Politics and Religion

Can I borrow a face towel... got to wipe all this egg off my face.
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1524 reads

True enough... I KNOW Murdoch is from Australia. I should have known better and followed the money trail back to the publisher before making my comment.
Enjoy your moment of glee X. I most definitely shot myself in the foot this time.

-- Modified on 2/11/2008 10:22:57 PM

Regardless of your perception of Barak Obama, and I am less than enamored of him, the article is an interesting read.

Well, half technically.  Which makes him more like whole wheat, than whole grain.  But he definitely ain't spongy, old white bread.  That's for sure.

GaGambler1501 reads

The only reason Obama hasn't fucked too many things up, is he hasn't really done anything. Give him time,I'm sure once he gets started he'll be fucking up with the best of them. I just hope he does his fucking up as a member of Congress rather then as POTUS.

Timbow1470 reads

Multiculturalism like the UK has if Obama, who still has Muslim family members in Kenya ,is something the US probably looks forward too if Obama becomes President . What is the old saying blood is thicker then water.:)

Crystal_Ball_Operator2987 reads

a lot of stock in their Jap relatives in WW2.

Probably more a matter of what's to lose.   If birds of a feather flock together, I would be more worried about Obama hooking up with the Chicago mob than the Kenyan one.

Timbow1982 reads

I am talking about he will be far more accepting of Muslims like the UK has done with their policies and how Muslims enjoy a  multicultural status . In the US that does not exist now .I did not mean hooking up with terrorists.

-- Modified on 2/12/2008 4:54:10 AM

Crystal_Ball_Operator1743 reads

for known fuckups.

IOW, if we have nothing left but the ability to fire fuckups, then we better exercise it.

kerrakles1783 reads

To compare and write about Mr. Hope and Change.

The Aussies do not have an agenda, and are able to dialog without prevarication about the candidates for POTUS.

Spare me.  Aussies are the folks "down under." Does that mean that their heads are up their asses?

Plus, ain't they the land that gave us Rupert Murdoch?  

Hey, wouldn't it be a hoot if the media source Doc has linked to is a Murdoch property?  Wouldn't that be something to chortle about -- Doc citing a Murdoch media outlet, and citing it with approbation!  Doc, you had to reach down to The Antipodes to unearth this one.  Next up, a New Zealand media source?  Too bad no permanemt human habitation in Anarctica. Hey, maybe the penguins are cool [sorry] to Obama's appeal.

Messianic cult figure does seem a bit strong as a descriptive, methinks. What next - sly hints about Obama's favorite flavor of Kool-aid? But legitimate points were made about whipping up enthusiasms which will inevitably be disappointed.  They simply do not strike me as "stop the presses" material.

No, for inspiration, I turn to Joe Lieberman as he does his best to talk up John McCain.  Now, that's awe-inspiring speechifying.   Or is it ire-inspiring?  Or nauseau-inspiring?  Or wrist-slashing inspiring?  Or....?

-- Modified on 2/11/2008 11:54:18 AM

good guess on my part, and to think it was just in service of baiting Doc.

So, apparently, when it's convenient, not ALL Murdoch-sourced news/commentary/analysis/misinformation/disinformation/fabricationsprevaricationsis to be distrusted.

And in fact, I found the essay pretty unexceptonal.

True enough... I KNOW Murdoch is from Australia. I should have known better and followed the money trail back to the publisher before making my comment.
Enjoy your moment of glee X. I most definitely shot myself in the foot this time.

-- Modified on 2/11/2008 10:22:57 PM

now, now doc, Do high dudgeon here, it's unbecoming and it's a simple error.

for what it's worth, no doubt nothing, I found the basic thrust of that commentary to be sound.  overwrought ans not exactly world-stopping, as there's probably no candidate who has never disappointed some of the most fervant hopes of his/her supporters.  Welcome to the real world, here.

Consider this - a stopped clock is right twice a day.  This was one of those 2 times.

and i see we still share a real distaste for Citizen Murdoch.  

take a spin on the trike and tailgate Mel Gibson.  you'll feel better.

... broadsiding the son of a bitch in a rented hummer is a much better idea.

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