Politics and Religion

but she still is the hottest chick in the room
mattradd 40 Reviews 766 reads
1 / 22

"Make America great again"


Or, America is already great


I find it hilarious, the schizophrenic nature of the attacks, many of those on the right direct at someone on on the left, when s/he points out a desire or need to make corrections in our foreign or domestic policies, by accusing the him or her of besmirching the greatness of our country, while at the same time wearing one of Trumps hats.  ;)

JackDunphy 92 reads
2 / 22

But she has gained 30 pounds since we last saw her, is all strung out on drugs, is broke and dressing like a bag person. lol

Could that same chick be hot again? Yeah, sure.

But she would need to make a lot of changes. lol

-- Modified on 5/23/2016 1:04:38 PM

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 70 reads
3 / 22

Posted By: mattradd
"Make America great again"  
 Or, America is already great  
 I find it hilarious, the schizophrenic nature of the attacks, many of those on the right direct at someone on on the left, when s/he points out a desire or need to make corrections in our foreign or domestic policies, by accusing the him or her of besmirching the greatness of our country, while at the same time wearing one of Trumps hats.  ;)
-- Modified on 5/23/2016 10:09:57 AM

FatVern 65 reads
4 / 22

... and those foreign guys still want a piece.

GaGambler 88 reads
5 / 22

It's still a place where no matter where you start from, with a little hard/smart work "anyone" can make something of themselves. I know there are a lot of losers who due to their own poor life choices claim that the game is rigged against them, but there are simply too many success stories out there for those naysayers to be taken seriously. Is it "easy" to make it? Of course not, but it's not supposed to be easy, when things are too easy they aren't appreciated.

St. Croix 83 reads
6 / 22

You know why? Because I can buy the same damn hat for $9.99 on Amazon versus $30 from the Democratic Party Official Store.  

Tip - saying the product is made in the "good old USA" by union workers doesn't justify a 200% difference in price. Remember, most Democrats are poor, under-employed, and disenfranchised. You could sell a lot more hats, get some great advertising, if you just let some Bangladeshis make them.

And yes I own Amazon stock.
Posted By: mattradd
"Make America great again"  
 Or, America is already great  
 I find it hilarious, the schizophrenic nature of the attacks, many of those on the right direct at someone on on the left, when s/he points out a desire or need to make corrections in our foreign or domestic policies, by accusing the him or her of besmirching the greatness of our country, while at the same time wearing one of Trumps hats.  ;)

JackDunphy 87 reads
7 / 22

So the point Trump is making is true and the point the Dems are making is true. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Matt set it up as a false dichotomy.  

By the way, where were all the Dems when Obama was saying he wanted to "fundamentally change America?"

Wasn't he is essence saying America was no longer great?


BigPapasan 3 Reviews 79 reads
8 / 22

...her rate.  Funny, but I've never heard you gripe about the fact that America can't negotiate the rate they pay drug companies for meds under Medicare Part D.  This was rammed through by Big Pharma lobbying Congress, specifically Republican Billy Tauzin who promptly left Congress to take a $2 million/year job with Big Pharma.  Why are you such an advocate of negotiating with hookers yet you take it up the ass from the Republicans you love so much?

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 60 reads
9 / 22

"Bumper sticker mentality" for his likeminded vacuous Trump supporters with ADHD. That is "dog whistle code" for "Make America White Again," harkening  back to atavistic nostalgia for one of our most overrated ( & senile ) Presidents, Reagan.

GaG has one thing right: if you're a loser in this country, blame yourself & take personal responsibility for that; much opportunity to be had in this country. Otherwise, to what he's been saying lately on the board, FOS. If you don't know the meaning of that acronym, will supply it on request later.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 93 reads
10 / 22

...of your broad generalizations?  I'm surprised your fellow righty, JackDunphy, hasn't called you out for that - he sure is quick to point it out when I generalize that most cops are crooked (but that's true).

What are most Republicans - self-employed entrepreneurs?   Bwahahahaha - what a joke!!  Look in the mirror - you've got a job and you keep investing (gambling) in the stock market, hoping to make a killing.  You're no different than a horse player except you study P/E ratios rather than the DRF.

St. Croix 77 reads
11 / 22

It's called target marketing. They are core constituents of the Democratic Party. Just own it! Targeting these groups is not a problem, but charging them $30 for a hat is not being very sensitive to their economic condition. And maybe to them, America is not necessarily "Already Great".  

P.S. I didn't realize the 150 million Americans invested in the stock market are trying to make a killing. Many of them are your union brothers and sisters. Don't insult them. Give them a little more credit. They know what they are doing.
Posted By: BigPapasan
...of your broad generalizations?  I'm surprised your fellow righty, JackDunphy, hasn't called you out for that - he sure is quick to point it out when I generalize that most cops are crooked (but that's true).  
 What are most Republicans - self-employed entrepreneurs?   Bwahahahaha - what a joke!!  Look in the mirror - you've got a job and you keep investing (gambling) in the stock market, hoping to make a killing.  You're no different than a horse player except you study P/E ratios rather than the DRF.
-- Modified on 5/23/2016 12:17:27 PM

JackDunphy 71 reads
12 / 22

But you should now Jack never takes it up the ass. LOL

And didn't you hear? I stopped negotiating the hookers.  

Mari told me it places me in more legal jeopardy.

Would he lie? Lol

JackDunphy 75 reads
13 / 22

St C used a quantifier in "most." I don't know if that is a factual or not, but when you stoop to ALL cops are crooked, that is obviously a falsehood to any rationale and fair observer

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 100 reads
14 / 22

...at all?  "...150 million invested in the stock market..."  Obviously, you've seen figures that about 48-55% of Americans invest money in the stock market so you used your feeble math skills to multiply the U.S. population by that percentage to come up with "150 million."  Of course, you failed to realize that 55% of the ADULT POPULATION of the U.S. is far from 150 million.

Don't give up your day job (you can't afford to anyway), Mr. Wizard.




BigPapasan 3 Reviews 65 reads
15 / 22
mattradd 40 Reviews 104 reads
16 / 22

My hat would say 'American's still great, but needs some tweeting! Hard to fit that on a hat, and have someone, in a comfortable personal space distance, be able to read it. And no, the point Trump is making is not true. He's not saying lets make America greater.

And, I was not making a false dichotomy. You just chose, once again, to avoid the issue; my main point, of the hypocrisy many Republicans engage in. When discussing politics with Republicans, when they've expressed views on what and why America needs the change, I've never question their patriotism, or charged them with attacking American Exceptionalism. The same can't be said, the other way around. How do Republicans justify such a schizophrenic position?  ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 63 reads
17 / 22

is thankful when she mixes it up a bit with a new hairdo, and new outfits.

GaGambler 70 reads
18 / 22

She is now varying degrees of brown, which is fine by me.

JackDunphy 81 reads
19 / 22

...just a lowly Dean at JDU where I teach wayward John's to get laid at a more reasonable cost. Lol

Sue me.

JackDunphy 58 reads
20 / 22

And realize both sides do what you claim R's do.

I had the intellectual honesty to admit that.

Can you?

mattradd 40 Reviews 81 reads
21 / 22

around the schizophrenic, and hypocritical point of someone, on the right, believing our country is no longer great, and needing to change, while accusing another, on the left, of being unpatriotic, and/or attacking our country's exceptionalism, for calling for a need for change.

Keep dancing! It's really quite amusing!  ;)

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