Politics and Religion

The promises...brokenangry_smile
nuguy46 1557 reads

As a candidate, Obama promised to create five million new energy jobs alone.

Claimed that by the end of his first term his health care plan would “bring down premiums by $2,500 for the typical family.

Guaranteed that his financial rescue plan would help “stop foreclosures.”

Do you give him four more years to do what he said he would?

and do we change the law for the 2016 election to let him have 4 more? (cuz he still hasn't done what he said he would do).

Mission Accomplished and the mission is still going, and going.

Romney, too many flip flops to list.

Show me a single president who delivered on all his promises, just one. You can go back as far as George Washington.

Get fucking life dude, no one you and your wing nuts gives a fuck.

if we invested $150 billion to spur private efforts to build a clean energy future.

It is on the president elects's web site dude. Now you tell us
a. Has it been 10 years?
b. Did we ever invest $150 billion in his energy program?
c. since you were so wrong about this one, is there any reason we should address the other "broken promises" you allege?

how's cutting the deficit in half by end of term coming?

Yeah but,_______________________________. (fill in excuse)

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