Politics and Religion

Christie has two problems
mattradd 40 Reviews 1655 reads
1 / 16

Things not looking so good for Christie. I once had hopes for him when he sounded like more of a pragmatist and a more moderate Republican. Not so much any more.

P.S. Let's see if this string gets hijacked once again about what a racist you know who is!   ;)

GaGambler 339 reads
2 / 16

I think Christie's biggest obstacle was chumming around with Obama, not to mention putting himself ahead of his party when giving his speech at the RNC convention last election cycle.

I liked his "talk" when he first came on the scene, but just like Obama, he has proven himself to be just another lying, cheating politician, and I think he is toast where it comes to ever becoming POTUS.

One last thing, I despise the Religious Right even more than you do, but your statement that they will have a "revelation" if he is nominated is beyond ridiculous, the last two GE are proof positive of that

HONDA 153 Reviews 325 reads
3 / 16

.........for POTUS. Jeb Bush is sucking all the campaign cash away from major Republican donors. Not sure if it will help much, if the Teaparty poopers get so pissed they decide to launch an independent candidate during the General elections.

mattradd 40 Reviews 261 reads
4 / 16

I read somewhere, recently, that Hillary was in the same position when running against Obama. She had a heavy  money advantage. I think he's probably done because of a lot of unanswered questions about his ethics, and that he will not be able to pacify the Tea Party. The religious right won't like him, but if he does get the nomination, they'll have a progressive revelation that he is God chose him for the job.  ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 288 reads
5 / 16

I guess we have a mix up about the progressive revelation bit, but I'm thinking of it much like the Mormons and Pepsi Cola. In my  view, the religious right hated MaCain and Romney, but when they got the nomination, their attitudes suddenly changed. If my memory serves me, those like Pat Robertson were calling them God' s men for the job, in so many words. The fact that they lost, should put a fork in their progressive revelation thingy! As far as if they came out in droves, I'm not certain, but I bet most of them who did vote, did not vote for Obama.

GaGambler 314 reads
6 / 16

That's just the way politics and the primary system works. Are you going to take the Hillary supporters to task for voting for Obama in the GE? They might not have liked Obama, but they liked him a LOT more than they would any Republican. It's like that every cycle.

GaGambler 234 reads
7 / 16

Politicians, and Preachers lie all the time, and that is not a trait on which the GOP holds a monopoly.

And Hillary supported Obama for POTUS when he was nominated, I fail to see any real difference, and please spare me the religious double talk if you want me to continue this discussion.

mattradd 40 Reviews 222 reads
8 / 16

Yes, that is the primary process. However, unless a minister, pastor, priest, etc., makes it clear that his or her view that a candidate is worthy of support is based on his or her ability to govern, and/or even their personal Christian values and behavior, the faithful often take the absence of such explicit clarification as spiritual discernment (what God wants) when s/he does support a candidate.

Based on the linked article, what do you think. Did Robertson believe God told him Obama was going to win all along, but instructed Christians to vote for Romney anyway? Or, did he believe God told him a different Republican candidate would win the primary, and the election? No one knows, but I believe he was playing on his role as the discerner of the divine will when giving his instructions, hoping the faithful would hear it as such.

mattradd 40 Reviews 247 reads
9 / 16

you are correct. There no point to discuss it further. However, just because you choose to ignore it, doesn't means it's not a factor. All those horrible religious wars, that killed so many people, you often bring up in your arguments about how bad religion is, were ignited by the supposed divine discernment (what God wants) of some religious leader. So, how is it not a factor, that religious leader use today, to induce their follows to vote the way they want them to?

JohnyComeAlready 219 reads
11 / 16

Do you two actually believe Robertson believes what he says?

GaGambler 280 reads
12 / 16

but you are making more sense than Matt.

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 326 reads
13 / 16

First, he's not much of a conservative. Two, he's done a shitty job as governor. Who'd waste a vote on his sorry fat ass?

RaymondDonovan 294 reads
15 / 16

Romney hates Bush,Christie up the creek without a paddle, Walker dodging the evalution question, and its just watching them step over themselves. And I can't wait for the primaries.
It's train wreck waiting to happen...

bigguy30 262 reads
16 / 16
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