Politics and Religion

But Obama has been a complete hypcrite on the issue.
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 265 reads

Why is it that Republicans don't even want to share what their policy should be?

DA_Flex321 reads

I would say that the increased partisanship, particularly during and after the Clinton years has done nothing but marginalized Congress and increased the Presidents ability to act unilaterally.  Congress has effectively reneged on its oversight responsibilities, because it's more important for the party in power (on both sides) to support whatever action the president wants to take.  The oversight that does occur, appears to be one-sided partisan hack parties that have more to do with political theater than improving our government.  I think the article is correct, when it pointed to the signing statements that GW bush was so fond of.  These signing statements have not basis in law or in our constitution.  If the Presidents objects to a law, he should get congress to change to or get the courts to invalidate it.  Each president builds up upon the excesses of the previous administration. It's the nature of the beast our our congress is to inept to do anything about it.

DA_Flex204 reads

I agree and believe signing statements have no basis.

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
That is IMMUTABLE.  
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