Politics and Religion

Chinese, Russian and Vietnamese flags were flying
thisbud4u 1416 reads
1 / 25

The votes in both UN Security Council and the European Union were unanimous.    

Now the Republicans in US Congress, Democrats who work for Israel along with fire spitting Yahoo across the pond can take a hike.    They can take all the occupants of the 2016 GOP clown car with them as well.

Congratulations Mr. President on another accomplishment of your outstanding Presidency.


-- Modified on 7/20/2015 12:57:52 PM

AliquippaJones 12 Reviews 310 reads
2 / 25

Sure, let's hurry this through so we can get the Nazis in Iran some money to fund  some more terrorism. And when they violate this deal I'm sure the Russians and Chinese will promptly  reinstate the sanctions.
A president is supposed to answer to Congress not the UN.
Anyone who thinks this a good deal is either blinded by partisanship or monumentally naive.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 218 reads
3 / 25

the Modern Executive Triathlon, a three-part event including (as you said):

1. Bypassing congress
2. Spitting on the Constitution
3. Running to kiss UN ass.

I understand that Obama is quite the front runner among the globalist-government set of competitors.

JackDunphy 261 reads
4 / 25

See AJ, the hateful confederate flag HAD to come down to make room for the hateful totalitarian one. LOL

The Iranian deal is pro-terrorist and the flags going up are pro-communist.

Just another day in Hussein's Amerika.  

JFK would be turning over in his grave

AliquippaJones 12 Reviews 244 reads
5 / 25

Remember when your savior Obama announcef the red line regarding Assads use of chemical weapons? Well Assad can rest easy. The Iranian goons are flush with cash.  
Spare me the recruiting tool theory. They don't need to be recruited or provoked. If you are not Muslim you provoke them.
Was Bush president when the WTC was bombed in 1993?

Posted By: Laffy
for all the tears from the Righties over Obama doing a great job.  
 Not only has he kept Iran from getting a nuke, but now the Cuban flag is flying at the US embassy.  
 Spare us the phony outrage over "more terrorism."  
 When your hero Bush invaded Iraq, it was the best recruiting campaign for Osama.....especially after we tortured people.  And you hillbillies did nothing but support it.  
 And has been mentioned countless times, RayGun gave both Iran and Saddam weapons and the Right wants to put him on Mount Rushmore.  

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 266 reads
6 / 25

How much you and your imbecile cohorts know about the U.S. Constitution. When the idiot congress man fro Arkanasas wrote a letter signed 42 other imbecile congress men, Javidn Zarif; the Iranian Foreign Minister bitch slapped them by saying, that the congressmen did not know the constitution.

Mr. Zarif was educated in the U.S. from age 17 to all the way to his PhD. He understood the constitution a whole lot more than you do.

Foreign relations, treaties are under the purview of the Executive Branch

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 197 reads
7 / 25

A space ship to Pluto

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 268 reads
8 / 25

Nice try. 1993 attackers were captured, tried and convicted..  

It took Domocratic president specifically, President Obama to kill the Bin Ladden!  

How about that?

GaGambler 256 reads
9 / 25

The bombing occurred on February 26, 1993. Would you please tell the class who was the POTUS on February 26, 1993 please?

thisbud4u 256 reads
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He is not answerable to Congress as Congress did not elect him.    The 15 members of the UN Security Council are not answerable to Congress nor the members of the European Union.   Iran did not invade and destroy another country and torture its people.   You know who did that in the Middle East!   You can STFU on that subject.

You look like having more knowledge about the deal than the 5 other countries and their representatives who worked on it before approving it.     I doubt you can spot Tehran on a blank world map.

thisbud4u 195 reads
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He was President when the world trade center towers were brought down along with an attack on the citadel of this country's military might in DC!    The goon knew it was going to happen and that is why he was away from town reading story books to kindergarten kids somewhere else.

thisbud4u 264 reads
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thisbud4u 258 reads
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Yawn.   No one listening to your rants.    President Obama will leave office with a rich legacy of accomplishments and one of the greatest to sit in the Oval Office.

thisbud4u 242 reads
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Rant!  Rant!   Rant!    The UN, the European Union and Cuba are not listening to you!

thisbud4u 315 reads
15 / 25

That is right.   Great post.    The people who are spitting on the Constitution are the Republican Governors passing legislation covering voting restrictions, abortion rights, drug testing of welfare residents, food stamps users which are then ruled unconstitutional by a Federal Court.    Same thing goes for those overzealous right wing judges who think they are above the law and refuse to approve same sex marriages in spite of ruling by the Supreme Court.

The 47 Ayathollas in the US Senate are the people who need to understand the Constitution.    Right now they are busy crying over International and UN approval of Iran Nuclear Agreement.

thisbud4u 197 reads
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Dubiya is responsible for creating the largest terrorist recruitment operations in the history of the world when he invaded Iraq and killed thousands of its people, destroyed the country.   He made Iraq the center for sectarian war between various Muslim factions, Sunni & Shiite and the creation of ISIS.

President Obama will leave office with a rich legacy of accomplishments unlike his predecessor who is now wanted outside US as a war criminal.

Timbow 242 reads
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BigPapasan 3 Reviews 246 reads
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"...Bush definitely was the President when it was COMPLETELY DESTROYED (emphasis added).  The WTC was completely destroyed on 9/11/2001.  Would you please tell the class who was the POTUS on September 11, 2001 please?

GaGambler 236 reads
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but as usual, he wrote it so badly, not to mention out of context to the post he was responding to,  where he completely ignored the question posed by AJ as to who was POTUS in 1993 that it looked like he was just talking out of his ass as usual.

That said, you are correct. after literally thousands of posts Fungy "sort of" got one right. If he wasn't constantly butchering the English language, it might be easier to cut him some slack, but most of his posts are like TrannyBoy's (no, not Hadji, but Xfean) they look like they are written in crayon.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 231 reads
20 / 25

History is a bitch and facts are inconvenient so the rightwing nut jobs make it up as they go along.

Supreme Court was their friend when they declared corporations are people and have the same rights called Citizen United. When they ruled in favor of Obama Care and Gay marriage, Supreme Court became their enemy and are legislating from the bench. One moron called Jingle Shit wants to get rid of the supreme court. Rubicon and Crucifix called it unconstitutional.

Would any rational US citizen who has ever read the Constitution ever believe the rubbish? Nope, only brainless and irrational right wing nuts

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 216 reads
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DC for eons.

There aren’t enough words in the English language to aptly describe this level stupidity.

All three are communist or socialist ideologies.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 211 reads
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JackDunphy 215 reads
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Because Obama was too much of a pussy to get ANY human rights assurances from the Cubans? Oh yeah...that's it.

Thanks for reminding me of Barry's master negotiator skills yet again. LOL

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 241 reads
25 / 25

They are driven by pragmatism instead of stupidity.

Posted By: Laffy
 And as has been mentioned many time, Cheney went around Iran sanctions before.  
 The Right treats him almost as saintly as they treat RayGun.  
 And how much do you "fund Communism" when you buy stuff from China?  
 Or how much do you "fund terrorism" when you buy oil from Saudi Arabia?  
 You do know most of the hijackers came from there, right?  And they taught DEATH TO AMERICA in their schools, right?  
 What about the stuff you buy from Mexico?  That country is run by the drug gangs and, according to your hero Trump, sending us all their rapists.  
 I guess you're only allowed to buy stuff from Canada now.  Oh......wait.  They're Socialists.  We can't give them any of our money either.

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