanic can't cause me harm if his jack slips when he's fixing your car.

      But if you choose to fire on a supposed bad guy in a public place, or you accidentally discharge your gun sitting next to me on the Metro, or if you are playing with your gun when you are stoned and I'm driving by your house, I absolutely have the right to tell you to stop posing a risk to others under the mistaken belief that you will be able to protect yourself from the bad guys.

What if you dictate to your mechanic how to fix your brakes, and because of it, the mechanic does a shit job and you crash into me?

Look, it's obvious that a lot of people who have guns don't have as much training with them, and don't respect them as much as I think they should. That doesn't mean it's impossible to have this training.

Mari, I take my self-defense training very seriously. Let me put it this way: I can field strip my Stoeger Cougar and reassemble it in under 25 seconds....with my eyes closed.

The only reason you have to fear my ownership of a gun is if you try to rob me or break into my house.

followme406 reads

Little boy willy cannot hurt anyone with his cap gun.

2012 = GOP

Do you happen to be a member of a Mexican drug cartel's death squad?  Usually, Americans are not "mobbed-up" enough to qualify for that door prize.

Rutabaga_Baggins408 reads

Because you clearly do not know much about firearms. I’ll let your misuse of clips for rounds slide but anyone with a smattering of firearm knowledge knows that an AR-15 is not an automatic weapon and thus has nowhere near an 800 rounds per minute capability. Secondly, they also know that shotguns not rifles (AR-15 or otherwise) are used for pheasant hunting.

Initially it seemed most plausible that your present situation was best explained by the loss of your license to practice medicine but it could be almost as plausible that you never made it all the way through med school, which would give you more than one thing in common with James Holmes.

"Why do civilians need any automatic rifle?"

If you are attempting to obliquely insinuate that 12 deaths and 71 wounded because of the recent shootings in Aurora, Colorado were caused by an "automatic rifle," you can now relax.  I wasn't there, and you probably weren't either but I'm pretty sure that Holmes was firing a SEMI-automatic rifle.  Just to bring your vocabulary up to standard, the exact distinction can be nicely made using the "semi-automatic," or the "fully automatic" nomenclature.  I'm sure you know the difference.

May I take the liberty of re-wording your question in the light of this new vocabulary?  I think you intended to ask, "Why do civilians need any semi-automatic rifle?"

Let's start there.  May we just breeze on past the whole argument of "those weapons aren't suitable for either target-shooting or hunting?"  They are actually very well suited for both of those applications, as well as self-defence.  Let's say you work in some remote part of a cattle ranch in Texas, and not in some air-conditioned ward at Grady Hospital.  In that situation, rifles of this kind work nicely as a necessary tool against suffering the effects of snakes, wolves or coyotes harrassing your livestock-or your person.  Thanks to the leadership our current and previous two presidents have shown regarding immigration control, some parts of South Texas (and Arizona, New Mexico and California) are now quite dangerous, given the fact that illegal Mexican lettuce pickers and armed cartel members frequently use such removes as their private highway system.  Better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it-y'know?

Article 2 of the American Bill of Rights states:

“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”  Some other quotes of the same vintage to bear in mind include:
    "The right to bear arms is liberty’s teeth.” ------George Washington
    “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.”-------Thomas Jefferson
    “Never trust a government that doesn’t trust its own citizens with guns.”---Benjamin Franklin

I don't think the framers of the Constitution had either target-shooting or hunting in mind when they wrote the 2nd amendment. During the 20th Century, as a result of gun control, 56 million disarmed people were rounded-up and slaughtered by their governments.  This video explains the results of the impulse of totalitarian governments to disarm their citizenry:


Subsequent to the Aurora shootings, we are again being subjected to the exhortations of ghouls on both sides of the aisle making grist for their political agendas from the trajedy asking, "why do people need guns?"  A more central question needs to be asked, why were there so few mass shootings just two decades ago compared to now?  Has the supply of firearms increased dramatically during that time?  No.  Have the culture vultures in Hollywood and the "entertainment industry" been pumping-out more and more sewage that depicts violence as a fun, lurid adventure?  Yes.

But, that is only part of the root cause.

Working hand-in-hand with Hollywood, and with the widespread worship of a culture of the ultra-violence it has created, we also have the pharmaceutical industry and the cadre of handmaidens doing their bidding in the "health care industry" who now hand-out antidepressant medication of the SSRI variety (serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors) like prizes in boxes of Cracker Jacks.   The frequency of times this class of drugs has been involved in such incidents has gone way past the point of being merely "statistically significant," and should be blamed as a, if not "the" causative factor.  This pdf presents list of the connections of these drugs in 244 homicidal events:


We can expect a prolonged and concerted attack on the right to own firearms and the Second Amendment in response to the shooting in Colorado.  The advocates of citizen disarmament will make the argument that this will prevent such mass shootings in the future.  Here’s something they will not tell you: the statistical chance you will be a victim of a mass shooting is miniscule.  

Ronald Bailey, writing for Reason.com, cites some statistics on gun violence from Department of Justice statistics:

   "The proportion of homicide incidents involving two victims has increased slightly from 2.7% in 1980 to 3.7% in 2008.

   Homicide incidents involving three or more victims have also increased during this same period, but have remained less than 1% of all homicides each year.

Multiple victim homicides are so small as to be almost insignificant:

   - 3.7% involved two victims

   - 0.5% involved three victims

   - 0.2% involved four victims

   - 0.1% involved five or more victims.

Moreover, the homicide rate in the United States has declined sharply in recent years – from 9.3 homicides per 100,000 in 1992 to 4.8 homicides per 100,000 in 2010."

But none of these numbers will stem the jabber of hysterical gun grabbers who will use this latest trajedy in order to insist on disarming American citizens because Little Timmy and Sweet Heather are in constant danger of being shot by a lone gun-nut everytime they leave the safety of their own houses.

When assessing whether the government should intervene to limit private conduct, we always use the same test for starters  –do the risks posed by the challenged conduct outweigh the socially desire able benefits?

         So when the FDA determined that the risks of using Avastin for treating advanced breast cancer outweighed its benefits, they banned the use of this blockbuster drug.

         Leaving aside the Second Amendment for the moment, is there any reason why we should use a different test for regulating automatic firearms? (automatic or semi automatic is all the same to me).

        Here are the only benefits you have identified for allowing automatic rifle use
-cowboys in remote parts of Texas need to defend against wolves, snakes, and coyotes;
-illegal lettuce pickers pose some kind of threat to citizens of the southwest;
-armed drug cartel members likewise pose a threat.

       But the risks posed by allowing automatic rifle use are Aurora, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Arizona, and  other past incidents where crazy guys inexplicably just started shooting.

        Now you very helpfully provided a statistic on the likelihood of the risk of being in a mass shooting. It is quite small -almost as small being a victim of Al Queda. But somehow you failed to give us a statistic on the likelihood of cowboys suffering snake or wolf bite, or being hit by rotten lettuce, or shot by the drug cartels. So, even if your case has merit, you have to failed to make it by not providing a key statistic.

       But let’s go deeper bc your self-proclaimed benefit package is so weak we don’t actually need statistics. I’m sure you agree that the scope of the risk of being a victim of a mass shooting (death, serious injury) is far greater than being bitten by a snake or wolf or being hit by rotten lettuce. So all you really have left is that citizens in the southwest need automatic rifles to defend against Mexican drug cartels.  And how often do the drug cartels shoot American citizens? The number is less than the number killed in mass shootings. You lose on your facts.

     So, sir, you have once again lost your case on the evidence. The only reason we cannot use the risk/benefit analysis to get rid of assault rifles tomorrow is bc of the annoying Second Amendment.
If we were free to make a sound policy judgment, the answer is clear.

Posted By: JeffEng16

-- Modified on 7/20/2012 5:39:04 PM
lets all defend ourselves against tyrants & criminals with black powder & musket wads you chaffed kneed submissive bitch

LameTiger447 reads

Take the shooter out of the theater and the gun out of his hand and replace him with Chuck Norris and a box cutter.  Since he's Chuck Norris there would be no wounded just 83 dead people.  No one would be talking about why do civilians need box cutters, no one would be trying to ban them.  They'd be wondering why no one noticed Chuck Norris was crazy.  A box cutter in the right hands is just a lethal as a gun.  They are both just as inanimate.  People give them their power, power to do good, power to do evil.

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